Title of the 7th Harry Potter Book!

This thread was made strictly for what you THINK is going to happen to the book. It was NOT made for you to put down Harry Potter. This thread was for the fans and fans only, not for people who disregard this series. I would appreciate it if you'd take your thrashing towards Harry Potter elsewhere...Thank You

Never said it did, but thanks for the large text anyway. Really drove the lesson home and made me learn my lesson.

I never said it was crap or bad anyway, the books are quite enjoyable but do not for me live up to the massive hype they generate when compared to other stuff so it was more of a light slapping than a thrashing at the very best.

But anyhoo, Harry may die since that's what has been hinted at for a couple of years but will probably not happen or will be resurrected to make it a happy ending, mostly since it's a children's book so ending it on that sort of tone would disappoint a fair few of her audience after following her books for so long.
I think its a book for all ages, not just kids.

There is so many things that will have to be mentionted so this will leave the readers satisfied and not having more empty feelings.

I've been wondering, you know about that thing where they say the first from the table is the frist to die? Well, Dumbledore did, and look what happened to him. The reason this concerns me though, is because Lupin was the first to rise. Thati means he may have a good chance of dieing. I for one, like Lupin and hopes he dont die! Anybody else fell the same?
As awful as it sounds, I have a feeling that Lupin will die. I also have a feeling that Arthur Weasley may as well...I don't want to think about either of them dying, but after the surprises JK has thrown at us, I wouldn't put it past her to do so. I know awhile back I was reading some stuff she had written about writing the 7th book and she had already written one of the character's deaths...So yeah, I don't know :(
No more Quidditch? ;_;

I'm in the camp that thinks the final battle will take place in Godric's Hollow. It started there, and it'll end there. Wouldn't those be great bookends?

And how is Rowling going to have time to fit a wedding into all this?!
This year, kids. This year, Rowling releases the book. Good! The fifth movie and the seventh book. Sweet ... I look forward to the book a little bit more.

Thanks for the info, LA!
Today will be the biggest year for HP fans! Yay J.K rolling. I think the book is gonna come out 07-07-07. So the movie company can cash in on the Hp hype.

Scrutator, I love you avatar. I bought a action figure of him today.
That'd be strange. 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year in the 21st century ...
Not eactly. If you remeber, the number 7 is important in HP's world. Besides, I dont think they would want to break what they have done with all the other books and not realse in the summer, on a saturday, when everyone is off from work and has time to read.
i hope the last book lives up to its expectations eveybody wants the last to be the best and so do i , i hope jk rowling doesnt dissapoint harry potter fans at the end
Guys! You're never gonna believe this, but may as well try!

Guys! You're never gonna believe this, but may as well try!


well thats not exactly good news i mean its coming so early and its the last so that means after july 21 i wont be waiting for another harry potter book thats so sad
theres no other series that can replace harry potter so which book am i going to read as a replacment for harry potter