Right, so I saw New Moon last night and it really IS freakin epic. I had very low hopes about this movie honestly being any good because tbh, Twilight effing sucked if you read the book before seeing the movie. I was very very disappointed. So, I went in thinking that this one would suck just as much. I was totally wrong. This movie was INCREDIBLE. I'm not at ALL displeased. And yes..helllllooooooo wolfboy. Anywho, there were many times I wanted to string Bella up by her hair and bitchslap her over and over again. It was like "OMG EDWARD! OMG JACOB! OMG EDWARD! OMG JACOB! YOU CAN'T BREAK UP WITH ME JACOB! OMG JACOB! OMG IMMA CLIFFDIVE! OMG JACOB SAVED ME! OMG EDWARD IS GONNA KILL HIMSELF!? OMG EDWARD! SORRY JACOB! IT'S EDWARD! IT'S ALWAYS BEEN EDWARD!" It just drove me insane. I wanted to the beat the shit out of her...seriously. Poor Jacob...the look in his eyes
was just so sad, and then after she told Jacob that she wanted to be with Edward, the look he gave again...it was just incredibly sad. Who woulda thought that Taylor Lautner was such an amazing actor among all that buff, sexiness? RAWR. Team Jacob ftw! But yeah, fangirl moment aside, it was a really good movie.
when he begged Bella to stay with him before she took off to Italy to rescue Edward