Training spots?

Well in my opinion I think that the Tomb of Raithwall is a good place to train for a while. After that I thouhgt the Golmore Jungle was a good place too.
In my current file I'm on my way to Giruvegan and tried chaining Mirrorknights in teh Feywood which I had never done. Very effective for both experience and gil (they drop Mirror Mail).
As much as I hate it, I generally go to Henne Mines when I'm at higher levels. The bats are a pain in that crossroad, but it's very rewarding to chain them with experience and many Demon Shields. When I'm a little lower in levels, I tend to hang in the Nabreus Deadlands and chain the skeletons for a bunch of great loot and a ton of experience. The Necrohol of Nabudis is a good place as well, but I tend to step on mines a lot when my Float wears off. As someone mentioned, chaining Mirror Knights in the Feywood works wonders as well.
For me i just have one person with embroidered tippet going around killing everything i see.. but i especially like to train in Giruvegan for some reason
The secret area in the Henne mines. I levelled a low level Ashe up in there recently at the speed of light, I just do laps of the place to make it feel slightly less tedious, I went to the sub terra at pharos to see if that was better and it's really really not :rage:

If there is anywhere better though, I'm up for suggestions :mokken:
The secret area in the Henne mines. I levelled a low level Ashe up in there recently at the speed of light, I just do laps of the place to make it feel slightly less tedious,

Those fucking bats. :rage:

But I do agree that the secret area in the Henne mines is an excellent place to train late in the game. The Great Crystal, the Necrohol of Nabudis and the Nabreus Deadlands are decent as well.

Earlier on, I trained in the Golmore jungle and those plains to the south of Giza. Tchita Uplands (or however you spell it) is good for training as well on your way to Archadia.
my favorite place was the secret area in the giza plains with all the big tortoises was awesome at the begining and they were reli fun to fight against later in the game i went to the nabreus deadlands the area where loads of undead spawn by the shrine was an awesome training area :).
I haven't played the game in a while so I don't exactly remember the names however, I do like to train/ practice where the fights are not too easy- but rather puts up a fight because then i'd earn more EXP.
I just started playing and I am currently getting ready to go to Mount Bur Omisace and I really like the Mosphoran Highwaste
Hmm...there are so many good places to choose from. I suppose in the beginning Golmore Jungle was my main spot of training. I found myself leveling up quick there, in a way. The Paramina Rift is also a good spot, also another good spot is the Shrines, they are good spots to train at. Recently though The Feywood, Giruvegan, The Great Crystal, Tchita Uplands, mainly places like that.
I just did laps around Ivalice to train up. But I always stay in the Feywood for a long time. It's kinda fun to make Deadly Nightshade go flying.
i liked the nechrol of nabudis, becuz there were enemies that were tough, and gave good loot. i also liked phon coast, but i hate flying animals so i avoided those.... another area would be the scohen place palace (? idk if spelled that right)

Animals! :D LOL Anyway, I just train wherever I go while going on hunts. Always run into monsters on the way to where the hunts are and back the mark poster...
There are a number of places that's good to train at. The Pharos is always a good spot, especially after you cleared it out in the story-line. There's only one other place where you can get Damascus Steel and that's a rare monster at Bur-Omisace.

I actually never found the Cerobi Steppe very good -- the only good EXP there comes from the shield wyrms and those birds. The courels only give around 700+ EXP, and I like getting at least 1,000EXP.

The deeper parts of the Lushu Mines are always good, but you have to be careful. There's a rare monster that spawns there among some of the Dark Lords called Disma. HE WILL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL. I took on this monster with a level 76 party and he STILL obliterated me. And since he spawns randomly (but often) in those areas, it's a gamble I'm not willing to take. I'd go back to the Lushu Mines at level 83+ but not before then. There's no point in leveling up a lot only to lose it all because of one overpowered rare monster.

The Feywood is also nice since you can get lots of chains and get some Hell's Gate Flame and Screemroot and Moondust from the monsters there. Also get Mirror Mail, Serpent's Eye (which you need to sell to get some very rare loot off the bazaar) and other goodies that fetch a nice price. The visibility may be crap, but it pays off in both gil and EXP.

The Great Crystal is also a good place to go, just be careful you don't run into Ultima prematurely. In this case, it's good to look up a walkthrough online to make sure you don't do that. :3

Here's the best walkthrough I've ever seen. It's a lifesaver. Trust me.
haven't played this in awhile but i think it was the first desert area with the t-rex, lead him around so he eats a few things and levels up then, Pow right in the kisser lol.

You don't get much for doing it but it was fun seeing how high i could get his level
thank you all for posting, i would like anyone else to answer to this post too please :) im just curious on what you think, if you want to, post the level you train at there too :) thank you all
my favorite training spot were in Nabreus Deadlands and inside the Necrohol of nabreus, so you get alot of exp and it gives them time to respawn,

I like the nebreus deadlands spot(yes, I'm a high level) There is a spot with infinite skeletons, each one give 3000 xp(with the embroyed tippet equiped). Each time I go there, I get 100.000 xp with each cahracter, and since the spot is ulimited, I get 100.000 xp in 5 minutes. But it's a high level place, my firends. The skeletons have 10.000 hp and level 50. I also like the zordiak spot, but the spot isn't as good as the nebreus deadlands one.
I like the salika wood and paramina rift

Mod Edit: could you elaborate on that, please? :3
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The deeper parts of the Lushu Mines are always good, but you have to be careful. There's a rare monster that spawns there among some of the Dark Lords called Disma. HE WILL SLAUGHTER YOU ALL. I took on this monster with a level 76 party and he STILL obliterated me. And since he spawns randomly (but often) in those areas, it's a gamble I'm not willing to take. I'd go back to the Lushu Mines at level 83+ but not before then. There's no point in leveling up a lot only to lose it all because of one overpowered rare monster.
Seriously? I took out Disma, Diabolos and Gilgamesh (all in that part of the Lhusu Mines) at around level 62!
Disma is brutal if you're not prepared. If you go in with Mirror Mail/Reflect and just spam Curaja then he drops like a bag of dicks. If you go the Rubber Suit/Black Mask/Demon Sheild route he's easier but his other elemental and physical attacks still hit for a ton (and he's fast). Go in with normal field battle equipment and he can tear you a new one.