Universal Final Fantasy character tournament

I gotta vote Auron here. He's a legend in all worlds he's known in, and skilled warrior, and a kick-ass leader and guardian.

I like Freya, but Auron tops the list.
Well if anyone still wants to vote now is your chance since i will announce the winner shortly and get on with a new tourney:P
Thats a hard one for me, i will vote for Auron as he is the best and only badass in FFX, which is a high achievment in itself....i would vote for Freya if she was up against any other FF female, she would tie with Beatrix though xD

So yeah, my vote goes to Auron, he even sounds like a badass, hes also probably an alcoholic aswell, he carries that bottle everywhere...

Sorry it took me long enough but i believe there will not be more voters anymore and i guess everyone already knows who the winner is...after a long hard battle. And this is how the end happened...


Both contestants meet in the center of the colosseum arena, the crowd his screaming their names.

Freya points her giant lance at Auron and smiles while Auron simply does not make a move and puts himself in defensive stance.

Jimmy:"Ok let the battle begin!!!!!!"

"Jimmy sucks" chants start but the crowd quickly shuts up because the battle as begun...

Freya jumps high into the air and prepares to deliver a deadly sky frontal attack to Auron, she lauches herself with her spear but Auron simply blocks the attack with his sword.

Auron then uses his streght to push her back clearly having a stregth advantage over Freya.

Freya:"What do you think of this then!?"

Freya starts jumping around Auron, she is so agile and fast that Auron as trouble following her movements and gets disoriented. As soon as she sees that Auron his confused Freya launches herself and screams "Dragons Lance!"

Auron barely dodges the attack but Freya was still able of piercing his left leg with her spear and quickly jumps back again.

Auron as trouble standing up since his leg as a huge cut...

Auron:"Hmmm...so you have some skills."

Freya:"That was only a sample my next attack will not be so gentle!!!"

Freya points her spear at Auron once again and starts running in his direction, Auron tryes to slash her with his sword but she leaps around him and lands on the others side of the arena...

Freya:"Speed beats streght!!!! Prepare yourself Dragon Breath!"

The Dragon Breath attack its Auron in the back and he is sending crashing against a wall breaking it...

Freya points her spear into the sky and does a victory dance but...from the rumbles of the wall a bloody Auron gets up his clothes are full of dust and he as some scratches but apart from that he seems fine.

Auron:"You broke my sunglasses...that was your first mistake."

Freya:"Pretty soon that will be the less of your troubles my next attack will finish you off!!!"

Freya gives a giant jump high into the sky, she jumped so hight that the audience cannot even see her anymore, while in the sky Freya prepares her lance and his ready to come crashing down and pierce Auron and end the fight...

She starts descending at a very high speed like a missile ready to hit it's target.

Auron:"Mistake number two was using the same technique on me twice. TORNADO!!!

As Auron moves his sword a giant wave of air surrounds Freya who is still on the air, some of the crowd his blown away with the pure fury of the wind, Freya is trapped inside the giant tornado and cannot escape.

Auron smiles and throws his bottle into the tornado and to everyone amazement there is a huge explosion and the Tornado is on fire, it starts to burn parts of the colosseum as it moves around.

Auron:"Game Over..."

As Auron says this words the Tornado explodes, the power unleashed by the explosion is so strong that parts of the colosseum actually crumble.

When the dust is settled only Auron is left in the arena...

Jimmy grabs the microphone...

Jimmy:"Amazing but where is Freya!?"

One of the audience members points into the sky...and everyone looks up they see a small dote coming down, but it is not a small dot it actually is Freya Crescent...she falls on the groud with high impact a bloody mess and does not move herself...

A team of paramedics quickly comes inside the arena and takes Freya away to the hospital.

Jimmy:"Well...Freya as been Knocked Out therefore the winner of the FIRST UNIVERSAL FINAL FANTASY CHARACTER TOURNAMENT IS.....


Ballons start coming down from nowhere and people cheer Auron while others seem a bit disappointed with the outcome, Auron himself does not seem to be very happy with becoming the final fantasy universal champion, he just gives a little smile and starts to walk away...

Ok that was the RP version of the battle i hoped you enjoyed:P

It actual terms of votes it was:

Auron= 6 votes

Freya= 4 votes

Auron is the winner but i plan on doing other character tournaments from time to time.

I would like to thank everyone who participated and made this a cool game and to all the loyal voters who always gave their thoughts on who should win or lose.

My next idea is to make a universal final fantasy boss tournament i think it will be fun...

Ok so everyone who is still interested can post your thoughts on the winner or who do you wanted to win out of all the characters, in the end this was a popularity contest but at least it was fun:)

Thanks everyone and i hope you vote on my next tournament after i actually make it;)
