[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I'm currently playing FFVIII. I'm on Disc 3 and just made it to Esthar. I HATE the part where you have to chase the Lunatic Pandora. <.< I know I'm coming close to it and I just cringe at the thought because Esthar is so huge and can be confusing.
I'm currently playing FFIII. The game is so cute.<3
I know I'm coming close to it and I just cringe at the thought because Esthar is so huge and can be confusing.
I hate it too and every time I replayed the game and went through there, I'd either fail and let my clearly better VIII player do it for me or cry about how large Esthar was and quite playing for weeks or months.

I'm currently playing FFIII (DS version now. I beat the first game years ago) and than I'll finish up FFII on GBA :)
After finishing FFV, I now playing FFVI. Which is the last main final fantasy that I haven't finished yet.

And still playing FFTA2. It is REALLY long... I like it!
At the moment im busy with three of the FF games. FFVIII on the PSX and FFX on the PS2 and FFVII Crisis Core on the PSP. yes i know how can i keep up. well thats easy one game a day and when im on the road i play Crisis Core lol. to be honest i've beaten the games already but my goal is to beat the games with as low levels as possible. and thats not easy espacially with Crisis Core, tho beating the game on normal mode can be done with low level.
currently i playing dissidia

im at the end for XII and VIII but i cant seem to finish it im jus too lazy to pop them back in the ps2 :P
Right now I'm in the middle of FFVIII, FFIX, and FFXII

In VIII I'm on Disk two fighting Fujin and Raijin in Balamb... for some reason they keep managing to gank me. I had thim JUST ABOUT dead one time and then my game froze and I had to take my disk in to get the scratch repaired -_-

In IX I'm somewhere on Disk 3 when you go after that guy and meet him at his castle. I can't find the f***in castle :P

In XII I'm fighting some Judges. Only tried it once and got killed.... not my highest priority game.
One word: Dissidia!!

I rented it but wanna buy it so bad.T_T
Jaut got back into FFX after neglecting it for ages. just arrived inside Sin, got all the celestial weapons this week, its no WONDER ive had a bloody headache.......captured monsters in all areas bar Sin and omega, Ive been a busy bee this last week, so now it's mostly just monster arena and Dark aeons I have to do. Oh and Omegas dungeon...Dun times
welll i'am currently playing ff8 and ff12 vagrant story and ff3 i completed kingdom hearts 2 and 1 so i know the story pretty well and i can;t wait to play 4 i did pretty well on 8 althouth it was pretty hard and ff12 too i got most of the ultimate weopons i hate the great cystlall soo annoying haven't playing 7 or crisis core i want to play them though and i've completed dirge of cerberus three times or four
I'm currently playing VIII and X, when I get stuck or bored of one, I swap to the other

Actually, right this second I'm in the Sphere Hall in Luca listening to the music
I'm currently doing numerous runs of Final Fantasy IX in preparation for a marathon I'm doing in mid November. I know it's early, but I wanna be prepared... :awesome:
Currently playing Dissidia ^^

I'm really enjoying it, although I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm confused by a few things, but I'll figure it out! :gasp:

That and everyone here seems to have at least one character at level 100 already; my highest level character is only at 20 something and I got the game just the day after it came out Dx

Side note: I really want to get around to beating I, II, III, IV and XII, especially before I ever play XIII >.<
I'm still hooked on Dissidia. This is my second playthrough though (first was Japanese.. I imported it). This game is awesome, and so damn addictive.

The next FF I should play though is FF4, I've had it a while and never finished it :/ Then I should move onto 5 (again!)