[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy I, I'm playing both I'm a multi-tasker ;)) This is my first time playing FFI though its not as hard as I thought but definitely confusing >_>
I admire all of you who are playing multiple FFs at the same time -- I can only play one and keep the story straight. I am currently almost to the middle of my play-all-the-FFs-marathon: I am halfway through FF6
Heya currently playing FF8 for the......6th time....i think just arrived @Dollet for ther SeeD mission really looking forward to the rest of the game as I've been feeling empty with most RPGs i:ve played of late and need to be reminded of what a real game plays like haha........
Right now, I am playing X-2. I just finished Chapter 4 and I am really enjoying the game.
I'm currently playing FFVII and Dissidia :)

I find Dissidia a really good game to play becasue of its game duration and story.
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I'm currently playing Dissidia, although I left my Crisis Core, FFI and FFII unfinished. I've also tried playing FFV and FFVI in VBA (yeah, emulator) and I can't really stand that the emulator is kinda slow. I don't know why though. So I left it. Maybe when I'm not lazy, I'll play V and VI.

As for leaving 3 games unfinished, my FFI is in somehow the same situation as my V and VI, although I'm playing it in PSP. I just haven't figured out where to go yet, then I found FFII. XD In FFII, I'm still in Mysidia. OTL I need to level up, that's why Im stuck there. For Crisis Core, I'm in the process of finishing all the missions before going to Nibelheim, because I want to unlock the shops and other special items before the end of Chapter 8.

Dissidia is more my thing as of late. I'm still playing the Japanese version, though, and I've just unlocked Gabranth. I'm leveling up my Onion Knight and Tidus before going through Inward Chaos. Xp
I've been playing FF dissidia since sep 21st. I occasionally play 12 and 10-2 still but yeah Dissidia is my top game right now.
I am currently playing FFV. It is actually my first experience with an older RPG and I am actually really enjoying it. I would say I am just about half-way through about to go into Moore Forrest.
The greatest thing about this game is the Job system and is worth a play through just for that alone. I have seen some complaints on this from people who consider it to be too much of a grind to level up your different jobs, but i certainly dont mind it too much and think its fun to be able to master a Job and be able to mix and match different jobs together.
The story isnt too much to rave over. Its simplistic and sometimes seems a bit rushed especially when it comes to the main characters who practically feel like strangers throughout but it is still compelling enough to stick with and its getting better as I go along. All in all this is a very fun game and one that I should have definatley picked up earlier.
I'm playing FFX, even as I type. Multitask FTW!

im playing ffx too! :D im in macalania temple right now ^^

More effort please. Try to elaborate a bit more.

I'm playing FFII and FFX at the moment.

I've just rescued Nelly in FFII, and have to go get the Mythril, but I've been stat and gil whoring so far. I've got all of Maria's spells up to level 8, and she's got 800 HP and over 200 MP. Firion and Guy are also really powerful too.

I've got up to my favourite part of the game in FFX - Highbridge! I'm mega-training my characters before I go and kick Seymour's ass. I've figured out that Lulu is about ten away from Doublecast, Rikku's 20 away from Bribe, and about 30 away from Flare. I intend to get Doublecast, Flare and Bribe before I move on. So far it only takes about half an hour for each character to get ten sphere levels xD

Too bad Kimahri misses out on this part of the game, I think this is where he ends up becoming irrelevant.
Back for elaboration, I'm playing FFX at the moment I'm fighting around just a little bit after where you're at, stevie. I'm right at the end of the Gagazet trials, right before Tidus finds out.... stuff but I'm in need of uber trainage as I have to fight the friggen dragon beast dood that uses photon wing and kills all my guys. Anyways, I just noticed that kimahri has kinda fallen behind in his usefulness but somehow I managed to get him to learn all of the aga's and death to boot so maybe I just neet to fight with him more ?.?

Oh, and I usually just use: Tidus, Auron, wakka. But I switch wakka out with whom ever I need. Tidus; For his time magic and Auron for hos BA-ness XD

Elaboration complete :D
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FFIV on the NDS, i got the game earlier this year when i saw it on sale along with Dragon Quest IV, i've been playing FFIV on and off ever since, Dr Lugae was making my life hell and i gave up and stashed the game until recently i gave it a go again and with some online help, finally beat him, but now stuck elsewhere.....but that wasn't the point of this post.

I'm not a zealous fanboy that adores FFVII as "the ultimate FF game" and as such my tastes, as far as FF games go, lie elsewhere. FFIV quickly grew on me, after FFI (PSP) and FFIII (DS) left a bad taste in my mouth, i was ready to give up and just await the release of FFXIII, but FFIV changed my view of earlier FF games and to be honest, i can't wait to finish it off and try out The After Years on my Wii.
The FF game I am playing right now is 7 I got it on playstation store. Most of you don't know what that means. It is a store where you can buy stuff on ps3 and you can buy ps1 games and they were selling FF7 so I got it for 19$.:randompoke:
I've just crashed into Fisherman's Horizon in FFVIII (love the music here). Am about to watch the wally that is Mayor Dobe try to sweet-talk Galbadian troops into not causing trouble. Unsurprisingly this does not work! Daft mayor apart, I quite like FH, it's one of those eccentric settlements which I always enjoy in FF games.
Well, currently I'm playing Dissidia. I've completed all the story mode except for Inward Chaos. I'm tryin to gather more trade materials to acquire some more unique weapons. I just restarted Crisis Core, only about an hour into it so far, got past most of the intro/tuts. I'm also playing FF7 on the PSP. Just made it back to get some of my master materias.
i'm currently playing tactics (the playstation localization) and i'm about a quarter to half way into it (at goug machine city), i'm playing vi on the ps but i haven't played it in forever and can't remember what i was supposed to be doing though i think i had just rescued terra, and i finally got around to playing xii after i said i never would (but only because the wait for xiii is absolutely killing me!) i played it all summer and i'm at the ascent of the pharos... it's actually a decent game if you can get past some of the character design flaws and average story. most recently i started to play ff:x but i haven't been able to get into it, i think it has alot to do with the voice acting. i might get back into it after i finish xii, but i really want to finish tactics, so i'll probably do that first.
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currently playing FFX. almost finished it actually. i spoiled myself tho b/c i saw the ending on youtube, oh and the kissing scene too XD but yes, im almost finished. got stuck on Seymour for a bit but i got soo happy when i beat him up.
Currently playing Dissidia, and FF5 multiplayer style, which can be frustrating cuz I can only control 2 people, and the person I'm playing with isn't as quick or exp as me :P