Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

Well the votes are pretty clear:

Shadow= 4 votes

Auron= 6 votes

AURON is going into the Universal Final Fantasy Character Tournament finals...but Shadow deserves credit since he eliminated some pretty tough competition too!

Now the question is who will face Auron in the finals will it be Freya or Vincent?

We are just about to learn that because the second semi-final starts now!!!


I´m voting for Vincent because he is as agile as Freya and he could shoot her from far away!
I don't really like either, but have to go for Freya, which is a more complex character.

And there's unlimited ammo on spears :cool:
Vincent. Due to his "transformations" He could dodge Freya with his agility and speed.
What a surprise another tie...well it is the semi finals!!!

Ok the next vote will be final the person who votes after my post regardless if he/she votes for either Vincent or Freya will be considered the final vote!
Don´t get mad at me but it seems that i counted the votes wrongly the first time i said there was a tie between Freya and Vincent^_^

And it just turns out that it was not 5 to 5 but it was actually 5 to 4...so keeping that in mind i´m going to use those values because it´s only fair that i do it...so sorry for the Vincent voters but hey...what´s a tournament with no controversy eh?;)

So the votes are:

Freya= 5 votes

Vincent= 4 votes

And so ends the second semi-final match with controversy and riots all over the FFF community (or maybe not)...but one thing is for certain FREYA is going to the finals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And so it´s time...we started with 64 final fantasy characters....one by one they all falled in battle, some proved they were actually more popular and tough than most people would have expected, while other more popular characters were eliminated in the first round...

But that is the way this game goes and in the end it´s our decisions that made this two contestants into the final round, some think it was expected to see them in the finals others still can´understand how this happened...but the votes are there you just have to count the:O

And now members of the Final Fantasy Forum community i present to you you´re two finalists...

To my left he is FF self proclamed biggest bad ass, he is the man who claims to redefine the word "cool", he as a giant sword and always uses sunglasses for no apparent reason...he is one of the legendary guardians who defeated Seymour, Sin, Yevon, The Dark Aeons and the legendary Penance....please welcome AURON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FFF Members:"YOU SUCK JIMMY!!!!!"

And to my right she is the woman who spent half her life searching for her man so she could unleash a can of whoop ass on him for dumping her, she is the first woman in FF history to become a Dragoon Knight, she carries a giant spear which probably is very heavy but she can still jump 50 feet into the hair with it...she defeated the likes of Seymour, Necron, Ozma and many more with very few effort...and above all things she...is...A RAT!!!!!:O


Well let´s not worry about that right now...and let´s get ready to rumbleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!

The Final Match of the Universal Final Fantasy Character Tournament starts...NOW (remember to explain why you think your character would win)

Auron versus Freya
My vote goes for Freya...granted Auron is the strongest, but Freya is the fastest and with better reflexes so she could catch Auron off guard and finish him!!!!