Ultimecia Vs Sephiroth Vs Kuja Vs Kefka

Kefka would Light of Judgement their asses. He's really the one villain of the bunch from an FF where Magic was actually powerful and where people were becoming one with Summons/Espers via Magicite (and Kefka had a veritable ufckton of Magicite)...And he was a friggin GOD (or a seraph to be exact...which totally beats a stupid angel missing a wing, btw) of Magic.

Ol' Sephy-head is auto-fail for losing to a kid with a "keyblade" on multiple occasions.
Kuja. Right from the very start he was created as a destroyer. He grew up more corrupt as the years went on without even considering the mercy his villains asked for. His insanity/power/strength worked against him when it resulted in the destruction of his home world. his one weakness however, was that a successor to him was already on the way. Kuja knew that his time was limited although he would fight that at any cost. he wanted to be on top, and wouldn't stop until he got there.

Kuja knocks out Sephiroth in 7 1/2 minutes in the final round.
Why must so many people hate on good old Sephiroth? Just because something is popular doesn't mean its something to be avoided like the plague. All of the FF villains are neat in their own way, Sephiroth included.
I'd say Kuja or Kefka in terms of battle. They seemed as two of the more powerful villains in FF.
Why must so many people hate on good old Sephiroth? Just because something is popular doesn't mean its something to be avoided like the plague. All of the FF villains are neat in their own way, Sephiroth included.

Because everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I by no means "Hate" Sephiroth. Hell, I like him, I just don't like him as much as other main villains in the Final Fantasy series. You've just got to state your piece about who you like and respect the opinions of others. Plus, this topic has nothing even to do with liking Sephiroth or any other villain; it's about who would win in a FFA match between the 4.
Probably for the same reason that you assume that so many people dislike him because he's popular (which makes absolutely no sense, btw)...>_>

I'm afraid it not only makes sense, its true. People also hate the Yankees because of their popularity.

this topic has nothing even to do with liking Sephiroth or any other villain; it's about who would win in a FFA match between the 4.

I've seen quite a few people in this topic, you included, specifically mention their dislike of Sephiroth, so it does have something to do with it. :/
I'd have to say kuja... Just because I find her to be slightly... Well, psycho. That and the other three.... Eh, kinda let downs. Sephiroth... Yeah, he's tough but he's just blah in my opinion.... Kefka.. only good thing about him was his laugh (i hate clowns, they're freaky) and Ultimecia... well I owned her ass good... So... =\
Kuja is a girl in the original Japanese version. Therefore, my asian friends and I always refer to Kuja as being a woman.

however, I'm not one of these people who insist everyone does. If you follow the westernized version and go with her being a dude, that's fine.

(Kuja has child bearing hips and bewbs in trance, ftr. :P )

Kuja is a girl in the original Japanese version. Therefore, my asian friends and I always refer to Kuja as being a woman.

I'm pretty sure that's just a rumor with no truth behind it. Regardless of the fact that myself and many others were surprised to learn that Kuja was a male, I'm almost positive he has been a male from the beginning.
-shrug;- Either way, it doesn't really matter.

so let's get back on topic.

Sephiroth, in my opinion, is far to over-rated as a villian. I know so many people who are Seph-obssessed that I could never really look at him and think "Oh, he's pretty cool..." Besides, that Nodachi is a little on the overcompensating side.

And Ultimecia just wasn't worth my effort.

How, Kefka was a toughie... and freaking weird. I hate clowns, and I still think Kuja could own Kefka, but clown-face is a close second in this match-up in my opinion.
I got to go with sephiroth just he is so evil and just kills aeris really made me hate him and want to kill him.
It does come down to Kefka and Kuja. Ultimecia, whereas she was technically there from the beginning, her character wasn't developed enough to provide the basis of a truely classic villian. Sephiroth was alright, but as a lot of people said, it did seem like he was cow towing to Jenova.

I think I'd pick Kuja ever so slightly over Kefka because whereas Kefka was psychotic and completely deranged... Kuja's motives were a lot more thought out and calculated - which gave him his potential to be truely dangerous.

Sephiroth - he was NOT a "cow towing to Jenova", as an above poster stated. He controlled her, read the Ultimania. Sephiroth has demonstrated feats FAR from his full power, which would obliberate the others. Such as Super Nova, which destroyed AT LEAST the Solar System, and Sephiroth wasn't even trying.
Kuja - Terra, need I say more?
Ultimecia - Attempted to become the ultimate being by absorbing time and space, but failed. Nevertheless, she had sorcery, so she was extremely powerful. Not quite in Kuja's league, though.
Kefka - Powerful, yes, but what he did (the world's rearrangement) was nothing compared to Super Nova, Kuja's Terra feat or Ultimecia's sorcery, which would tear him to shreds.
In terms of character, they're the same order, although, Kuja may be close to Sephiroth in terms of character. Sephiroth had complexity, Kuja had a very good history and backstory. Ultimecia was interesting, very cold, but not enough exploration of her character. Kefka was a clown...
I've seen quite a few people in this topic, you included, specifically mention their dislike of Sephiroth, so it does have something to do with it. :/
False. Don't put words in my mouth.

I only mentioned Sephiroth once and it was that I think Kuja would beat him in the final round of the 4. I never once said I dislike him, I actually do prefer him, so you're arguing with yourself and making no sense...

As for the other 2, I'd say Kefka would put up a good fight as well, but see him setting himself on fire somehow and the others fighters would stand there for a while wondering what the hell just happened.
Sephiroth was alright, but as a lot of people said, it did seem like he was cow towing to Jenova.
Sephiroth made Jenova his puppet, he wasn't cow towing to anyone.

Such as Super Nova, which destroyed AT LEAST the Solar System, and Sephiroth wasn't even trying.
The planetary destruction of Supernova is nothing more than an illusion. While its a powerful magical attack, it certainly isn't capable of destroying the solar system.

False. Don't put words in my mouth.
True, I'm only using the words you posted. Sephiroth was the only character you mentioned being knocked out. Seeing as how you mention no other characters being defeated or knocked out, you're more than likely implying something there.

Then there's the other posters who include little tidbits such as:

Ol' Sephy-head is auto-fail

Which are unnecessary and only show that when something becomes popular its cool to dislike it.
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Which are unnecessary and only show that when something becomes popular its cool to dislike it.

You might find that the majority of people who dislike Sephiroth do so for more valid reasons than the fact he's so popular. He overshadows the others as far as popularity is concerned, but I think that's because there are more FF7 based stories. So you see far more of him. Now, it was not this popularity he has that turned me off him. I dislike his character. Sure, he's bad ass and all that jazz, but I just don't feel him as a villian.

As for the other 2, I'd say Kefka would put up a good fight as well, but see him setting himself on fire somehow and the others fighters would stand there for a while wondering what the hell just happened.

I agree, he would put up a fight, but sooner or later, it'd snowball into something hilarious because that's just the nature of Kefka. He was a great villian, but not really one you could ever take too seriously.

I think I'd pick Kuja ever so slightly over Kefka because whereas Kefka was psychotic and completely deranged... Kuja's motives were a lot more thought out and calculated - which gave him his potential to be truely dangerous.

That's another reason why I pick Kuja. Kuja's reasons for being a villian were far more justified and just intensified the danger to a peak.
SOLDIERis1337 said:
The planetary destruction of Supernova is nothing more than an illusion. While its a powerful magical attack, it certainly isn't capable of destroying the solar system.

How can that be proved? Super Nova is a Summon. It's canon, just like Ifrit, Ramuh or KOTR. Ok, it doesn't kill anyone, but the HP damage can't be taken into account, it's a gameplay element, not a canon occurance. If the HP/MP system WAS canon, people who are knocked out wouldn't be in cutscenes. So, Super Nova did destroy at least the Solar System, and it did it canonically.