Top 6 most disliked FF characters

Vaan: Just didnt liek him at all. He was just useless. Ok so he was good in battle, but personality wise, he needed a smack

Gau: This kid irritated the socks off me. I hated the way he spoke, the wayhe dissapeard on the Veldt and I didnt like his attacks

Edward: HATED this guy, he was such a snivelling poofter and he failed in battle even more than Gau did. Ughhh, his songs were only of any use as an augment on some other character, even then, they werent great

Eiko: Loved her in battle, but her personality really grated on me. She was irritating <_<

Cant think of anyone else..... -__- There are other characters Im not fond of, but I couldnt really add them to the hate list......D:

How dare you people ahte Quina s/he is epic D:
I absolutely hate Balthier and Vaan. They're so frustratingly full of themselves. I also hate Sepiroth, he looks stupid and kills characters
I absolutely hate Balthier and Vaan. They're so frustratingly full of themselves. I also hate Sepiroth, he looks stupid and kills characters

Slightly more effort please, I know it's hard picking 6 charcters - I only picked 4 myself, just perhaps a tad more elaboration why you feel this way about them

Sephiroth does have girly hair

Please be aware of the Original topic, in which you are asked to list your 6 most disliked FF characters and why, thanks ^^
6. Vaan- Not only was he annoy as hell, the design for him made it even more bad. I mean his abs were like jello shaped. :ohshit:

5. Zell- As much as he was a powerhouse in FFVIII, Seifer was right he was just a whiny little brat.

4. Eiko- Once again not a really bad character, it was just weird that they had two white mage/summoners in one game. I mean I understand that their stories come together but still, her fasination with Zidane was kinda creepy.

3. Cait Sith- This guy I hardly ever used, his limits were just plain stupid half the time they would help the other half it was like 'why the hell did you just do that'.

2. Wakka- Now this guy is more a love/hate kinda of thing. It was the whole he was behind his religion even if the truth was smacking him in the face.

1. Don Corneo- Ugh! This just annoyed the hell out of me. From the moment I met him I hoped we would be able to fight him. And I may be wrong but if I remember right he gets away with all the crap he does. Wheres the justice in that.

Well thats my list, its not technically in order of the ones I hate the most. It was more just the ones that came to mind. ;))
My most hated Final Fantasy character would have to be ...
1. Cecil of FFIV
2. Edward of FFIV
3. Cait Sith of FFVII
4. Barret of FFVII
5. Irvine of FFVIII
6. Cid of FFIV and FFIII
6 - Cloud. Overdramatic emo pretty boy. Never treated his friends how he should have.

5 - Selphie/Yuffie. Same bloody person. Pointless annoying imbeciles!

4 - Jecht. I always got so angry at how he treated Tidus, and how he was generally (drunk angry idiot). I guess he reminds me of my own dad.

3 - Zidane - he was an annoying, womanizing idiot.

2 -Paine tie for second. She was a pathetic excuse to make up for the loss of LuLu and Auron. She was annoying and not 'deep' at all. And I hated the sterotype. They tried to make you think she was gay the whole way through until, ya know that whole thing. And it was like, "oh subtle hints at a gay character and she has short hair, leather all over and speaks like a mean man". Yeah, nice one squaresoft.

1 - Vaan. Does anything else need said? Pathetic attempt at a character.
6. Selphie. . . she was to bubbly for me, similar to a hyperactive puppy constantly snapping at my heels.

5. Yuffie. . . resort to the above

4. Angeal. . . WAY to phylosophical for me, constantly talking about "embracing your dreams"

3. Kuja. . . the bastard annihilated an entire planet in one attack just to get beat by the party, i mean WTF

2. Yu Yevon. . . dunno about it's gender but it caused way to much pain and suffering to be a likable character

1. Yunalesca. . . the bitch just wouldn't die
6. Yuna. I hated the way she acted like such a burden in FFX. Oh I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please forgive me *bow* The girl was going to her death at 17 years old, so everyone else could carry on, why the Hell did she think she needed to apologize to anyone? I understood why Dona acted like such a bitch, it made sense. I like the fact she cut loose in FFX-2, but the singing....oh the singing x_x

5. Vaan. "Balthier: What is it you want, Vaan? What are you looking for?
Vaan: Me? What am I looking for? I guess - well, I - you know..."
Lol. Need I say more?

4. Seymour. The second worst villain in Final Fantasy. I'm okay with creepy villains, I like Hojo ffs, but this guy was beyond icky. And wtf is up with the design? Would someone who looked like they were wearing Liberace's drapes with blue antlers on their head strike fear into the hearts of anyone? Auron should have bitch slapped him.

3. Yunalesca. Auron was my favourite character D: And she was a treacherous soul sucking bitch.

2. Ashe. I thought she was an obnoxious cow. Hello? The party was going up against the Empire for her (and her deluded notion that getting her partially exposed buttocks back on her insignificant little throne would solve all the problems of the world). You'd think she would have been a little more courteous. Typical stuck up royal cliche.

1. Genesis. What were they thinking? Like FFVII needed another lame Sephiroth ripoff with a recycled plot. The way they shoehorned him into the original was an insult. Even worse was the fact that he doesn't seem to be able to die, please die, and when you do, take FFVII with you and put it out of it's misery.

Dammit, I just realized I forgot Vincent. I hate him too just for the record!
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Hmm...this will be tough. I don't particularly hate any characters but I do dislike certain characters form the series. It's a feeble expression on my part but bear with me.

6) Princess Sara- She doesn't help you out at all.

5) Belgemine- The constant rivalry was just too annoying for my tastes.

4) Those two Ronsos- The ones that always pick on Kimhari (however you spell it). Anyone who bullies another person should be brought to justice and should receive punishment.

3) Yuna- I just didn't like her style. I know people are different but I couldn't exactly agree with her demeanor.

2) Sephiroth- I respect this guy and all. I don't really dislike FF characters but I have one thing against Sephiroth. This man clings to his momma. Yes it's silly but c'mon folks.

1) Tifa- Don't really know why people love her so much. She lied to Cloud and held a secret that was very toxic and hazardous against him. That is truly unforgivable! Anyone who is selfish enough to hold a part of your life and put you in danger is an enemy. Tifa does not deserve Cloud's love for being such an inhumane witch.

I guess the only real character I dislike is Tifa. Go figure.
1) Edward - Oh my god my Sara, why did you die? I'm going for a walk...oh my god Sara? Omfg a monster, and you can't help? So I'll be braaave and sing until this thing dies. Yeah, sounds like Edward.

2) Arc - He was a little annoying booger, he was a big coward.

3) _____way - I wanted that name change from Namingway >_> but they can't do that with voice cutscenes, so heh xD He's also a little annoying booger.

4) Rosa - She gets a fever, you cure it. She gets kidnapped, you save her. Other things that I forget happen, she's on your ending party. She has like no health, and is just like "NO CID DON'T BLOW YOURSELF UP!" "DON'T DIE TELLA!" "I don't really care about Yang, but uh, dun die." So yeah, whining isn't my favorite thing.

5) Tella - Stop going down in stats when you level up, old man. It's unnatural for an RPG :'D

6) Bahumat - Cliche.
Listed in order from most disliked to least:

1. Seymour: He was just so annoying with his ridiculous hair and high-pitched voice. Yuna's voice was deeper than his. I still cringe whenever I have to sit through the wedding of his and Yuna's. >_<

2. Brother: YUCKY. He was really into the incest thing sadly and it sickened me. Poor Yuna. He was so freakin' weird. Ridiculous tattoos covered his body and he whined like a little boy. Who would want to be with that? Putting aside the fact that Yuna was related to him.

3. Paine: She tries to act so badass and secretive like she's seen everything and knows everything. Yuna's seen some pretty scary things herself and you don't see her sulking. Everyone deals with things differently I suppose.

It just annoys me how she deals with it by always telling Yuna and Rikku to shut-up whenever they get hyper. Sure it gets a tad annoying with the immaturity but who wants to be dragged down to Paine's level and just be miserable?

4. FFX-2 Yuna: I despise the FFX-2 version of Yuna. She used to be so passionate, serious, reserved and alot more mature. Now it's like she's gone backwards in X-2. Her maturity level was that of a 14 year old (majority of 14 year olds) and her modesty had completely disappeared. You can't claim to be innocent and walk around in your underwear YUNA!!!

5. Aeris: She just seems too innocent. It's really rather annoying that she seems to convey this image as a perfect little lady who sits in her flowergarden not knowing a bad thing in the whole wide world. =0

Eh she's not that bad, but she still gives me the sh*ts. I'll admit I like her more now than I did at one stage a couple of years ago.

6. LeBlanc: I think everyone was annoyed with her. Always complaining that she wanted her Noojy-Woojy, while she paraded around in practically nothing.
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In no particular order:

1) Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2): In X she was at least tolerable, as she wanted to protect Yuna from dying in the final summoning, but in X-2, she has become 10 in age. "DISASTERRIFIC!!!!!" "OW-EEEEEEEEEE!!" "SNAKES, SNAKES, SNAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!" "OH YEAH!!!!!!!" I think that sums it up. Her battle dialogues are terribly childish.

2) Vaan. He was a thief. His brother has died (I give him that) and he's sniffing for revenge. That's basically what his importance is. He hardly contributes to anything. He just tags around. Free travel. Unlike Ashe or Balthier, Vaan is clueless as to what he's travelling for or what he's looking for. Don't make me get started on his clothes. Bare chest even in Paramina? It's your health not mine!

3) BROTHER IN X-2!!!!!!!!! At least in X I don't fully understand what he's babbling about, but in X-2 he learnt Yuna's language just able to talk to her! His cousin as well!!!!!!! Plus he never shuts the hell up. I had fun stepping on him on the Celsius after the Gagazet ruins mission.

4) Zell. That cheesy, childish grin on his face and that tattoo (urgh! Cringe!). I would have got Seifer to slash that baby face apart!

5) Shuyin. Tidus imposter who blames Spira for losing Lenne and his life. What does he do? Moan for 1000 years and then decide to steal a giant weapon to blow up the world. Talk about emo.

6) LeBlanc. That fan she waves in her hand while sticking out that hip- that.................outfit she has! "Noojie Woojie!" For God's sake! Nooj is practically a half-android by the looks of him! If only I could REALLY break her back in that (annoying) massage minigame.
You hate Eiko's personality but you prefer Quina? I truly don't understand the logic of some people...

Keep on topic please, this thread isnt about disecting other peoples opinions, I happen to find Eiko irritating, and Quina I liek for comedy value. Lay off the insults, just because you don't understand my logic, doesn't mean you have to be rude about it.
6. Krile: I'm sorry, but she's a poor replacement for Galuf. Galuf and his mighty beard can never be replaced. xD

5. Irvene: He's too cocky and all he does is chase women, that and I'd choose a sword over a gun (in an FF game) anyday.

4. Cait Sith: I have a thing against traitors, especially ones who use black-mail in the process. Oddly enough, I have no problem with Reeve, but Cait Sith I can't stand.

3. Ultimecia: She had zero character depth. She was just randomly there for no reason. No backstory, no purpose other than to give the player an excuse to to beat someone up at the end of the game.

2. Vaan: Seriously, did he even have any real plot significance? -_-

1. Yuffie: I don't like her character, I don't like her actions, she's just plain annoying to me. It makes me angry that she was shown so often in Dirge of Cerberus when Red XIII didn't even get a single line. And I like Red XIII, he's awesome.
6) Kuja: I have a love/hate relationship with this guy. On one hand he just sucks..and on the other he makes me laugh so much. Like when I first saw his outfit and was like ''..and then in his first FMV when I saw he had eyeshadow on. The best part is when he was summoning Zidane through his little 'mind-speech' or whatever so the words just appeared on the screen without a text box. It was like 'I want to you come to my room Zidane.....alone'. I was like o_0..then you get there and he walks around his CIRCULAR bed and is like 'I'm so happy to see you zidane'. I was like 'rape! run zidane, run!'. I still hate him though..because he is jsut so ridiculous.

5)Seymour: The most annoying villian ever. He wouldn't stay dead, ever, and the more he stayed around the less intimidating he was. Seriously, the last time the team ran into him they didn't even go into fighting stances right off. Seymour was just going off on how 'powerful' he was and Tidus literally just stood there and went 'dude, sin just ABSORBED you'.

4) Steiner: I so didn't see the point.

3)Dagger: I found her really really dumb, I won't lie. Dagger *pulls out zidanes knife*: what's this?. me: o_0. Zidane: a...dagger. Dagger: I think I will call myself....and I am just sitting there like 'don'tdoitdon'tdoitdon'tdoit!'

2) Ashe: Bossy...super bossy...and like..not friendly. I remember once she was in one of her way overdone and needless speeches because she felt the need to AGAIN tell us her life story..and zidane started to say something and she like..shut him up...cause it was 'her turn'. I really didn't like her.

1) Quina: that THING. It didn't even know what was going on!!!! Zidane would be saying something like 'omg you guys, we've got to save the world' and Quina would be like 'Will there be food there?'. Everytime I was leaving a town and it had gone off exploring I would just like PRAY that it didn't turn up again...but it always did :mad2: basic requirement for me to like you if you're on my team: KNOW that you're on a team..that is doing more than going for a lunch break...

*exhales* heh...I get ranty...:)
OK, I’ll contribute. Here’s my list in no particular order:

Barret: Having the first black main character in all of Final Fantasy be big, dumb, loud, violent, and uncouth just rubs me the wrong way.

Cloud: He’s not so much a bad character as he is unoriginal. I’ve seen this character in anime and manga more times than I can count. It’s really hard to stay interested in this game with a main character like this.

Cecil: I like this character, but from a battle standpoint, I can’t stand him. Once he becomes a paladin, he becomes the weakest character in your party. Everyone in your final party has at least one useful ability: Kain can jump to both attack and avoid deadly attacks, Rydia can both summon and use black magic, Rosa is possibly the most powerful healer in all of Final Fantasy, and Edge can throw things for huge damage. So, what does Cecil get? Crappy white magic and a mediocre attack. Yeah, he’s got great defense and the cover ability, but how many bosses use attacks that can be covered?

Edward/Gilbert: He’s got no defense, horribly weak attacks, his singing does nothing most of the time, and whenever he gets hurt he hides! I don’t even get a chance to heal him.

Sephiroth: It’s like someone tried to make a cool character and just went way overboard. Yeah, long swords can be cool, but one as long as his is just asinine. His 8 foot long sword beats out even the gunblade for the most inefficient weapon of Final Fantasy.

Cyan: He is all-around the worst character in FFVI. Every character has something that makes them worthwhile (Even Relm, who is infamous for her super crappy sketch ability, has insane magic power), but Cyan excels at nothing. His sword skills take forever to power up (which also leaves you open to attack the whole time), and none of them are powerful enough to be worth the time it takes. His magic stats also suck, so turning him into a magic-user is also a bad idea. His astounding mediocrity makes him the least useful character in this game.
In no particular order.

6. Orlandu: Okay, I don't have a gripe with his personality, but I hated the impact he had on the strategic part of the game. This guy comes with all of the 'unique' abilities of several other characters in their entirety at his disposal, even before you get some those other characters he rips off. Further, he's just ungodly strong, especially since he comes equipped with Excalibur. I always thought that games were supposed to ramp up in difficulty as you went along, but Orlandu changes that in Final Fantasy Tactics. After this guy is handed to you in the main story line the rest of the game suddenly becomes laughably easy as Orlandu SOLOS even the last battles with little effort.

5. Squall: Whiny, self centered, stubborn, dense, and a genuine prick. I believe SpoonyOne hit it right on the head in his review of FFVIII when he renamed Squall 'Emo Git'.

4. Vaan: I don't understand why he was even in Final Fantasy XII. Unimportant plot wise, not particularly well developed or interesting... He's just kind of there.

3. The Entire Female Cast of X-2: If I wanted to see a bunch of unusually ditsy girls run around wearing next to nothing I'd buy a Girls Gone Wild video, at least they're real. I really wanted to like this game and the characters, but I didn't have it in me.

2. Cait Sith: Never willingly put him into my active party. His limit breaks were just worthless, and he was outshined by other characters in every other area as well.

1. Cyan: As already stated, his sword techniques are really lackluster, and he doesn't make up for it in the magic department either. Of course you could have an unstoppable killing machine if you abused the Retort glitch, but that's another story.
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6. Ashe-FFXII
What more can I say? She was a rude, stuck up bitchy little princess. I couldn't stand her then and I can't stand her now.

5. Vaan-FFXII
...honestly, what good was he? What was his purpose really except to whine and throw little fits about his brother's death?

4. Steiner-FFIX
I dunno, there was just something about how he always acted so...noble when it comes to Dagger and his queen. That was really quite irritating and how dramatic he'd get with his words...and keep calling Dagger "Princess" even though it was annoying her.

3. Irvine-FFVII
I don't really hate this guy, but I don't like him much either. I mean there are times when he just really got on my nerves x_x especially acting like he was some bad ass sharpshooter and then choked at the last minute. Pussy.

2. LeBlanc-FFX-2
Okay this blonde bimbo bitch REALLY got on my last nerve. -_- Seriously, whenever Yuna or somebody from the gang would tell her to do something and she screams "I DON'T TAKE ORDERS!" Well, stfu bitch cause you're taking mine whether you like it or not. Another thing about that annoyed me was how she always carried on about Nooj! I mean ffs lady, leave the man alone. Can't you see it's unrequited love anyway? x_x

1. Seymour-FFX
Oh god, somebody please just make this man DIE already. He was the most annoying thing, his creepy-ass laugh, pansy high-pitched voice and just ugh...*shivers* How he was so obsessed with Yuna and becoming the fayth for the final summoning so he could become Sin. How he always carried on about how death to all of Spira would save Spira and blah blah blah. Death obsessed freak. And WTF is up with his hair? I have coat hangers that look like that shit on his head he calls hair. Ugh...creepy, seriously.
In no particular order.
1.) Sephiroth - fans
2.) Cloud - Fans
3.) Tifa - Fans
4.) Aerith - Fans
5.) Tidus - annoy little twerp.
6.) Wakka - You are not Jamaican man.

There done now if you don't mind I will be seeing who to like now.
Tidus -
HATED HIM! He kept whining and his voice irritated me!

Quina -
Ok.... three words, WHAT THE HELL! He doesnt even have a gender! Enough Said

Paine -

Ok...Trying to be all emo and badass and its not really working for her.

Aerith -

Ok i dont completly hate her i just dislike the whole damsel in distress thing.

Vaan -

Erm what exactley was his purpose of being in the game...?

Yuna (X) -

Eurgh.... she wasn't that bad really, but again i didn't like the damsel in distress again :l
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