
Quina, Penelo and Vincent. I thought Vincent was a cool looking character at the time, but I never used him once I aquired his vampire behind.
Quina was imporant but for some reason i thought "it" was funny XD like no one eats frogs lmao. I liked learning blue magic for Qunia, then it was a pretty kick-ass character XD.
Penelo was Vaan's best friend but, i also think she was pretty much useless.
Vincent is totally bad-ass. I think all optional ( like i think someone mentioned earlier) isn't that imporant to the storyline but i enjoyed having Vincent on my team.
I think everyone's pretty much useless expect for the "main" characters I did think Edward was a pos, and totally useless. Penelo i just didn't like the chick and i think she's useless. Qunia is.. weird.. but i liked it :P but was useless
yeah i think thats it for now anyways
hello people!hasn't it gone through your thick skull that it's characters we don't really like weather it be Qunia, Edward, blah blah etc. :shame:Cos i'm sure the creators wouldn't put them in the fudging game if they didn't have any importance to the game. (expect for edward he was pretty fudging useless)

Lets not insult other members - people are allowed their own opinions without having comments liek that directed at them

Further insults wil lead to infractions for flaming
I thought that Cait Sith errr whatever its name was from FFVII was completly useless tryied to use the charicter and even leveled it to see if there would be anything good to come in the end but my opinion totally worthless charicter
"Wake me up, before you GOGO" Seriously, just a copycat bum who lives in a hole. Gogo back to your hole.
Tellah- All the spells in the world don't mean jack crap when your MP starts and stays extraordinarily low.

Umaro- I never saw a point in using the Yeti, I only get him because I like having all the characters unlocked.

Cait Sith- Good lord, Cait Sith
I vote Vaan from FFXII! :3 He had like 15 mins of fame and for the rest of the story he was the budding skypirate. I would say the main plot was more based on Basch or Balthier... Ashe didn't really play a big part, either. Even though she was meant to.

Ahh FFXII's story was really weak anyways. =P
Useless as in...? I assume it's useless in the context of the story, like kind of not aiding in plot development all that.

In that case, yea I think quina is pretty mleh. Cait Sith is actually pretty impt in the story. Not so sure about Fujin and Raijin though, they do appear to just tag along. And also, Laguna's 2 sidekicks in FFVIII, can't rmb their names lol.
I think each character that is in the game as a playable character is useful in someway. I mean you can look back at the end of the game and say "well, I didn't really use Vivi that much, and I didn't use Selphie as much..." but they do have a connection in the story somewhere.

I think mainly the Blue Mages are the ones in the game that get the shaft in this department, but if they are "useless" for fighting, they may have a part of the stroy they are involved with that they needed to be there for. (Ex: Kimahri raising Yuna during the absence of Braska and Auron in her life)
I don't think I'll go over all the different characters I find useless, partly because I'm too lazy to go over all the games looking for them. So I'll just give some of the highlights.

Keep in mind that I'm basing this off their usefulness to the plot (since that's the best part of RPG's IMO). They could be an unstoppable raging machine of death in battle, but I'd still call them useless if they did nothing for the plot.

-Cid (FFII): All he really did was fly you around for a fee, they could have easily given you an airship and just made him the pilot, it certainly would have made his character more memorable.
-Edward (FFIV): For reasons already mentioned in this thread.
-Umaro (FFVI): He had no personality, nothing to bring to the table. He was just a big hairy fighter, and not a very good one at that.
-Cait Sith (FFVII): He really did nothing. He really had only two memorable moments; betraying the party, and sacrificing himself for the Black Materia. And the later was kind of pointless since a new one showed up immediately and Cloud almost immediately gave the Black Materia to Sephiroth anyway.
-Irvine (FFVIII): A lot of the characters in VIII weren't really given any major backstory, aside from the fact that they lived at the same orphanage. But at least some characters had more to them. Like Selphie for instance, her connection to Trabia Garden really gave her some depth and meaning when it got hit by all those missiles. Irvine on the other hand, just liked women and that was pretty much it.
-Lani (FFIX): The bounty hunter. Seriously, they could have just used Amarant only and called it a day. She was never really given any backstory or true purpose other than to be eye candy weilding an axe.
-Kimahri (FFX): I hate to say it, because I think Kimahri is pretty cool, but he really did nothing for the story. He was just another one of Yuna's guardians really.
-Vaan (FFXII): Ummm... Did he even have any relevance to the plot? At all? It always baffled me that they made him the main character when Ashe seemed like a much better choice.

I guess that's it for now. I didn't bother with a few of the earlier games since the characters didn't have much to them back then. I also didn't bother with the FFVII compilation games.
I think each character that is in the game as a playable character is useful in someway. I mean you can look back at the end of the game and say "well, I didn't really use Vivi that much, and I didn't use Selphie as much..." but they do have a connection in the story somewhere.
thread revival XD

I agree with you Busta when you say that the playable characters are somewhat useful but then again-- it's not always the case. I mean, I could name a few characters that weren't really that important to the storyline but somehow fitted in there.

Well, really i guess it'd have to be the optional characters that you can get. If they're optional then they really don't contribute to the story do they? I can't think of atm though some optional characters so, i might have to get back on that one.
Yuffie-- she's an optional character.
I guess i'll say:

If im not mistaken, none of these characters had anything to do with the storyline they just showed up. I'm not saying that their useless in battle cause the more the merry, right? They just didn't really seem that important IMO.
FFVIII spoilers ahoy!

I didn't see the point of introducing Edea as a quasi-playable character at all. It was nice having Seifer in there for a while, because it helped establish his character as an antagonist, and made his turn seem that bit more important. Edea on the other hand was a thoroughly useless addition to the cast.
I found Kimahri useless for the most part. His Ronso Rage was good in a pinch, but aside from that, there was nothing he could do that Auron could do better. He contributed almost nothing to the story, and seemed to just be there as the weird blue monster everyone thought was weird. The token weird character if you like.

Vaan in XII of course, contributed nothing other than being the eyepiece for the story. He practically revealed just being along for the ride.
Edward, from the amazing FFIV, is the King of Uselessness.

This is his new official title I am hereby giving him. On top of his inadequate battle effectiveness, he is a KNOB of a person. o_O

edit: whoops, silly typo.
Quina ... beyond useless. I hated "its" attacks, so weak and beyond boring. Do something you long tongued freak!
In terms of using characters in battle I would say that Penelo was pretty much useless. And Kimarhi is useless to some people but I don't agree with that since I used him a lot in my party. I loved the fact that he didn't have a set part of the sphere grid so he could easily learn a bunch of random things from the other party member's paths.

In terms of story I would say we didn't need Cait Sith or Vincent Valentine. I really don't think them not being in the story would have made a huge difference. And once again I'll say Penelo because Vaan's story was really enough. We didn't need two characters from the same town who lost family because of the empire. One would have been enough.

And as much as I hate to say it Kimahri really had nothing to bring to the story besides watching over Yuna and becoming her guardian. But I hate saying that because I <3 Kimarhi.

Laguna and the other two also had very little to do with the storyline and honestly I found their scenes to be annoying and pointless.

In terms of summons I will go with the aeon I renamed "Useless", Yojimbo. Because he was pretty much...well.... useless. >.>
TBH I've never found any character useless. Edward came the closest but sometimes his songs did help in battle. If you don't ever use a character or build their skills, they will be useless. However, if you actually play them, characters like Gau, Quina, Stratego ect, can be very useful in battle.

If we are talking about storywise, then I'd have to say Umaro. he really served no purpose and was just an optional character :P

Kimahri was useless to me. I never used him in battle and it was a pain to get his celestial weapon so I left it. Also he didn't really have special abilities on the sphere grid, you could follow someone else's path way too fast.
His only fame moment was when he jumped in and fought Tidus, can't really think of anything more.
I wouldn't count any character useless in battle... but this thread just made me think of X-2. The songstress dressphere was, in my opinion, beyond useless. I hated it.
Even Kimahri in X came in handy sometimes. His overdrives were half-decent and he'd always be helpful if I needed to throw in my reserve party to finish a boss off.