Things from earlier games that you wish were in later games


Throwing rocks at emo kids
Jan 21, 2007
The Land of the Summons
What "things" from the earlier Final Fantasy games do you wish were in the later games. It doesn't necessarily have to be from the classic games. If there was something in VIII that you would have like to have see in later games you can talk about that.

For me, I wish the crystals were in the later games in some form. Not necessarily where you have to save the four crystals. It could be like in VI where the espers became crystals or in VII where materia was in the form of crystals.

Also, the crystal music in the preludes! Although I am a bit torn on this one because I do really like the music that plays on IX's load screen.

Am I the only one who misses dancers? I think the last game they appeared in some form was in VII in the Wall Market. Could be wrong on that. They could have created some very humorous situations in VIII, IX(were they in this game?) and especially X. In X everyone in that world seemed to be on the same side with the exception of Seymore and some of the maestros. It would have been interesting if there was a town kind of like Las Vegas sort of place where most people didn't care about Sin and pilgrimages and the citizens were basically "heretics". How would the characters react if a dancer approached Tidus, Wakka, and Auron? It would be really funny to see Wakka's reaction.

I also loved Moombas in VIII! I wish they carried over into later games because they were so cute.
I totally agree with the humorous situations detail. FFVIII had absolutely NONE of those. But I was actually so happy to see moogles return in FFIX.

Did FFVIII even have moogles???
How could I forgotten about flying the airship! And I also miss the world map. With out the world map, the entire world seems like it's in one straight line.

Also, X didn't have the song "Ahead on Our Way" in the credits or anywhere else in the game. I've always loved that song so I missed that.

How about dungeons? I kind of miss those, but they wouldn't make any sense in the more recent titles unless they were jails or something like that.
I miss the World Map too. Ever since they started FFX, your characters cannot freely explore the world, and I mean to actually walk on the lands. FFX, FFX-2, and FFXII doesn't give you that option.

Instead, they choose what area you have to go to next as part of the storyline and shows you exactly where it is. Whereas in the previous games, you actually have to explore the continents for a bit in order to find the next area that you're supposed to be heading to.
I totally agree with the humorous situations detail. FFVIII had absolutely NONE of those. But I was actually so happy to see moogles return in FFIX.

Did FFVIII even have moogles???
Yeah they are there but you have to hunt for them. You get the Mini-Mog GF Card for Triple Triad and originaly there was gonna be a command called Mog where you called one in battle similar to a GF, but it must've gotten taken out from the finished game yet if you use cheat codes you can get the Item that allowes you to lear the ability.

As for what I want; Airship, World Map, Moombas, and PUBS!!!
Pub's were always a great place to gather info in the earlier games and such, they need to come back as a regular occarance in the game.
World map
4 person parties, Damn FFVII for not having them! (I always like to have one person doing solely healing magics and 3 people isnt enough to do that for me >.<)
Controllable airship. That and characters having full names. I hate that FFX didn't give their characters full names. They didn't even let you rename them... and there were still no full names. Grrrrrrr....
I didn't notice they had no last names. But yeah, i miss that too, Its not like your characters are like the animals they kill... They should be like normal people, with histories, family names, and freinds. Boo to poor character development!
Awe, you guys are making me nostalgic!

Yes, pubs definently. I used to love those in the earlier games. Was there any in IX?

And yes, four people in your party. That way it is more pratical to have one character be you healer. Also, give white mages/healers good attacks! Rosa in IV was a white mage and she was also an archer. And if you gave her the right arrows she would do more damage that Cecil. I can understand black mages not having a good attack because their magic generally does the most damage.

Also, have the black mages be the summoners. Usually I need the white mages to be using their turn to heal and not be summoning.

I also miss red mages. They were like the awesome characters at the begining of the game.

Also, the more traditional chocobo music. Some of the newer versions just sound awful. Also, make chocobo's mandatory in some parts of the game like in IV, V and VII where at one point you had to ride a chocobo just to continue the story.
Chocobo music! I almost forgot. I miss it... Yeah, and mandantory chocobo rides. I never used them untill i found out about them, now i take every chance i get. Damn the lack of controlable transport!
The closest thing FFX had to a dungeon was the Omega Ruins.
In fact...I think that does count as a dungeon.

And you're right, I highly dislike the inability to see and fly over the world map.
How about actually having to equip armor? Like body, head, feet, arms. And Shields also came in handy because you characters could actually block attacks.
FFXI has most of the stuff everyone wants.

I'd like to see the gunblade in more of the upcoming FF's. I think thats got to be the coolest idea for a weapon ever!
FFXI is an online game though. =x
Some people don't want to pay monthly fees to play their favorite game...which we've all been supporting since we were first introduced to the series. lol.
These last few FFs are making a big stretch if you ask me. =x

And you're right. As much as I disliked FFXII, it had some alright dungeons...but nothing with any mystery to it.
FFXI has most of the stuff everyone wants.

I'd like to see the gunblade in more of the upcoming FF's. I think thats got to be the coolest idea for a weapon ever!

Ugh, I thought the Gunblade was the most impractical weapon SE have ever designed, on par with Cloud and Sephiroth's swords. I honestly can't imagine how you'd possibley hold any of them.

I miss the armour customisation. FFX had a weapon and a shield upgrade ... greeeeat. I think it would be cool if it were cross of FFIX and FFXI. You can learn abilities from the weapons and armour, but when you wear them, your outfit also changes.
the fact that the sidequests in ffx and ff12 are better than the main game :(
i consantly get ridiculed by all my friends( becasue they all only played X and up) but i think they should just go back to how it originally was, like how the old ones had a midevil feel to them where these newer ones are set in a futuristic setting. i hope they take things back to the way they were