Username Change Thread

Oh my goodness you guys and all your name changes. x_x I don't know who half you are anymore...anyway, the username Scarface is already in use.
How come I can't edit my username anymore? Anyway, I'd like to be Faith again, please.
Because you just changed it 6 days ago. You can't just change it whenever you want. Everybody has a time limit on changing their name. I believe it's like every two weeks for Veteran Members or something. Anyway, it's changed back.
Hey can i ask how you get a colourful name? if anyone can do that for me will you please?any colour except white i dont mind, also um... sayuri? please would you change my name to ReportedExile??? Please???
Are you sure Angelus is alright with you taking her old name? =/
I'm not saying you can't have it, Bro. It's just everybody knows Angelus by Angelus and I wanted to make for certain she was okay that you used her old name. If you ask her, and she says yes, then no problems here. You can have it. Just don't want to tread on any toes is all.
It's changed now. ^_^ Also, it's really hard to read your font. Could you please make it bigger? Thanks.
Much better text size hun. Thank you!

And yes, FAYD, your request is done.