Toy soldiers

The soldiers were meant to be part of the game but were took out at the last minute. Squaresoft probably forgot about the ones you still find and thought what the heck if people do find them.
I've got 4 of these little swineths, I keep doing the rollercoaster thing in Gold Saucer but I only got two from thre, I keep getting super sweepers and bloody masamunes, is it possible to get all 12 here or am I just wasting my time? -__-
Playing it legit aside from cheats and all, the only thing to have is one 1/32 Soldier in your Key Items inventory. There is no reward for collecting all of them as there is only 1.
Playing it legit aside from cheats and all, the only thing to have is one 1/32 Soldier in your Key Items inventory. There is no reward for collecting all of them as there is only 1.
Not really, as they are one of the the 'novelty items', only in the description it hints that there are a certain amount of them. Never seen it as a 'Key Item'.
Not really, as they are one of the the 'novelty items', only in the description it hints that there are a certain amount of them. Never seen it as a 'Key Item'.

So if they're not in the Key Items section as you're saying, then they should be able to be sold and not gotten rid of right?

I'm actually wondering, not trying to discredit what you said or prove you wrong. I am just going off of memory which it's been a while, so if you can fill me in, that'd be awesome. Like i said, I thought it just stocked up in your Key Items inventory along with Cloud's feminine perfume, and all that jazz.

I need to run through the specifics and minor details of FFVII again. I'm slacking.
I just remember I got one in an upstairs room in Junon. It's the only place I ever found one. Those and tissues always struck me as odd. If I ever make a video game, I'm going to add random useless items to confuse and annoy players. lol
is a bit confusing - every time they crop i sort of ask myself - should i be paying attention to collecting these and wht's there use - but yeah seems a bit pointless, but at the same time they'll always be theories and rumours about items in ff games :D
You know, I think they meant to put something in there for collecting those, but I don't think they actually got around to it. As far as I can tell there's no real reason to have them except to have them, much like the other items you get from the Golden Saucer. I've collected 35 of them before, but it doesnt create a new soldier from them, tried having them in conjunction with the Masamune (you get it from the Golden Saucer game where you roll along that rollercoaster and shoot things), and it didnt put Zack in your party like some rumours said it did.

I think they're just there for decoration.
theres more than two? how'd yoiu get the others.
i thnk that SE was going to go somewhere with it but had to cut things and picked that but didn't purge all of it or didn't finish it. like that chest in kalm that locked and no matter what you do you cna never open it
Well, there's about 2-4 in Junon. The others can be gotten from the Rollercoaster game in the Golden Saucer. They give them out as prizes, similar to the Masamune and the Battle Square's Tissues.

Or that cave on your way to the Forgotten Capitol. That thing is annoying. I literally tried for days to get into that cave with no success. Finally checked online for it and realized that other people were having the same troubles. I think that they were going to do something with all that stuff, even have a way to revive Aerith, I think, but got pushed on a deadline and had to cut it all out and work on essential stuff needed to make the game work.
Yeah I remember getting loads of soldiers trying to get the bloody parasol! Didn't manage to get 35, but was curious about the rumours, which would no doubt be false, just like the one about Diamond Weapon.

The Cave near the forgotten capital is probably just red herring, like lots of other places, its made to look like you should be able to do something, or be able to access it, I think, rather than Square not having time to build it in. And I doubt they had considered reviving aerith, it would detract from the story and lessens the sacrifice she choose to make.
There is no point. They're just there I supose. Maybe froma rouge employee? Or maybe meant to have a meaning they forgot to put in. Who knows?