[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Been playing Dissidia 012 for the last however long. Still have plenty to do; been terrorizing the Labyrinth with Squall and Kuja the last few days.
I'm like turning tables on which FF game I been currently working on. After I bought my new Xbox, I gotten back to work on FF13, picking up where I left off in Chapter 11. When I got to Chapter 13, I gotten bored since I beaten this game last year.

On other weekends when I'm over at my Mom's I'm trying to work on Final Fantasy 6, two of the last games to put on my memory cards.

Dissidia 012, I finally beaten the twelfth cycle and unlocked Gilgamesh and Shantoto. So rarely, I been on and off that game just power-leveling.

I bought Final Fantasy XIV thanks to my nephew's idea and started that game on Tuesday, but due to my old video card, it's on hold till my nephew brings over his spare one to hook it up onto my PC.

Final Fantasy VIII and Final Fantasy XIII

Yes, I'm playing two at once. I've been switching between the two. I just started over on FFXIII because I got tired of the lack of dialog after you finish the story and are just roaming around Gran Pulse. I started playing FFVIII over again before I started playing FFXIII, and the reason is because I recently ran into the whole-----SPOILER ALERT-----'Squall is dead' theory, and wanted to play the game again(I haven't played it since I was really young) in order to get my own opinion on whether or not it's true--I'm on disc 3, and I just arrived in Esthar to find Ellone in order to 'revive' Rinoa. I already don't think that Squall is dead, but I'm seriously loving the game.

As for FFXIII, I'm still on Chapter One, and the game just switched over to Snow for the first time.

Oh, and also, I started playing FFVIII and Dissidia 012 around the same time, but after I beat the 12th cycle, I got bored, since it started making me play through the events of the first game...but, I'm getting back into it, since I never actually finished the first game, lmao.
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I am currently playing FF10. I've kind of put it on hold though haha.
I just got up to the bit where you get Ifrit in that temple. I'm really enjoying it again but I forgot how much the voice acting irked me. The graphics really aren't special any more either hahaha but I do enjoy the battle system and the music and the sphere grid a lot. Can't wait till I can play Blitzball again :jess:
Havent been playing any FF game since I beat all the ones I have allready, But im in the middle of re-playing stuff for achievements on my 360. So It looks like ill be playing Final Fantasy XIII again to finish up 5 starring all the missions and collecting all the weapons in the game so i can complete my achievement list for it and unlock fangs pic. And I maybe might re-do the story again just so i can fight bahamut and cid raines again xD
I am dedicately playing through Final Fantasy VII, when I can, have hardly nay time to sleep these days :awesome: Just got upto the part where I have the buggy, now back tracking to gain some Enemy Skills and also the Mythril so i can get Great Gospel for Aeris/Aerith.
am currently leveling up characters on dissidia 012... am trying to do golbez.. next is garland and kain :wacky: after that maybe laguna..

I want to start playing FFIX again.. I was playing it a while ago on my psp and i was half way through disc 2 (when u go with garnet and vivi to the second conitent) but then my psp decided to corrupt my save data :hmph: soo i need to start again XD
am currently leveling up characters on dissidia 012... am trying to do golbez.. next is garland and kain :wacky: after that maybe laguna..

I want to start playing FFIX again.. I was playing it a while ago on my psp and i was half way through disc 2 (when u go with garnet and vivi to the second conitent) but then my psp decided to corrupt my save data :hmph: soo i need to start again XD

Damn...that really sucks. But hey, if you bought it on PSN, then what you should do, like I've been doing with FFVIII, is whenever you stop playing, copy the save data over from your PSP to your PS3, so that in case something like that ever happens again, you at least have something not so far back as starting over completely.

Lately I've been playing FFVIII on my PS3 though...for some reason, after I got to disc 3 on the PSP, the game gets really slow and laggy--especially when out in the world map. It starts to load everything non-stop when I rotate the camera and that makes it slower...not sure what to do about it, so I've just been playing on my PS3.
For the millionth time... FINAL FANTASY VIII baby <333333333333
I never grow tired of my Squall! *Sighs*

It's the PC version, all I have because I recently moved countries. But hey, it is better than nothing at all!!! I am grateful for any form of a Final Fantasy. Which reminds me... I have my PSP somewhere... Hello FFIX....
Perfecting FFVIII. Damn Rosetta stones. I am also perfecting FFIII when I can be stuffed. Leveling characters and maxing HP is indeed boring..
Currently playing Final Fantasy 1 with a party of Knight,Master,Red Wizard and White Wizard. Gotten 3 orbs so I'm trying to get the last one and head for the Mirage Tower in the Desert after I had gotten an item called the chime. Also trying to tackle Final Fantasy 12, but I hadn't played that in awhile. Got really far in final fantasy 12, but I'm trying to now get level 4 white, green and magic and level 2 time such as Reflectega,Hastaga and Slowga. Got to love how magic works in Final Fantasy eh?
Well I took a step back and finally decided to replay FFVII... Then I will Do VIII probably..

But this time around I'm trying to get everything... so yes this includes Aerith's final limit break.. its really pain in the rear end...
Speaking of Final Fantasy 8, I almost. Almost got every GF and Final Weapon. I just needed an item for Quistis' Saving the Queen. I had LionHeart, Shooting Star,Exeter, Ehrigiz, and Cresent Vision. As far as GFs I had every one. If I can name them all occordingly. Let's see... Quetzecotl,Shiva,Ifirit,Siren,Diablos,Brothers,Carbunkle,Leviathan,Alexander,Cerberus,Bahamut,
I just finished FFVII a couple of weeks ago for the 6th time or so and I'm about to start playing FFVIII again. Mainly because I download them off of the PSN and seeing as how I now have a PS3 slim that doesn't play anything but PS3 games it makes sense. Every now and again I need to be nostalgic and play the classics. So I plan on starting VIII this afternoon.
I just started playing Crisis Core. Since I finally got my PSP working again, I decided it was time to check it out. I've also been playing both Dissidia games.
I just finished FF III. I found a copy of Parasite Eve II and decided to play that. Then it's between FF IV and FF V.
Okay after a complete frustration of Final Fantasy XIV (yes I know the game sucks), I've retired playing online games due to my RL bedtime adjustment schedule, and a confusing combat system.

Since last Thursday, I went back to work on Final Fantasy XIII on the 360. Since I finally pre-ordered Final Fantasy XIII-2 for the 360, I gotta get my butt working on finishing 13 and chances of the odds of finishing it? Probably late October to early November since I beaten it on the PS3 version.

Every other weekend when I go to my mothers, I been working on Final Fantasy VI on the PS1. :)