[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

After beating FFXII, I've gone back to FFIII for the DS. I guess I just miss playing it since I haven't touched it in months. For once, I actually want to try and complete everything on this playthrough (too lazy before), so it may take a while.
Well, earlier tonight I put FFX in the ol' PS2 to start another run at it. Like I did with FFVIII, I'm going to record every boss battle/significant parts to show how I go about them to possibly help others. These projects are pretty fun, but it's a pretty lengthy process.

Maybe I'll tackle FFVII and FFIX in time as well. I may even attempt FFXII, which is a daunting task considering how long some of the later battles are.
I started FFVIII over the weekend. Already got 6+ magics at 100 in stock for both Quistis and Squall (just finished fire cavern quest), and I was nearly lol'd when Quistis was like I'MA TELL YOU NOW HOW TO JUNCTION MAGIC K? 8D /amtotallyusedtoit
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy X-2. As soon as I finish it, I'm going to start on Crisis Core. I heard it's kickass.
five , this is an anyoying game but as soon as i beat it my sister deleted my file and im trying to get everything before i start with the next one ( I havent been play alot latley though )
Hmmm lets see I am currently playing Final Fantasy X-2(still stuck but trying) Final Fantasy XII(still not passed) I am also playing war of the lions but Im stuck there too. Looking forward to playing VIII again if I can find the damn game -__-
i'm about to start on a new run through of IX, for the millionth time.
so i'll put that down as the currently playing, because by the time someone reads this, i will be playing it.

Currently Playing: Final Fantasy Anthology for PlayStation. Specifically, I'm focusing on FF V, since I never really played much of it. The characters aren't that interesting to me, but I'm doing fine.
Currently playing FFTA2, Dissidia, and FFIX. I'm actually replaying FFIX cause I didn't really pay attention to much of the game.And I'm still just maxing and getting all the unlockables in Dissidia.
just a min ago i was playing FFIII (DS) and yesterday i was playing FFVII (PC)
(best ff game eva, they should remake it 4 ds!)
Im currently playing final fantasy 10. Trying to get a copy of ff9 cheap on ebay. Im at the end of ten now, but i might go through it again just for fun
Im currently playing final fantasy 10. Trying to get a copy of ff9 cheap on ebay. Im at the end of ten now, but i might go through it again just for fun

You'd do well to find it reasonably priced PAL version, it's so expensive from what I've seen (but the American version is so damn cheap...wtf??) I actually bought a new copy on ebay myself recently for about £16 new, since my old copy's 3rd disc was giving me trouble. I was preety lucky to get it at that price.

And I guess that sort of answers which game I'm playing at the moment...Final Fantasy 9! Again!
Yeah im looking for a PAL copy, lowest ive seen so far is about £11 with a few hours left. I didn't realise the ameriican copy was so cheap :( i'm looking to grab one for less than 15, although im going to be waiting awhile
Lets not derail the topic too much please people - it's asking what you are currently playing, not what are you looking for ;))