Using Magic


Best I Never Had...
May 15, 2007
Macalania Forest
In FFVIII we all know that we had to Draw and Junction magic in order to increase our attributes.

Well, my question is, did you ever use your magic?

For me I never really used magic, at least not the ones I had equipped. =/. That just injured my stats if I used it too much. It was not really needed for me anyway. Most games I am a magic user but this one I could go without and be fine. The GF's took over most of the damage for me anyway. =p.
I used curative spells when needed, and in boss battles Id use shell, protect, haste and meltdown, I was never a big magic user anyway so I don't really think it even affected me all that much... Id just restock/refine the ones that I used
I would very rarely use Magic, I would just Stock up to 100, then just leave it, no need to waste them, I got by with attacks and Limit Breaks just fine. :P

When I use Magic, it's often just for fun (I liked watching the Meteor spell). XD
I never used magic, it was just there to be junctioned to my stats. Which is an odd approach for me to take really, since with most other games in the series, I much prefer the mage characters and using magic.

With FFVIII I relied more on physical attacks and GFs, I didn't have a problem with not using magic. The only magic I did use was Aura. Or maybe Cure in the menu screen, but even then I'd refine items so I always had the maximum amount, even if it wasn't junctioned to anything xD
Aura, Meltdown, Cure/Cura/Curaga, Life/Full-Life. ...That's about it. Apart from Rinoa and Angel Wing, I guess. I always junctioned her magic in a way that she always used Meteor.
Not really, there's no real incentive to use magic, it makes your characters weaker. Especially as there's no real difference between the amount of damage done by physical attacks or magic attacks. As there's no mage character, Selphie doesn't count, you don't really need to use magic unless you used it outside of battle; cure, esuna etc etc.
Magic is one of the main elements in the game but you get treamtent and recover early on in the game (like Disc 1) it become easy and fight are there to get magic. other magics such as Aura and meltdown are used to easily, so the next time i play FFVIII i think i will stay away from these types of magics(if that how it spelt in ploral).
I used magic on occasion. It was mostly curative or protection magic. I did use aura a lot towards the end of the game. For the most part, I didn't bother with it since all the good magic was junctioned to my stats.
My word

A lot of the time you can get by with draw-cast and stay healthy. So no I mean magic was cool, but it was mainly a tool for stat boosting. I still got like 400 scans I need to get rid of though. They arn't any good compare to the rest of my magic. I'm on disk 3/4 and kind of regret drawing them at the begining of the game

Ive always been a melee guy and the magic weakened my characters so no it was of no use to me other than the healing methods listed above, although meteor was bad ass
Most of the time I only used Meltdown, and the occasional Triple, Protect, Shell combo from Rinoa, since I had her junctioned with the Recover ability anyway, so she naturally was the magic user. I never really used any elemental spells or magic that would attack the enemy, unless I was completely winning and had nothing better to do than use up some old worthless magic I didn't need, i.e. fire, thunder... etc.
Well, I think magic here is very important. Some magic can do pretty much damages n it's really good for healing. I usually use tripple if i need and the battles becomes easier. Besides, magic can boost my stats:)
Uh, very rarely. I think I used Cure/Cura/Curaga sometimes, but I'd just go make more til I had 100 again.. I was always quite over-powered in this game, and I'd play cards like mad, so I could usually make more of the more common magics if I wanted to use them. I used Life and shiz in battle sometimes, and Triple/Double/Aura, but really... it was usually just better to attack and keep your magic for junctions. Depending on the monster, you can also just draw and cast the magic.. I did that a lot :P

Selphie's slot helped a lot in boss battles, too, since it was basically free magic... xD Same with Rinoa's Angel Wing... I think that's what it was called >.>

So yeah.. I didn't use a lot of magic, just certain spells really. I always had far too much scan, and it was no good for junctioning... :hmmm: I think I scanned my party members for fun.
A lot of the time you can get by with draw-cast and stay healthy. So no I mean magic was cool, but it was mainly a tool for stat boosting. I still got like 400 scans I need to get rid of though. They arn't any good compare to the rest of my magic. I'm on disk 3/4 and kind of regret drawing them at the begining of the game


Gheghe, the square button in the magic menu is your friend ;-)

I always used to stock up magic and use it only for junctioning, but in the current game I'm using the Meltdown > Triple > Meteor combo which dishes out quite some damage and made me change my opinion on magic in FFVIII . It costs a lot of Meteors, but at least it is more reliable then recasting Aura all the time.
I only used Aura, Meltdown, and meteor. The rest was useless to me. I just junctioned them and didnt use them so that my stats would not fall. Aura gave me limit breaks= Lionheart spamming, which meant battles were won very quickly.
I only ever use Aura.
As soon as you've got the GFs with Recover and Revive you don't need much else really. Aura on Squall = win.
I used cure and cura and even curaga since they were pretty easy to refine after obtaining Siren's ability, but besides that i never really felt the need to use magic simply because it made no sense to use it when there are much more powerful attacks at my disposal, even the basic Attack command can do much better then magic, i only used magic to junction and increase my characters stats.

Besides that...there was no point in wasting spells.
Although I don't use magic often, the curative spells are useful, as are meltdown, aura, haste and triple sometimes.

Against Ultimecia I once got by by only unlocking magic. I used triple and haste in combination with meltdown and meteor to defeat her (33000+ damage per character with three meteors). With good junctions it's quite easy. This was just an experiment, of course.
I mostly used physical attacks but I used curative magic. I didn't have item junctioned to any characters of my last play through at any point and I didn't need it.

Item is easily the most useless ability of this game in battle.

I always had every character stocked to 100 so if i used a couple things i had junctioned Id just switch it from a character I didn;t like playing or one that didnt have that magic junctioned.
Item is easily the most useless ability of this game in battle.
Except for GF. GFs take to long and cause too little damage. I never even junction the GF command, and always junction ITEM instead (or CARD), because it gives you more options.