Thoughts of an Old-School FF and Square Player


Chocobo Breeder
Aug 22, 2007
In a house
Hi everyone. I've been playing the FF series since it's very first incarnation on the 8-bit NES (Famicom) system and have been with the series and other Squaresoft (now Square-Enix) for literally most of my life. I have seen the FF series grow from a rather basic, D&D inspired level-grinder into a platform for magnificent storytelling and cutting edge graphics.

However, I did not come here to heap Square with praise. Quite the contrary, I've come to express how utterly disgusted I am with them and how I feel that they have become a company who exploits it's adoring fan base for profit, and who's products have taken a severe dip in quality in terms of storytelling and the use of compelling (and even controversial) themes.

Once upon a time I would of never found myself writing this. I would of been beaming with joy at all the amazing games that Square was producing, games like FF6, Crono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, FF7, FF Tactics, and Xenogears. But slowly, insidiously, something went terribly wrong. For me it all started with FF8. Whereas FF7 was a game which pushed taboos (such as your main characters being a group of eco-terrorists, something which hardly any game company these days would have the chutzpah to do) FF8 seemed to avoid these taboos altogether, instead favouring a more teen-friendly approach. (Also note the disparity between the characters Cloud and Squall. Despite their similiar names they are quite different. Cloud is angry for a reason, whereas Squall is merely an unlikeable jerk.) FF9 was a breath of fresh air, as I appreciated the light-hearted nature of it's characters and environment, and the gameplay, although traditional, was to me much more fun than what 8 had to offer.

Then came FFX.

Where do I begin? The insipid, moronic characters? The dull, meandering plotline? Ultra-linear (even tunnel like) area design? How about the atrocious English voice overs, a glaring hack job if ever there was one? The game has one redeeming quality, and that's the graphics. Otherwise it heralded the death of a franchise and the beginning of something new, something dreadful...

I will not even go into further detail into the mess that is FFX and it's horrific sequel, FFX2. Nor will I talk about FFXI, the uninspired online grind-fest that is Square's attempt at making a mark in the MMO arena. (I will however mention that their decision to force players into paying for extra character slots, seeing as that you initially only have one, is exploitation at it's most blatant.) Instead I will turn my ire towards Advent Children, the CG movie which sought to tell the story of what happens on Planet after the events which transpire at the end of FF7.

Now if Squaresoft is one thing, it is this - They have mastered the art of CG. Advent Children is oozing with visual quality. It is a stunning display of graphical prowess and a treat for the eyes. As a movie and a as a successor to the crazy storyline of FF7, however, it fails on pretty much every level. The movie was nothing more than fan-boy gratification and an insult to my love of the source material from which it is made. "Oh look, there's Yuffie! Was that Aeris's hand I just saw?!?! Wow, Vincent looks SO cool!" That is about the extent of what the movie has to offer. It's crap, pure and simple. Uninspired, unintelligent (and unintelligible) crap which serves no purpose other than to fatten Square-Enix's collective wallet.

Where else has the series gone in recent years... well there was Crystal Chronicles, the god awful spin-off on Gamecube which tried to emulate the action-RPG formula of Seiken Densetsu but added several design features which rendered it well-nigh unplayable, except for the most die hard of masochists. (Trust me, I tried to get through that game using a room mate's copy and gave up in disgust.) Then there were those several GBA ports of FF classics, unforgivably lazy products which did nothing but take old, beloved games and re-sell them for an easy profit. In some respects they were even worse than the cartridges from which the code was taken. Square didn't even have the time (or money, apparently, what a joke) to update the graphics on these titles, as they did for the DS release of FF3. Not even FF classics are save from the rampaging money machine it seems.

FF12 in some ways has made up for this terrible new legacy although in other ways it failed miserably. Strong characters and their development have always been the heart and soul of the franchise and unfortunately FF12 has little to no character development, despite it being the longest FF game thus far. Although it does try to re-capture (to some success) the convoluted politics and backstabbing of FF Tactics, another game also set in the world of Ivalice, it does so at the price of good characterization. We learn very little of these people and their histories, their motives, their hopes and dreams... Remember FF6, with it's motley cast of characters, the largest in any FF game to date? (Except for Tactics, of course.) That game packed more backstory for all 12 of them then FF12 does for it's cast, which is only half the number! And FF7, 8, and 9 all boasted excellent characer development (I know I admitted early on to not liking 8 that much but I certainly can appreciate it's strong points.) To me 12 only feels like half a FF game. The gameplay, storyline, graphics and voice acting are all top notch, but the characters lack the soul of older games in the series. But at least they're nothing like that bunch from X and X-2. Yuna, a pop singer. Really Square, what is your major malfunction?

In conclusion, I'd just like to point out that I've been a long time Square devotee and the company sure has made alot of money of my patronage alone. To think of millions of others like myself who have helped that company grow from it's humble beginnings into the giant it is today is kind of scary. Scary because it's not a benevolent giant. It's an arrogant, swollen behemoth so sure of the selling power of it's licenses that it will circumvent all of the things that made it's flagship series so great in the first place in favour of watered down trite and PEOPLE WILL STILL BUY IT. As the gaming consumer it is our responsibility to send a message to the companies whose products we purchase. Yet so long as people continue to mindlessly buy up any drivel that a publisher decides to put on the market said publisher will continue to get away with it. It sickens and saddens me to see things come down to this but these are the observations of years worth of experience and gaming. Square-Enix is guilty of exploitation and god help me if people aren't shelling out big dollars and taking it with a smile.
I've just got to say; I agree with you on pretty much every point there. Though I only started from FFVII, which is definitely the pinnacle of the series for me, it sickens me to see that Square have become so complacent in the fact that they have such a loyal fan base who will lap up whatever is thrown their way that they now just put out half-hearted attempts at a game and market it in a pretty package. I.e. FFXII. Great story, innovative gameplay, fantastic graphics, interesting characters and yet there's still something missing. Character interaction and the development of their relationships was sorely missed, which drove me away from it (that, and I'm not a fan of the new battle system).
The compilation of FFVII is clearly just another money-spinner for the franchise, which it has sadly become. It is nice to see a bit more into the character's history and stuff like that, but they aren't going about it in the best way. That said, I'm still looking forward to Crisis Core. Zack's story is one of the biggest 'mysteries', if you will, left in FFVII now.

To me, it's all Enix's fault. Before the merge, Square were pulling great games out of their arse. But ever since they became SE, they seem to have lost their way. It's like Enix have contaminated a young company with great potential.
Phew. Thank goodness the first reply was a good one. ( I don't mind if people disagree with what I said but I was honestly expecting to get flamed right off the bat. ) Actually I just wanted to say that Square and Enix go back to the 8-bit days as competitors in the RPG market. Enix is responsible for the Dragon Quest series, which rivals the popularity of FF in Japan. They also published alot of other RPG titles such as Illusion of Gaia and Robotrek on the SNES (both good games in their own right.) So in many ways the merger made alot of sense - two of the biggest names in console RPG development joining forces to create newer and better games. Unfortunately, Squaresoft has not been living up to their end of the bargain in many respects. I absolutely adored the last Dragon Quest game to come out on PS2 (part 8, Tale of the Cursed King I believe it's called). It stays true to the series' roots as a light-hearted romp through a magical land.. there's no pretense involved, just good unadulterated old-skool rpg fun. FF, on the other hand, has a much loftier pedigree to maintain, particularly in the story-telling department. I blame Square, and not Enix, for everything that's happened to FF in recent years.
I have to say I agree with just about most things you said apart from Final Fantasy VIII as I did enjoy it. For me, Final Fantasy IX was the last good one (and best in my opinion).

Final Fantasy VII is great in my opinion but I am trying so hard to keep liking it. Not because of the game itself, but more the FFVII related games after it. FFVII had a great story, well developed characters and a fantastic ending which got people asking questions but now they are just throwing everything FFVII in our faces and I have not liked anything related to FFVII - Apart from the original game. I also agree with Pooley that I think it is more than a coincidence that majority of poor FF games have come after Square and Enix merged. I like just about every FF game before Square Enix (Except for FFX as I have a strong dislike for that game and was the last typical FF game developed by Square).

I think the fact that they keep making all these sequels/spin offs/compilations etc is what is annoying me. FFX-2 was cringeworthy at best. I can't play that game with a straight face or even take it seriously as a game as it is just, bad. FFX, in my opinion was not good enough. Annoying protagonist (His voice and personality) pissed me off a lot but I can appreciate that the game had an excellent ending. Then comes FFX-2...

FFXI - "Yay, another FF game I can't wait for". (after reading the full article) "Wait, I have to pay?"

Yes, that truly sucked balls that you had to pay to play the "next" installment in the Final Fantasy series. I have now actually played the game for myself and do not think it should bear the traditional Roman Numeral title with the rest. If they place FFXI among the main series then I don't see why FFTactics, Mystic Quest etc should not be among the main series (NOTE: I am not saying I want FFT, MQ etc to be among the main series, I'm just pointing out that they probably deserve to be in with the rest if FFXI is there.)

Finally FFXII, I am not going to go into too much detail as to why I hate this game as I think I have made myself clear on various occasions so I don't want to repeat myself but I'll just say that again with FFXII - I think I would 'slightly' appreciate this game more if it was not amongst the main series as it just completely reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics (Therefore, I think it should be in with the 'Final Fantasy Tactics' series).

Anyway, like you I am not that impressed with any recent installments of the franchise and I am worried about the 2 compilations (FFVII and FFXIII) as FFVII compilation has already been dreadful but it is suppose to last for another 10 years whereas the Fabula Nova Crystallis hasn't been proven yet. And besides, I still prefer the FF titles as one title, then fucking off to working on a new world, characters etc unrelated to the previous installment but those days now seem gone. After this, I so feel like playing Final Fantasy IX again as that is probably one of the best yet unappreciated game of the franchise.
I don't like the direction square has been going either. They're making to many remakes and sequals imo. Oh and Dragon Quest is actually more popular then FF in Japan.
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Well, mousebiscuit, your post was a very interesting read. I agree that Square has been milking FFVII to death with half-assed spinoffs, which I think is an insult to a great game. I totally agree with you that FF X-2 totally ruined a marvelous character like Yuna which I love (like you can tell from my username). However, I don't agree with your opinion about FFX. I actually think it has a very good storyline and endearing characters. It touches upon things like war, loss, tragedy, and love. I think it's a game that has a lot to offer in the story department. That's just my opinion though.
I suppose the reason I had such a problem with FFX's storyline is that I couldn't help but compare it to older Squaresoft games and therefore found it lacking. What you say is true, though... it does touch upon those themes. However, I didn't feel as though it did nearly as a good a job of that as earlier games in the series. Probably what killed it the most though was the voice acting. Regardless of how far I got into the game I couldn't get myself to like Tidus at all, and Wakka talked like he had been hit in the head with a blitzball one too many times. Yuna was the most likeable character in the game IMO and her Funeral Ritual was a high point for me, but there still wasn't enough going on with the over all quest to really draw me in, particularly if you were to compare it to say, FF 6, which has a scope so epic few games to this day can match it.
Well, the only scene where the voice acting irked me to no end was the laughing scene in Luca. Even I, an FFX fan, think that moment should've never existed. But Tidus' narrrating parts were pretty cool.
As for older FFs having a better story than FFX, well I don't agree. It may be the case of VI (because I hear nothing but praise for it, so its plot must be really good), but it's certainly not the case with FFI, FFII, or even FFV. These games didn't have a bad plot but it wasn't as developed FFX's.
I suppose the reason I had such a problem with FFX's storyline is that I couldn't help but compare it to older Squaresoft games and therefore found it lacking. What you say is true, though... it does touch upon those themes. However, I didn't feel as though it did nearly as a good a job of that as earlier games in the series. Probably what killed it the most though was the voice acting. Regardless of how far I got into the game I couldn't get myself to like Tidus at all, and Wakka talked like he had been hit in the head with a blitzball one too many times. Yuna was the most likeable character in the game IMO and her Funeral Ritual was a high point for me, but there still wasn't enough going on with the over all quest to really draw me in, particularly if you were to compare it to say, FF 6, which has a scope so epic few games to this day can match it.
Seriously, we need more members like you.
I was happy with the story from FFX. Sure it wasn't brilliant, but it sufficed to keep you interested enough to finish the game. The voices didn't bother me too much. But then again, that kind of thing is only a minor extra in a game to me. I'm more bothered about how the character actually comes across than how they sound. The big let down with FFX was undoubtedly the maps. I missed the world map to explore, and the mini-map in the corner made exploration too easy. The environments were stunning enough, but were too linear; you couldn't stray far as all paths led to the same goal.
And if ANY game in the series deserves a remake, it's definitely FFVI. The only things that keep me from having that as my favourite are the graphics (I know, shallow) and the lack of enough side-quests.
Seriously, we need more members like you.
I was happy with the story from FFX. Sure it wasn't brilliant, but it sufficed to keep you interested enough to finish the game. The voices didn't bother me too much. But then again, that kind of thing is only a minor extra in a game to me. I'm more bothered about how the character actually comes across than how they sound. The big let down with FFX was undoubtedly the maps. I missed the world map to explore, and the mini-map in the corner made exploration too easy. The environments were stunning enough, but were too linear; you couldn't stray far as all paths led to the same goal.
And if ANY game in the series deserves a remake, it's definitely FFVI. The only things that keep me from having that as my favourite are the graphics (I know, shallow) and the lack of enough side-quests.

FFVI should get a remake. FFIV deserves it as well as both games have very unique and memorable characters which are among the best in the FF franchise (Cecil, Kain, Rosa, Locke, Shadow, Edgar, Setzer.. The list goes on). And both have great plots, particularly FFVI but FFIV will have a bigger plot that will be added from the original script. Also, Kefka is one of the best villains. The fact he didn't have some cruel past that has led for his action that you would feel sorry for, he was just one evil bastard. Who can forget his laugh? Sticks in my head. :D

Anyway, FFX felt so enclosed because you where basically going from A to B. I like having the freedom to be out on the World Map leveling up then fly to where I want. I just love having the freedom of the World Map, and besides the World Map was always the best place to level up. It was also good in some games discovering hidden islands not on the map. I doubt it will come back but it is sorely missed.
Well, the only scene where the voice acting irked me to no end was the laughing scene in Luca. Even I, an FFX fan, think that moment should've never existed. But Tidus' narrrating parts were pretty cool.
As for older FFs having a better story than FFX, well I don't agree. It may be the case of VI (because I hear nothing but praise for it, so its plot must be really good), but it's certainly not the case with FFI, FFII, or even FFV. These games didn't have a bad plot but it wasn't as developed FFX's.

Yea that scene was embarrassing.

I wasn't really referring that far back though... FF 1-5 saw the series going through most of it's major developments but none of it culminated til VI was released. It was the pinnacle of 16-bit gaming and set the tone for Square games to come in terms of quality. It was a masterpiece of it's console just as FF 7, 8, and 9 were masterpieces for the PSOne. (true I didn't like 8 so much but that doesn't make it a bad game.)

One of their most impressive games plot-wise to ever come out is Xenogears. If you haven't played that game before, well, it is an absolutely mind blowing saga, and set the bar for video game storylines. However despite owning the Xenogears license Squaresoft never made a sequel to the game. Instead Tetsuya Takahashi, writer and director of Xenogears, made the Xenosage trilogy with Monolith Software. All three of these games are available for the PS2 and showcase Takahashi-san's incredibly deep and philosophical writing style. He denies to this day that Xenosaga is a prequel to Xenogears although the allusions to Xenogears are undeniable.

The only reason I mention all this is because Xenogears, to me, represented a time when the boundaries of what was considered the norm in video games were being pushed and a medium that was thought by the majority as nothing more than a time-wasting diversion for kids was proving itself to be a true form of artistic expression. Squaresoft was not afraid to make games that were challenging on an intellectual level even as they stimulated the eye. I simply do not see this in any Square titles these days, or most video games in general. It makes me wonder what went wrong.
I must say that I too, a hardcore FF fan agreed with you on almost every point. The main series HAVE been going downwards since FFVII with awfully stupid spin-offs like X-2 and XI (I know it was not a spin-off but I'm thinking the same way as you do). However, just as Summoner Yuna said, I disagree with you about FFX, I think it really has different characters, very good capturing story and wonderful gameplay. Your point about the map layout was true though. I mean, Square was amazingly stupid just throwing in one spread out area in the game (Calm Lands) and stuffing it up with stupid mini games. If you go back to games like IX Even the citys was bigger than most FFX areas. Very bad Square.

I actually would like Square to start making those old classic style games again (I do NOT want any remakes though) with okay graphic, amazing characters, story, gameplay and so on.

There, my point made.
Actually Square were doing pretty well as a company before VII came out. They had many successful titles on the SNES including Crono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, and Secret of Mana (Seiken Densetsu 2 in Japan.)

However they made a huge gamble with FF VII, and were also faced with the difficult decision of staying with Nintendo and developing on the N64 console or jumping ship to make games with Sony.

After choosing Sony because of the PsOne's CD based medium they poured vast amounts of money and resources into the development of VII. It was the most daring and expensive game of it's time, boasting the best (and largest amount) of CG cutscenes anyone had ever seen in a game.

And it was a huge success. The rest is video game history.
Excellent, excellent quote sir. Not only did you manage to point out the major flaws present in SE, but you did so in a very intelligent and well-spoken manner. I thought most of our kind had died off long ago.

Then came FFX.

Where do I begin? The insipid, moronic characters? The dull, meandering plotline? Ultra-linear (even tunnel like) area design? How about the atrocious English voice overs, a glaring hack job if ever there was one? The game has one redeeming quality, and that's the graphics. Otherwise it heralded the death of a franchise and the beginning of something new, something dreadful...

Can't say i fully agree with you here, i thought X's story was pretty good, especially since it tackled a religious hypocrisy that mirrored the Catholic Church, the religious persecution of the Al Bhed and the issue of blind faith with Wakka.

I do agree with you on characters though, i thought that Lulu was the only good character in the game. Everyone always praises Auron, and yes, he is a badass, but his character is completely one-dimensional. I probably would like Tidus better if it wasn't for his whiny voice actor.

And i thought it perfected the battle system. Yes, it went slower, but i liked being able to switch my characters in and out in the midst of battle (it just seemed more realistic), and i like how it told you on the right side of the screen all the turns, it gave you time to plan out a good strategy.

Now if Squaresoft is one thing, it is this - They have mastered the art of CG. Advent Children is oozing with visual quality. It is a stunning display of graphical prowess and a treat for the eyes. As a movie and a as a successor to the crazy storyline of FF7, however, it fails on pretty much every level. The movie was nothing more than fan-boy gratification and an insult to my love of the source material from which it is made. "Oh look, there's Yuffie! Was that Aeris's hand I just saw?!?! Wow, Vincent looks SO cool!" That is about the extent of what the movie has to offer. It's crap, pure and simple. Uninspired, unintelligent (and unintelligible) crap which serves no purpose other than to fatten Square-Enix's collective wallet.
AC is a gigantic mess. The "story" AC contains is just one big cliche. A villain who we saw was obviously killed back in VII is recreated thanks to some more generic, androgynous anime characters. They summon another fucked up looking Bahamut (notice how Bahamut's image has been getting worse and worse since X?) and then a climactic aerial fight scene. The only good thing about AC (aside from the superb graphics) is the soundtrack, which i thought was awesome.

FF12 in some ways has made up for this terrible new legacy although in other ways it failed miserably. Strong characters and their development have always been the heart and soul of the franchise and unfortunately FF12 has little to no character development, despite it being the longest FF game thus far. Although it does try to re-capture (to some success) the convoluted politics and backstabbing of FF Tactics, another game also set in the world of Ivalice, it does so at the price of good characterization. We learn very little of these people and their histories, their motives, their hopes and dreams... Remember FF6, with it's motley cast of characters, the largest in any FF game to date? (Except for Tactics, of course.) That game packed more backstory for all 12 of them then FF12 does for it's cast, which is only half the number! And FF7, 8, and 9 all boasted excellent characer development (I know I admitted early on to not liking 8 that much but I certainly can appreciate it's strong points.) To me 12 only feels like half a FF game. The gameplay, storyline, graphics and voice acting are all top notch, but the characters lack the soul of older games in the series. But at least they're nothing like that bunch from X and X-2. Yuna, a pop singer. Really Square, what is your major malfunction?
XII is an even bigger mess than AC. The locals are amazing, but i found the game to mostly fail at everything. Character development is non-existent, the gambit system is nice but it's just a gimmick (and doesn't work half the time, often i find my characters not doing ANY actions when they have gambits set and turned on). The bazaar system is needlessly complicated, and while i was at first excited to hear that they were going to do a politically-driven plot, it falls short of what Tactics achieved. I found the espers to have more backstory than any of the characters, and i really wish SE had made them more central to the story.

I also found it idiotic how whenever Ashe saw her vision and followed it, everyone would just tag along behind her. Like at Giruvegan when Balthier warns everyone to not go in lest they end up like Cid, Ashe sees the vision and walks right on in. Do they ever stop her, or try to warn her, or for once consider that she's simply crazy? Yes, Vaan saw the vision the first time or two, but after that he never saw it again, so common sense would dictate that Ashe was just losing her mind.

In conclusion, I'd just like to point out that I've been a long time Square devotee and the company sure has made alot of money of my patronage alone. To think of millions of others like myself who have helped that company grow from it's humble beginnings into the giant it is today is kind of scary. Scary because it's not a benevolent giant. It's an arrogant, swollen behemoth so sure of the selling power of it's licenses that it will circumvent all of the things that made it's flagship series so great in the first place in favour of watered down trite and PEOPLE WILL STILL BUY IT. As the gaming consumer it is our responsibility to send a message to the companies whose products we purchase. Yet so long as people continue to mindlessly buy up any drivel that a publisher decides to put on the market said publisher will continue to get away with it. It sickens and saddens me to see things come down to this but these are the observations of years worth of experience and gaming. Square-Enix is guilty of exploitation and god help me if people aren't shelling out big dollars and taking it with a smile.
If Sakaguchi was still with Square i'm sure it would be a benevolent giant, however, since Enix has merged with it and most of the original Square team has left, all Enix has done is use Square's good name to whore out VII and make mediocre games. All these sequels and spin-offs are blatant money schemes, but as i said in another thread, we have shallow gamers today who will buy anything that's pretty, whether it's shite or not.

And i am NOT looking forward to XIII one bit. Not only do they have it split up to tell two sides of the same story or whatever the gimmick is, but they want to make it to where you can play what you saw in AC, i.e. a Devil May Cry ripoff.

I heard someone call Square Enix the EA of RPGs, they make good, generic, safe RPGs but dont make great ones.
I'd have to agree with you on most of your points. For me, IX was the last great Final Fantasy game. X was fun to play but I don't think I'll be replaying it. XII I couldn't even finish nor do I even care what happends. I'm not sure if I'm even going to bother with XIII.

As for the characters in XII, I read this really funny review that said something about that.

FFXII review said:
If it was Square's intention to make a game about six people whose relationships to each other don't develop in any way, then they succeeded.

I agree with Advent Children. I can't believe how fanboys and fangirls praise that movie like it's the best thing ever. I think they should have left VII as it was and not create all these ridiculous sequels and prequels.
If Sakaguchi was still with Square i'm sure it would be a benevolent giant, however, since Enix has merged with it and most of the original Square team has left, all Enix has done is use Square's good name to whore out VII and make mediocre games. All these sequels and spin-offs are blatant money schemes, but as i said in another thread, we have shallow gamers today who will buy anything that's pretty, whether it's shite or not.

I agree Enix doesn't give a fuck about the FF legacy and it's just they're whore now.
Yea that scene was embarrassing.

I wasn't really referring that far back though... FF 1-5 saw the series going through most of it's major developments but none of it culminated til VI was released. It was the pinnacle of 16-bit gaming and set the tone for Square games to come in terms of quality. It was a masterpiece of it's console just as FF 7, 8, and 9 were masterpieces for the PSOne. (true I didn't like 8 so much but that doesn't make it a bad game.)

One of their most impressive games plot-wise to ever come out is Xenogears. If you haven't played that game before, well, it is an absolutely mind blowing saga, and set the bar for video game storylines. However despite owning the Xenogears license Squaresoft never made a sequel to the game. Instead Tetsuya Takahashi, writer and director of Xenogears, made the Xenosage trilogy with Monolith Software. All three of these games are available for the PS2 and showcase Takahashi-san's incredibly deep and philosophical writing style. He denies to this day that Xenosaga is a prequel to Xenogears although the allusions to Xenogears are undeniable.

The only reason I mention all this is because Xenogears, to me, represented a time when the boundaries of what was considered the norm in video games were being pushed and a medium that was thought by the majority as nothing more than a time-wasting diversion for kids was proving itself to be a true form of artistic expression. Squaresoft was not afraid to make games that were challenging on an intellectual level even as they stimulated the eye. I simply do not see this in any Square titles these days, or most video games in general. It makes me wonder what went wrong.

I so totally agree with you. I've always believed that great storytelling shouldn't be only left for books and movies.
Rydia;196865[COLOR=#00ff00 said:
I agree with Advent Children. I can't believe how fanboys and fangirls praise that movie like it's the best thing ever. I think they should have left VII as it was and not create all these ridiculous sequels and prequels.[/COLOR]
I couldn't agree more. The compilation has ravaged the original game, and is killing people's imagination of what may or may not have happened after the game. The compilation makes it nigh impossible to write a fanfic based on FFVII now.
I couldn't agree more. The compilation has ravaged the original game, and is killing people's imagination of what may or may not have happened after the game. The compilation makes it nigh impossible to write a fanfic based on FFVII now.

Also, AC gave birth to the dreaded emo Cloud. Sure he existed before AC, but now it's like the fanfiction version of him came to life and it's in almost every fanfic now.
Well I suppose that all depends on the author's version of Cloud. I always wrote him as a strong character in my own fics, with a hint of sorrow.

I blame SE for my lack of ability to write a good fanfic now. :monster: