The Worst Thing About Final Fantasy Ever!?

♥Sayuri♥;418120 said:
That's why you equip one of your chars with a weapon that has the ability First Strike! If you're ambushed then you'll have the ability to attack first before it can attack you with Bad Breath.

Though I have to admit the status affects are AWFUL. I really wish too that you could replenish your HP/MP just by going to the save point and not having to use a Tent. I loved how it was set up in FFX that you just went to a save point and were automatically replenished of HP and MP loss. I also hate that if you're attacked with a status affect during battle and you win, even though you won you still have that damned affect on you next battle. It wasn't like that in FFX though. :P

Man, you think X's are bad? VIII's were like 100 times worse D:
Angry rant

Random encounters, unoriginal and boring storytelling, turn-based combat, unskippable cut-scenes, Aerith( I'm glad Sephiroth killed her), in short everything.
It's very annoying to me when I can't be my favourite character. Like in FFX I wanted to run around being Yuna, but I couldn't -__-
Also, random encouters.
VAAN...this guy is the worst thing about ff as a series and completly shows sqaure has had ideas of using a female lead character since ff6....he is most unseteling, what a dueche , he fights like a moron never doing anything but the most basic attacks with any weapon, the other characters in ff12 were ok but still lacked the base and depth of there counterparts in other ff games but to have the main lead character be such a complete waste of time.

In the past i have looked for things in the male lead chracter i would like to have about my self such as sqaulls loner attitude and clouds massive swords
but there is nothing about vaan that I as a big powerful human man can use except take him as an example of what not tobe: A girly man?

umm,just to elaborate thats not me saying vaan there's nothing wrong with that...phew....He's just a wuss, a really big wuss.
Random Battles while your lost can be annoying but also I kinda like them in a way as they level me up so I don't have to try to level up by just walking around aimlessly.

The worst thing in Final Fantasy starts with M and ends with alboros.
i completely agree. Malboros probably are the worst enemies in the world due to all the status effects they give. they were the worst in VIII! goddamn malboro tentacle collecting...other than that, i don't like the turn-based system, i prefer the active time battle system
first theff8 junction system, the game doesn't allow you to use the item command without a g.f ¿ are you kidding me ? ¿ they need a godlike beign junctioned to use a ·%$· potion ?
then, ffx. Tidus get a sword from auron, and he is almost mastered at the same level than him in therms of damage. its the fast way to be a swordmaster i saw, yo only wait that someone gives you a sword and then walla! you can beat everything

ffix bigheads design

ffviii and draw magic (but they are useless, so it doesnt count xD)

ffvii and the atemp of the square to keep creating characters in the cronology and extend more and more..

ff6 gau, its the worst character design ever

that are my top of the worst things
I don't know if other people have this problem, but the worst thing for me is it seems like whenever I do want a random encounter I don't get one, and whenever I don't want one I get one every three steps. But like others have said, I hate encounters when I am lost.
I find a lot of things that have been mentioned so far to be annoying, but one thing I'll add is the the berzerk status, combined with either confuse, blind or both.

If your entire party is berzerk'd, all you can do is sit and wait, and hope that things will turn out ok. With those other two statuses in the mix, your chances of getting through the battle decrease exponentially. The wait is sheer agony, especially if you know that you could end up being set back over an hour in terms of game play time.

Marlboros, boo!
Hahah, malboros are the worst, and the bad breath is killer. Status ailments do suck, but that is why I love ribbons. One other thing I hate, and its not the game's fault, I just hate fighting them, are tonberries. Those little guys are beasts. Morphing them in VII was great though.
when you want to get from A to B REALLY quick... Mosters just seem to bloody know your in a hurry and stop all the damn time! That for a slightly dirty disk sticking during a good cutscene...
Are you talking about something in-game that sucks? Because if you aren't I'm going to say I hate the "omg [insert FF title here] are teh greatest cuz its [insert FF title here] and yore stoopid cuz you disagree" crowds. (Usually, they're talking about FFVII.) They're actually why I kinda have something of a fear of other FF fans.

Otherwise, yeah, I'm gonna have to say random encounters.

Yup, those are the two biggest pet peeves of mine! Couldn't agree with your first point anymore LiquidEnergon. Seriously... annoying...

As for random encounters... I just found them to be extremely discouraging. And that meant saving and turning off the console, or shrugging and simply turning it off! And by the time I wasn't too annoyed to try again, the entire area looked the same, I forgot what I have previously done, or failed to do, and got even more confused! >_<
I hate that there is no way to know certain things about getting items or weapons or whatnot without using a guide. For instance the spear in XII or Steiners weapon in IX.

I hate not being able to skip cutscenes and summon scenes. I mean if youve died and this is the 4th time youve seen this scene it gets old. Summons too for the games that you cant turn the animations off.
hey to all those people here who are whinging about random encounters....get over it cause if you dont like beating the crap out of monster then what the hell are you doin playin' a FF game, i hate it when people miss the point entierly oh and another thing "worst thing" is the fact that chocobo racing stopped FFVII....the hell man!!!

needs a lot more swords guns hell just needs a lot of Weapons to do up and bits for them thats about it for me relly but over all its all good
hey to all those people here who are whinging about random encounters....get over it cause if you dont like beating the crap out of monster then what the hell are you doin playin' a FF game, i hate it when people miss the point entierly oh and another thing "worst thing" is the fact that chocobo racing stopped FFVII....the hell man!!!

Hold your tongue.

How long has the series been out for? How often have people been trying to get to places in the games, when they're thrown into an uneeded battle?

Too long, too often.

Random battles have been going on for years, so people have every right to get pissy/fed up.

Also, random battles dont make a final fantasy =D

As for chocobo racing stopping in VII...big deal? Did we see it in any other games? Nope, so, what's the problem? Maybe it was just an FFVII thing.
hey to all those people here who are whinging about random encounters....get over it cause if you dont like beating the crap out of monster then what the hell are you doin playin' a FF game, i hate it when people miss the point entierly oh and another thing "worst thing" is the fact that chocobo racing stopped FFVII....the hell man!!!

Buddy, anyone who has played through a single Final Fantasy game has every right to say it's annoying. Spending 60-70+ hours within a game, and dealing with 60-70+ hours of random encounters, especially when they're trying to accomplish something, in a hurry, or have failed to accomplish something more than once also have a right to complain. This is a "In your opinion..." type thread, which alone gives anyone the right to complain. Especially when they back their complaints/dislikes with an explanation.

An electronic role-playing game is a broad genre of video games. These games are originally derived from traditional role-playing games, especially Dungeons & Dragons, and use both the settings and game mechanics found in such games.
Typically, gameplay centers around one or more avatars, with quantized characteristics that evolve over the course of the game, and take the place of the gamer's own skill in determining the outcome of the actions taken by the player. These attributes are traditionally displayed to the player on a status screen as a numeric value, instead of a simpler abstract graphical representation, such as the bars and meters often favored by video games in general. Another common element in RPGs is a well-developed fictional setting.


(It seems you're missing the point of the game entirely. In the future, I don't recommend trying to tell people what's what when you're not even correct about what you're telling them.)

Granted, the next paragraph in this article mentions the appearance of monsters and enemies throughout the game, but it is not the main point of an RPG. Most people play RPG's for the highlighted reason above, not for fighting monsters. Though, they come hand in hand, and it's just as liked by some, if not most gamers. People play Final Fantasy because it's an RPG, not a FPS. Therefore, to complain about discouraging, and numerous random encounters, and how time consuming/frustrating/repetitive they can be, is fair enough.

And I'm assuming it's more of a pet peeve than absolute hate. Especially when the storyline is something the player has been engrossed by, or loves, and all the gamer can think about is what's going to happen next.

I find them discouraging at times, but all in all, I'll still spend the countless hours running around and waiting for those random encounters because it's progress through the game. And it is fun. It is another reason people play RPG's and FF games. But nonetheless, it can be annoying. It is repetitive. It is disliked.

But ultimately, to each their own.