Things FFVII characters would NEVER say.

Just a reminder, watch your words. Not watch like look but like don't say bad words...

Yazoo: Hi Brother!
Cloud: Hi Sister!

Nanaki/Red XIII: What the..?? My tail's on fire people!!

Vincent: I want to have children...
Cid: With who..?
Vincent: You idiot, Lucreccia!
Cid: Why can't you?
Vincent: She's dead, moron!
Cid: Oh so now I'm the moron! You had lots o' time Vince...
Just a reminder, watch your words. Not watch like look but like don't say bad words...

Yazoo: Hi Brother!
Cloud: Hi Sister!
That made me LOL, XD


Cloud: Now I remember that I've forgot to get meself a cellphone...! But, um... how is it that they work?
Vincent: You, moron! You can get one in... um... seems I don't have one either...
"After cloud beats JENOVA LIFE Tifa comforts him for his loss"

Tifa: Cloud I'm so sorry...
Tifa"hugs cloud and looks over his shoulder at Aerith"
Tifa:hehe.. he's mine now, PINKIE!
Cloud: what?
"After cloud beats JENOVA LIFE Tifa comforts him for his loss"

Tifa: Cloud I'm so sorry...
Tifa"hugs cloud and looks over his shoulder at Aerith"
Tifa:hehe.. he's mine now, PINKIE!
Cloud: what?

PINKIE!! HAHAHA! :wacky:

Cloud: I wanna get an afro.


*final battle between Sephiroth and Cloud*

Sephiroth: ... That's a very bid sword you have......

*runs away*

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umm im just going to add final fantasy 8 characters in

Cloud and tifa: meets squall and rinoa

Cloud and tifa*bump into Squall and rinoa*
rinoa to tifa you b%^$h
rinoa *sees cloud* *flys in the air*
tifa to rinoa language you B%^$&
tifa*sees squall oh then ses rinoa hes mine b%^&h slaps*
*Cloud falls into Aerith's Church*
Aerith: Déjà vu!?!?

Makes sense:lol:

Okay lessee...

Vincent: Tifa, can I have red wine?
Tifa: One "Red Wine" coming right up!
*Moment later*
Vincent: It's so sour... And so red... What the..? Tifa, is that blood?
Tifa: Yes.
Vincent: What... Er... Who's blood is this?
Tifa: I don't think you want to know... Why aren't you drinking it?
Vincent: ... ... Because I only like Sephiroth's blood, muahahaha!
Vincent- "Sephiroth...I'm your daddy. You're my test tube baby. So dont kill Cloud. He's my best mate"

Aerith- *whilst everyone is mourning* "April Fool! I'm not dead!"

Cloud- "Tifa...those jeans are HAWT!"

Tifa- "Cloud...please tell me thats your sword poking my bum"

Red XIII "I'm a talking dog with my tail on fire...WOOHOO!"

Barret- Whilst pissing in the tiolet "AHH, I just blew my dick off. Fucking gun hand"

Cait Sith- "I keep whipping myself with my tail...and i like it :D"

Sephiroth- "I've thought of a wonderful gift for you cloud...a PONY!!!"
Sephiroth: Yeah uhh....I want a Baconator. Hold the cheese. a Frosty.
Man: Alright. Drive on up to the window that'll be $4.95.
Sephiroth: Sure thing, handsome. ;)