[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection for the PSP

I just started playing it a few seconds and hope I will enjoy it. Goodluck to me :)
I'm about halfway through FFXII. I never gave it a good chance first time, and didn't like the changes they made. However this time round, I'm seeing the positives. It's certainly a lot better than FFXIII, which despite decent plot and so on, had horriffic gameplay.

Anyways, just got Lente's Tear, and about to go through the barriers in the Golmore Jungle.
I'm not playing any Final Fantasy game right now. I'm thinking about buying either Final Fantasy VII or VIII again. It's been years since I have played any of them. Gosh, I don't know which one to choose!
Plus, I can't get either one right away anyways. Just bought L.A. Norie. It's a good game, but I'm having second thoughts on whether I should have bought it or not. It's not a very long game, and it gets repetitive.
I am replaying FFX for fun. I'm sure that'll be followed by X-2 cause that's what I usually do.

I put FFIX on hold. I started it around Christmas vacation. But when I went back to college in late January I decided against bringing my PS3 which I was playing it on. So that was put on hold. Now that summer vacation is here I plan on playing again.

I also plan on replaying FFXIII cause I want to give it another chance. I was kinda 'meh' about playing it.

And finally I'm playing Dissidia 012 (currently going through the final war...so kinda, technically, playing the original at the moment).
I touched a few FF's last week.

Was playing, FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX on ps3 but he died.
Then started FFX-2 again on my ps2, but it bored me xD
And just saw the intro of FFVI today.
Currently re-playing Final Fantasy VIII.

It currently holds the #2 spot in my list of favorite Final Fantasy games(Final Fantasy VII is my favorite of all time:awesome:).

Also playing X-2 and 13(although 13 is starting to irritate me(boss battles are outrageously hard))
Final Fantasy X-2. I just finished X, and this game has so proved to be a terrific follow-up, even if it is lightweight. It actually reminds me of No More Heroes with its focus on mini games (in a really positive way).
I am playing...Final Fantasy. The Anniversary PSP edition...since Dissidia 012 came with a code to get it half-price, I figured I'd get it. Started it yesterday, been playing in earnest today~

My team is composed of the Kratos the Warrior, Yuan the Monk, Mithos the Black Mage, and Martel the White Mage - I'm oh-so original like that - and they're all around level 17...just defeated the Lich in the Cavern of Earth (fucking HATE that place) and got the Earth Crystal. Trying not to grind, so I'm not too high when I class change later on. I haven't played this in a while...I'd forgotten how challenging it could be. Looking forward to the gauntlet of optional bosses later, though.
I just beat IV and XIII. Which should I play next? I have all of them except V and VI (though they should be up on the PSN soon!). I've been playing around a bit with VII, which seems good. I was thinking of maybe continuing with that one and then giving Crisis Core a spin after.
Right now I'm playing FF7 :) Breeding chocobos, just got the black one so I'm almost to the gold! Next I'll be doing Parasite Eve 2. (IK it's not a FF game but it's still Square!)
I'm currently playing FFIV DS, and I really like it :D
I'm also playing Dissidia 012 Prologus (I know I'm late, everyone is playing Dissidia 012 but I'm still playing the Prologus).
Then... what else? Oh right, I was forgetting that I'm also playing KH 358/2 days, but I don't have enough time for it, so first I'm gonna finish FFIV, then I'll play it.
FF Tactics on PS1.

Baseballbat Boy

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Hm...I left off playing FFVIII a few months ago. I became outraged after spending countless hours trying to obtain Malboro tentacles so I could summon doomtrain. <_<
Currently, I'm playing FFX. I'm trying to finish it like, 100%, just because I have nothing better to do.
Just got back to Final Fantasy XII. I still love this game so much. I want to make my main priority passing Final Fantasy XII before I go back to X-2. I just remembered of different Fianl Fantasy XII is compared to most FF's. The battle system can get pretty annoying with monsters just sneaking up from behind. I currently only use Balthier, Ashe and Basch. Fran, Penelo and Vaan are pretty much under leveled. I hate Vaan so that really does not matter. xD I plan to get to Archades later and show that stupid Ahriman who is boss again... and hopefully those traps will not kill me. If they do, Ill just run back to hunter's camp and sell all my loot and buy a few items. I love playing this again after like two years.
I just finished FFVII, and it was great! I'm currently playing V, where I just got Lenna after the pyramid of Moore, and then I'm going to finish up XII, and eventually XIII.
I'm mostly switching between VII and X-2, but honestly I'm playing VII a lot more. On the side, I play III on the DS.
I'm playing FFXII right now; about to go meet the Garif. :D

I have Vaan, Balthier, and Penelo in my party. As soon as I have them all up to level 35, I'll level everyone else up as well. I'm currently in the Giza Plains trying to take down the Gil Snapper mark.
Playing Dissidia. Don't ask me why, but I am.
Never really liked the game to begin with but it passes the time.