Ultimecia Vs Sephiroth Vs Kuja Vs Kefka

That's kinda, tough. Can't say i have played VIII all the way through. I'd hate to be biased towards the other three, but I don't know much if anything at all about Ultimecia...

That aside I'm gonna say Kefka. He is pure evil through and through. His motivation? He's just a really bad man not to mention he actually destroyed the world. Kuja got all winy because his life was gonna end and Sephiroth missed his mommy.

Kefka would poison them all and watch them squirm. It would be funnier that way.
Seymour would pwn all!

But since his not there :dry:. I'll cast my vote on Septh mainly because i have no idea who the others are ^^.
Oh, man. This is a difficult question. I haven't played FFVI and I'm in the process of playing FFIX (I'm not too far into it). Seriously though, power-hungry villains are a recurring theme in FF games (and video games in general). They don't really have deep motivations, so criticizing Sephy of being flat is a moot point. He's overrated, but he has at least a decent backstory (I'm only considering villains character-wise, I'm not considering who's the most powerful). Ultimecia is utter failure. Like someone said, she shouldn't even be in the discussion. But in my opinion, Vayne and Seymour are the best villains FF has had character-wise. They come close to having decent motivations and they're effective as villains in their respective games.
Ahem...*clears throat and steps up to the microphone*


That is all.


Nah, I'm just kidding you guys. You know me better than that. Anyway, it really depends on what we're talking about here. In terms of depth and character development, Kuja takes this. He easily has the most complex character in the sense that he actually has a solid (if corrupt) way of justifying his actions. Kuja's not out to be destroy the universe for sake of being evil. He feels betrayed by his creator as well as the world itself. He was created for the sole purpose of eliminating a world, and, once his usefulness expired, he was to be casually thrown aside for the newer, superior model. Faced with his mortality, Kuja revolted, deciding that, if he couldn't live his life like everyone else, the rest of the universe would suffer the same fate. Now that's a motivation, especially considering it deals with the fear of death that all humans share deep down. His reason for doing what he does is not a 2-Dimensional bid to acquire more power just because he wants to be more powerful. Kuja is trying to defy the cruel hand of fate. It's rare to see something like that pulled off well in any form of artistic media, or at least in a JRPG at the time (considering they're still evolving as a genre).

What really makes Kuja significant as a villain, though, is that his character grows. He's not an ambiguous entity that seems to be above it all, beyond human emotions and troubles. Hell, by the time the end of the game comes around, Kuja has grown to accept his fate. In fact, his final action is saving people. How many other main villains in the Final Fantasy series can say that for themselves? Of course, Kuja managed to do all this and still be a villain who was easy to hate through most of the game. He manipulated rulers, tore kingdoms apart, and essentially threw an entire planet into war. Kuja impresses me mainly because I can hate him, yet sympathize with him at the same time, you know? I realize that what he does is wrong and that he needs to be stopped, but even so, I can take a step back and say "I see where he's coming from, though."

Next would be Sephiroth, by virtue of the fact that the other two villains are about as 2-Dimensional as it gets when it comes to their characters. Now, Sephiroth might not have the deepest backstory, especially by today's standards, but back then, it was a rare condition for a JRPG villain to have any sort of motivation at all. They were typically shadowy figures who operated from the background without any real explanation for their actions. We were told who Sephiroth was, what he wanted, and why he wanted it. Yeah, he was evil to the core, but we were, at the very least, told exactly why (in great detail; not just a passing comment) he was as insane as he was. What's more, the impact he had was just extraordinary. He had a real presence, and a very powerful ability to intimidate the player. When Sephiroth walked into the room, you basically knew someone was about to get owned.

Sephy was also unique in that he had a connection to the main protagonist. In fact, he had a special grudge against him and would actually take time out of his schedule of world domination to torment him. Up until that time, a JRPG antagonist was typically an altogether separate entity from the protagonist. The main hero of the game pretty much encountered the villain for the first time during his journey, usually by pure chance. Cloud, however, was a part of Sephiroth's backstory, and, in turn, Sephiroth was a large part of Cloud's development as a character.

Third on my list would be Kefka. Don't get me wrong, the guy has a colorful/interesting personality and all, but really, he's just so cliche. His entire character boils down to "I was experimented on by the government and now I'm a FRAGGIN' PSYCHO! Wheeee~!" I'm sorry, but that's a very sorry excuse for a backstory. I mean, yeah, as a villain, I like Kefka as much as the next guy. I'm not saying that he doesn't have any redeeming qualities, anyway. He's got some great one-liners and had a knack for making me hate his guts, but, as I said a few times before, he's basically the equivalent of a Captain Planet villain. Remember that show? Where the villains would try to pollute the world for sake of polluting the world without any real motivtion for doing so? Yeah. That's Kefka. Just replace "pollute" with "destroy". But I'm being too hard on the poor sociopath. He's a great villain by all rights, and I genuinely enjoyed watching his antics, he's just not as good as Sephiroth or Kuja. The whole "I'm going to destroy the world! Why? Because I'm EEEEVILLL!" thing is a bit...2-Dimensional for my liking.

Of course, even Kefka isn't as bad as Ultimecia. If nothing else, Kekfa's awesome one-liners and amusing personality made him into a memorable villain. I'm afraid I can't say the same for Ultimecia, though. There doesn't really seem to be anything about her that isn't horribly cliche. Okay, so we don't see her until 30 minutes from the end credits, we don't find out she exists until about Disc 3 or so, and even then, we hear absolutely nothing about her personality, motivation, or backstory. All we know is "she's an EEEEVILLL sorceress from the future!" Hell, the game even TELLS YOU that you aren't going to hear her backstory. Odine actually says something along the lines of "I wonder why she would do something like that. Eh, it's not important. Just go destroy her." I mean...wait, what was that? The game actually hand-waved her backstory away as "unimportant"? *elitist rage* Oh, and before the final battle against her, she gives the most cliche villain-speech in the history of villains.

So, yeah, that's basically how it goes:
1. Kuja
2. Sephiroth
3. Kefka
4. Ultimecia.

I'll rank them in terms of power later, but right now, I don't really have any time, so I'll just have to get around to that when I get home, I suppose.
Funny, because Kefka actually is 2d... I wonder how different he'd have been on the PS1?

Also, I'd like to point out that Kefka does have a relationship with the main character. He was the one who enslaved Terra, destroyed her entire semirace, thing... He really is the reason everything Terra did happened. He's why she was taken from the esper world, Gestahl couldn't do it by himself. Although I admit, Kuja is DEFINANTLY the deeper character(Sephiroth, I would argue), Kefka's charm was well... He was entertaining.
Yeah, I'll give you this much: Kefka was a catalyst for a lot of what happened in Terra's life. However, I'm talking about Sephiroth being a major figure in Cloud's past. Terra was just another victim as far as Kefka was concerned; he didn't really have any special connection or any sort of reason to single her out as his target, you know? Sephiroth, however, was Cloud's idol as a child. He (Seph) also burned down Cloud's home town, killed his family, and injured Tifa and Zack (his crush and best friend, respectively), only for Cloud- a lowly ShinRa MP- to end up offing him. Whereas Terra was just one more person opposing Kefka, Sephiroth actually had a full-blown grudge against Cloud, and, in-turn, Cloud had a great deal of turmoil set aside for Sephiroth. Yeah, Kefka was involved in Terra's backstory, I'll concede to that, but it just wasn't really brought up much in the storyline, you know?

However, I honestly don't think that Sephiroth is the deepest character out there. I'd be a fool to say that. Why, he's not even the deepest villain in the series, given that he pales in comparisons to Kuja. He was, though, quite revolutionary for the time as far as JRPGs were concerned in the sense that he did, in fact, have some semblance of depth to his character. He wasn't a faceless entity that seemed beyond human conceptions of right and wrong. But yes, depth certainly isn't where Sephiroth excelled, nor do I think that it's the source of his personality. If I had to name what I liked most about Sephiroth, I'd have to say it was...his style. Yes, that sounds about right. Sephiroth had a great deal of style. I think that's what set him apart. Of course, Advent Children pretty much ruined any awesome qualities he had in FF7. *shakes fist*
Sephiroth ownz them all, cuz he has Super Nova, and Super Nova blowz up planetz1!!!!!!111!11!!11!

Nah I'm kidding, If you've read my Sephiroth vs Kuja thread, i believe Sephiroth would beat him. However I think Kuja beats Ultimacea, she may be able to stop time, but she can't stop herself from dieing =D. Ultimately it falls to Sephiroth vs Kefka, and honestly it depends who you ask. So...

1. Sephiroth & Kefka
2. Kuja
3. Ultimacea

I won't lie I wasnt a fan of Ulti =)

- Kuja
Not taking personal preferences into account, I agree with most of what you've said.

Off topic a bit, have you by any chance visited the Dissidia message boards on Gamefaqs?
I think it really boils down to this:
Kefka- Personality
Sephiroth- Style

And yeah, actually, I go to the Dissidia board quite a bit. It's an...err...interesting place, to say the least. >_>;
i have no clue who the hell ultimecia is and i've heard only opinions from everyone about Kuja. popularity wise we have
1. sephy
2. kuja
3. kefka

well that's a guess for everyone below sephy. my personal opinion is seph would win because well he can't die. if you have seen AC, he used larva and came back alive.
i have no clue who the hell ultimecia is and i've heard only opinions from everyone about Kuja. popularity wise we have
1. sephy
2. kuja
3. kefka

well that's a guess for everyone below sephy. my personal opinion is seph would win because well he can't die. if you have seen AC, he used larva and came back alive.

I'm not sure about the larva thing, but your right, hes an intangible being who cannot die, alot of die-hard kuja fans or people who just hate Sephiroth sell him short there.

Thanks for pointing that out.

- Kuja
I think it really boils down to this:
Kefka- Personality
Sephiroth- Style

And yeah, actually, I go to the Dissidia board quite a bit. It's an...err...interesting place, to say the least. >_>;
Eheh, the Bustah Wolf part gave it away. I just lurk. Too lazy to get an account. >.<

And yeah, Sephiroth has 'style' in the original and Crisis Core, at least.
to be honest i dont think anyone could stand up to ultimecia, she compresses time and yanno, kefka and kuja and sephiroth couldnt raise a finger to her and greiver hooii, but she sucks personality wise. i got the biggest kick out of kefka and kuja just cause they were twisted respectively in their own ways. i gotta say sephiroth was the most intimidating, murdering aerith helped solidify that one.
In my opinion Ultimecia cannot compete the other three.It's just that male villains are way better than females.
Sephiroth beats Kefka... period.

I agree that Kefka is more evil than Sephiroth, but in terms of power Sephiroth is a cut better than Kefka.

Supernova beats Light of Judgement.
LoJ rearranged the planet's face, SN wiped the planets off the cosmos.

Masamune beats... what? kefka's makeup?

Sephiroth is a half human and ancient, Kefka is a mere HOMO sapien.

Kefka became a god, but still was defeated by the heroes.
Sephiroth almost bacame one, imagine his powers would be if he completed the transformation.

In the canon released by Square, the ending for FFVI stated that the heroes summoned holy powers to finally annihilate Kefka.
Sephiroth on the other hand has been known to held off HOLY while waiting for the meteor to crash.

Sephiroth caused so much damage to the planet that the lifestream itself popped out to protect itself.
On the other hand, the planet let Kefka use his LoJ... why? mebe because it knew that what damage it might inflict, the planet would still be able to repair itself.

There are many other things that proves the statement Sephiroth > Kefka but i will leave that to the other debaters.
In terms of who is the most power of these there is no contest whatsoever, Ultimecia would destroy the rest of these in a battle. Sephiroth wasn't trying in his fight and still showed a lot of power, Kuja glassed Terra, and Kefka became the god of magic, but Ultimecia was absorbing all of existence. In the final battle she was literally making the universe a part of herself, we see her absorbing stars and other cosmic objects. The others are impressive in their power, but none of them come close to being able to absorb reality.

In power I'd rank them:

Time Compression Ultimecia
God Kefka/Sephiroth going all out
Trance Kuja

Ultimecia is first for reasons above, I place Kefka and Sephiroth in a tie for second because while Kefka had some very impressive feats, so did a nonchalant Sephiroth, so there's a good chance that his full potential is around Kefka's level, and Kuja is last because while his trace form is impressive, he was just blowing up skyscrapers with his attack, something Sephiroth did with casual sword strikes and flippant telekinetic moves when he wasn't fighting seriously.

As for which one is my favorite? Sephiroth, hands down. His personality, poise and all around BAMFness make him one of my favorite villains of all time.
Kuja, he could make them laugh themselves to death because he looked like a girl
BUt seriously, I think he was the best because, he is the only one I know out of those, but from what I've read, Kuja still seems better
ultimecia is the more powerfull beign here, her time compression powers are one of the top destruction powers in the ff saga
sephiroth and kefka are hand to hand... but i see kefka doing more than him in the game, and dont begin with that ·%" of " if he could do something" blalbabla , with that fan boy critery, we can say that actually a rock could beat any one here. be realistic, kefka destroy the world, sephiroth no.
but, talking about his " normal " stances, i think that sephiroth beat the hell out of him.
kuja is in the bottom, for elimination process, dont wanna to explain :D.

so goes like ..

1 ultimecia
2 kefka
3 sephiroth
4 kuja

just my opinion
Well, I think Kuja is the best.
He is ambitious, cruel, narcissistic, poetic (his wods are deep, fraught with meaning) and undeafeted till the end.
His motto :If I can't live, no one else can. A sick way of thinking.
He is a perfect enemy for a perfectly beautiful game (I like FFIX)