[V1] What are you currently playing?

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I'm currently playing Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XII (almost done with it! YAY!) and Final Fantasy VII. I've been thinking about installing my husband's game Oblivion on my computer. I've been watching him play off and on and it looks so awesome!

If you're thinking about playing Oblivion, might I also reccommend Morrowind :D

I'm playing Rise of Nations - Thrones and Patriots.
Currently playing FFXII most of the time, and if I get bored, I switch to FFVI, FFVII, and FFVIII. I haven't finished VI yet, so I play that game more often than VII and VIII.
Warhammer: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade for the PC.

Been ages since I've played an RTS and this is a damn fine one, playing pretty much all the time online which is the way to do it unless you're playing cheap players using the Necron or Chaos races.

Going to start going through the first two Broken Sword games soon as a warmup for when I get a load of the old Lucasrts classics like Monkey Island.
Just finished FFXII a while back so now im playing Rouge Galaxy. So far it feels a little cliche but its still okay i guess. Other than that im also playing a lot of Resistance Fall of Man online.
I am currently playing:

Tales Of Symphonia - Gamecube
Kingdom Hearts II - PS2

Yeah......i have WAY to much free time XD
I don't have as much time as I would like to play video games right now, but I am playing FF III on the DS and I'm really enjoying it.

My sister and I are also playing FFVI on the PS(it can be put on 2 player), but since we're both so busy and our scheduals don't really match up we really can't play it as much as we want to.

I want to play Zelda: A Link to the Past on my DS soon. I'll probably start playing in on my breaks at school.

My friend and I have been playing a lot of streetfighter lately.
I'm back to playing FFVII after like over a year of not playing it. I just beat FFIX a couple months ago, and I started to play Breath of Fire II, but I gave up on that, the games not as fun as I thought.
Curse of Monkey Island (PC) - Godly game, stop playing FF games constantly and expand your experiences people. There is better out there!
FF is godly dude. I don't see Monkey Island having its own forum site. Haha. Anyway!

FFIX currently.


Just goes to show that you made a statement with no backing or proof so thus you are an idiot.

And having a forum based on a gaming series doesn't equal the quality of the games, it just shows that there are more idiots who are willing to babble about the games rather than play the fucking thing.
Indeed, they are many awesome games and series outside of Final Fantasy, some even greater than it if you ask me ( GASP! SHOCK! HORROR! ASTONISHMENT! ).

Right now I'm switching between two:
trying to finish F.F. 12 and starting up Shin Onimusha: Dawn Of Dreams which is rather better than I'd expected.:cool:
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