Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

I forgot to check this and i am completely honested so i feel it´s time for an apologie:rolleyes:

Anyway Everyone´s Grudge you vote twice so therefore the votes are clear:

Freya=7 votes

Cid=6 votes

FREYA proves she is the ultimate lancer and goes to the semi-finals!!!!!

NEXT MATCH: it´s the final quarter final match who will join the other three characters in the duel for supremecy!?

Vincent (FFVII) vs Locke (FFVI)

I vote for Vincent because i think he is overall better than Locke, although it would probably be a hard match!
Locke. Because Vincent tries too hard to be "cool". And at least Locke doesn't have a crappy spin-off game. Plus Vincent's too goth for my tastes.
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