[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I'm currently playing final fantasy VIII...again XD, Getting all the characters to lvl 100 so I could take on Omega x)...I just luv fighting this thing =P. Already got all their ultimate weapons and now lvling them up, 15 or so lvls till 100 .
As of the moment I have been playing FF7 on my PSP and starting playing FF8 on my PS1 as I sometimes play it every once in a while and I am enjoying it again. Wish I had FF9 to be honest. I would be playing that a lot more then the other games.
I'm playing Final Fantasy XII at the moment. This is my first time playing and I'm currently at "Ogir-Yensa Sandsea" - it's a really good place for leveling up I think, well at my level.

I thought I should play it since I bought it when the game came out, I played the first few minutes of it and I disliked it immediately, I got up to Vaan killing rats in the sewer and I was like, ahhh this game sucks balls. So I turned it off, and only now have I decided to play it again, it's an alright game but it does not measure up to previous Final Fantasy games, and it only barely deserves the title "Final Fantasy".

Oh yeah and, I was supposed to play on Final Fantasy VIII but when I put the disk in my PS3 all it did was show the PS1 logo thing then the screen went black, so I got annoyed and put in FF XII instead haha. So if anyone knows how to fix it tell me please :)
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Final Fantasy IX

I'm not playing it 'currently', but rather, 'soon'. To be honest, I have not touched any of my Final Fantasy games in ages, thanks to my examinations. Then again, as the examination draws to a close, I'm positive I'll be rekindling the flames of passion I have for the game, so there goes.

Perhaps, I'll be trying the mad rush for Excalibur II. I'm not too confident about success though.
FFV Advanced, and almost finished it too. It's only the third FF I've ever played, but I've got FFIV on standby for when I complete it.
I'm currently playing final fantasy VIII...again XD, Getting all the characters to lvl 100 so I could take on Omega x)...I just luv fighting this thing =P. Already got all their ultimate weapons and now lvling them up, 15 or so lvls till 100 .

You do know that in Final Fantasy VIII the higher your level the harder is enemy? you suppost to use junction rather than leveling

Anyway i´m playing currently Crisis Core as i somehow missed it and dint have PSP when it came out, so far i´m enjoying the game, tho in my opinion i would like to FF7 saga be untouchead (its perfect as it is, no remakes, no sequels/prequels)
I've decided to replay FFXII, I wonder how far I'll get though, since the beginning pisses me off to no end.

It's also an FF that I'm not overly-familiar with, so it shouldn't be boring to replay it if I manage to get into it again. xD
I'm replaying Final Fantasy VIII at the moment. The first time I played I didn't understand the whole junction system quite well, so it's a lot of fun to play it again with characters which are much better equipped/junctioned. Also, I'm collectiong all the cards in the Triple Triad game, only 8 more to go!
I finished Final Fantasy IX last night. Necron went down in a matter of minutes once Garnet began summoning Bahamut like crazy. Now I'm going back to FF Tactics A2 on the DS. It's really not the best tactical game I've ever seen. It's not hard, but takes viciously ages to master. I've done 203 quests so far, and my highest level is towards LV 50.
Replaying Final Fantasy IV. I'm on Mt. Ordeals but I think I'll be needing to do some leveling before I go any further. Not very far right now but I haven't been moving very fast through this game -_- Need to get back into it
At the moment I've just started up on Dissidia again.

I'm still training and such as yet and haven't really made much progress, but at least I've made a start on it again.

The PSP gets hot in my hands really quickly seeing as it's Summer and I can't play it for too long at a time. :gonk:
Final Fantasy VIII

Playing it for the 3rd time now, yet I still find it as enticing as when I played it the first time. I should be finishing the game this week, then it's either FF VII or FF X.
i just wish my great final fantasys would work!! i have so much trouble getting my 7 started up , it takes me like a full hour of constantly resetting , ive just got it going as i type!!! , so im replaying 7 for probably the 100th time lol , i would play 8 but my disc 3 is gone as well , its time for another ebay experiene lol, im just in junon at the moment on disc one of 7 , just started it up last week and play it whenever i get time, its just one of those games i keep coming back for more of!!
I actually just gone beating FF7 again like, 20 minutes ago, which prompted me to join a forum... because I really really really like Final Fantasy lol. :3 Im surprised I can still stand the graphics.

I just kind of got out of the mood to play IV. So I moved back onto XII. I hate doing that, but oh well. I don't know why I got the sudden urge to play XII yesterday, but I did and I started playing it. I think I always just go nuts about how much I hate the story and characters that I forget to give gameplay credit. It actually is pretty fun now, and I'm getting into it.

I'm currently level grinding before leaving Rabanastre, before you get caught on the Leviathan. I don't even know why on my first playthrough I didn't do my usual over leveling. I had some trouble on there so I want to get ahead a bit.
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I'm still playing Final Fantasy VIII. Today I managed to collect the last triple triad cards (whoohoo, a yellow star in the menu..) and played till the start of disc 4, so I'm about the discover if it was worth to put so much time in the card game (collecting cards to refine, abandoning rules all over te world, Card Club and Queen of Cards quests, etc..).
Final Fantasy VII. :)
I've just literally finished Cosmo Canyon, in fact, the game is on right now, I've just left the place and I'm about to head to get (lovelylovelylovelylovelylovely) Vincent. :] This is my second attempt doing so, I forgot to save after doing Cosmon Canyon and flew straight to where you get Vincent (I cannot spell the name nor do I want to reveal spoilers!) and unfortunately died during the boss battle. >_>
So I've just saved, heh. Vincent will be mine. :D
Right now I'm playing FFX and I'm in Zanarkand near the end and I've loved the game so far, though some of it just makes me lose interest.