Playstation Uncharted III: Drake's Deception Thread

Right guys the World Premiere of Uncharted III is here!

I thought it was a great trailer. No Elena however :hmmm: Well You get to see Sully xD. What Drake said really interests me though. We got some short gameplay at the end so that was cool.

So it comes out Novemeber 1st 2011? Not bad :ryan:

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I like how he just decided to go into an open desert with a machine gun. I would have checked the ruined vehicle for any kind of fluid or put that dead guy's blood in a flask for hydration. :wacky:
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Heh, perfect.

Early birthday present for me. Can't wait to see more upcoming trailers. I wonder what sort of enemies await in the desert.
Heh, perfect.

Early birthday present for me. Can't wait to see more upcoming trailers. I wonder what sort of enemies await in the desert.

Ditto. It's such a long ways away, but at least it has a release date. Unlike some other games that are coming out earlier in the year that still don't have dates. :jtc:
Awesome. :D

It looks like there is going to be a lot of Sully in this game, or at least he is in it for a large enough portion.

I wouldn't be too upset about not seeing Elena yet as this is only the first trailer. In the first UC2 trailer we only saw Drake falling and hanging from the train. We didn't see anything about the story or characters until the later, longer, trailer - so we are quite fortunate even to see Sully this early on.
Yeah I understand Argie xD. So according to Ohri's recent info a demo is being shown on monday? That is interesting indeed. I look forward to seeing that then. Yeah it was only the first showing of the game and we got Sully which is rare. At least we got some gameplay well really short gameplay at the end. It will probably get a multiplayer beta like UC II sometime. Nice to know that we actually got a release date :ryan:
It looks very impressive from what's shown, though Uncharted trailers don't tend to show much. I'm curious to know what the story is about now considering the title of the game, sounds like it could potentially be the best yet. And the gameplay looks as slick as ever, hopefully they'll tweak it like they did in UC2 to make it even more better!

And November 1st isn't that far away. :ryan:
I thought that said 11/1/2011 at first. I nearly went into some kind of cardiac arrest when I saw that until I realised that it means the 1st of November. :lew:

Seeing a little sequence gameplay doesn't reveal much, but at least it gives a glimpse of some of the locations that is found, so Nate isn't confined to a desert. The "be careful what you wish for" theme is intriguing to say the least. (I'm just silently amused at the fact that Naughty Dog will have managed to release three highly acclaimed PS3 exclusives before Versus is even on the production line.) ^^
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I'm gonna buy it, definetely, at first I freaked out as well because I thought it would be released on januari XD But too bad, but still they are pretty fast with the releases. Within a year o_O wow,
I do hope Elena will show up, but I think she will actually.
Seen the trailer and I have to agree with the Olivia, the theme? Loving it.

I'm blown away by the graphics. I've not played all the way through UC2 yet, but I can tell this is going to look quite amazing. Elena will most probably be in it since she's a beloved character amongst the fans. It's going to be brilliant when this gets released!
hope 3 is better than 2

i know i'm going to get a shit load of negative comments for this... i really hope 3 turns out better than 2 was. i didn't like 2 that much. first one was better. i just mean that it won game of the year and it wasn't as good as i thought or hoped it to be. i have 1, played and beat 2, and i didn't think it was spectular like everyone said. i thought it was, meh...
The first Uncharted III demo was shown tonight. It is only 20 seconds long but interesting nontheless. Well here it is. At least it is gameplay xD

Looks pretty slick, though there isn't really enough to say how much has changed or any additions. However, even though the presenter was hilarious, none of them could play the game for shit considering they designed it. :lew:
Here is a longer version of the demo. It will most likely get removed soon though because of copyright grounds. But here you see actual gameplay xD.

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Wow. :O

Cheers for the gameplay vid, Adrosaur.

The close-combat seems vastly improved. The second guy started hitting Drake as he was still trying to complete his finisher on the first guy. There also seems to be an aerial drop element to combat now too, unless that was just a one off scripted event.

Interesting that we have France as a location now too... So far I've heard that we're to be in Arabia (the focus), Britain, France and possibly Indonesia too.
That's long enough away that I might :-)wacky:) have managed to play my currently unplayed games before.
Which means I can get it :mokken:

Although, I'll probably get it for my birthday, which is the 22nd, so I'll get it a few weeks late. Unless my parents are feeling nice and do the same as what they did for Black Ops, and give me it as an early birthday present.
We'll see :monster: looks good though.
Just another update but it looks like it could be possible that Campaign will support 2 players. I assume multiplayer will also. What I mean by this is split screen. This will be a nice addition if it does happen. Info is here

I just hope it ends up being true. Also Argie no problem :monster: Yeah I am really excited that Europe is a location :ryan: I cant way to see how this all ties up.

The gameplay looks immense! I watched it, but the presenter was hilarious playing it getting his aim all wrong. I'm hoping there's much more to come because this is looking pretty awesome already.
I really hope they add more co-op maps, 3 just wasn't enough in my opinion. I doubt Elena would be scrapped, otherwise the ending in the second game means nothing. It's cool that they decided to have a desert setting, i would've liked it more if they had Nathan go after a treasure in Atlantis though. But this is still good too. Also, i hope that what happened with the second game's multiplayer happens with this one's.

A lot of unnecessary patches were put on it and they didn't "fix" anything. In my opinion it ruined multiplayer for me. There was nothing wrong with it to begin with <.>
Personally, I think someone needs to die - possibly Sully. I was reading an interview that one of the Naughty Dog team gave and they said the expectation was "crushing" and I think if you have something dramatic in there it'll work extremely well. In Uncharted 2, Sully mentions he's not up to the things Drake can do anymore so it sort of indicated he's on his last legs and I think the connection between Drake/Elena and Sully it could the best Uncharted yet if it happened, especially given good the seen was played out in Uncharted 2 when Drake thought Elena had died. It would take emotional to a whole new level.