[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Final Fantasy I, I had my first game over and I flipped so its been a couple of days since I played :dead:\\

But nonetheless its been a very fun game, I enjoy playing the hell out of my sisters PSP :monocle:

But seriously its my fav game so I play the crap out of it.
I am currently playing FFXII and loving every minute of it. I remember trying this game when it first came out and never really liked it too much. But I guess the second time around was much better. :ryan:

I am on my way to the Ridorana Cataract and all my characters are lvl 52 on there way to 53.
Oh NOOO!! i stopped playing.....temporarily of course. But been busy, school has had me tied up. And i am playing ddo online, so yeah....
I am currently playing Final Fantasy 7. All my guys are Lvl 89-99. Fighting Safer Sephiroth is such a pain when he uses his 2 most deadly moves supernova and Heartless Angel.
Probably my 32nd replay of Echoes of Time...
I really haven't been in the mood for any of main series games...and it's probably for the best, too. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers comes out in another week.
I'm playing FF XII, at the moment.

I was actually re-paying VII, but quit that, and started a new game on XII seeing I've never finished this one yet.

Currently I'm leveling up to fight the DemonWall in the Tomb of Raithwall.
Started up Final Fantasy IX again today for the first time in years. Didn't get too far though - I stopped in the forest after they escaped Alexandria. This is probably my most favorite Final Fantasy setting out of the series but I never really paid close attention to the storyline and plot when I was a teenager, so I figured now's the best time to play again. I'm probably not going to go in-depth with card-hunting like I did in the past, or any other sidequests for that matter - just pretty much play for the storyline and reliving some of the most memorable characters in the series.
I am currently playing ff7 which i think is the best ff game ever made. a great story line great characters.... epic boss battles and the first final fantasy game in 3d on the ps1 :) i will soon be playing ff13 when it is released.
I'm currently in the progress of getting through XII
If I could, I would spend more time in it,
But seeing as how every little moment I spend playing annoys me oh so because they way I'm leveling up my characters sucks.
I refuse to spend more than 4 hours a day.
When I can figure out how to properly purchase the licenses
then i will spend more time a day playing
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currently I am playing Final Fantasy 4, 5 and 6 on GBA. 4 and 6 are pretty kool so far but 5 hasnt made me feel that it is a great game.
my last played game would probably be ff12 or chocoboe tales

Reload, can you elaborate a bit, please? :3 Thank you.

I'm playing FFX right now, I've just hit the Highbridge... curse you, Kimahri! I was you could use him at this area... he's going to be so severely behind when I get him back, and then he'll fail against Biran and Yenke.... Gah. Have I mentioned that I hate Kimahri? 8F

I love this game though, Yuna's dress.. *sway* So pretty x3
I've just played through FF12, but I didn't enjoy it much :(
I liked most of the characters, even though there wasn't much depth to them. I liked most of the locations, but the cities seemed a bit bland to me. The added Green magic was a nice change. I found most of the bosses a challenge, making me level grind...which is good in turn-based RPGs, but it annoyed me in this one because I hate the battle system of the modern Square RPGs.
Of course, maybe FF13's battle system will be different enough to make me enjoy it again :)

I'm currently playing My Life as a Darklord...it's alright, I guess.
I've just played through FF12, but I didn't enjoy it much :(
I liked most of the characters, even though there wasn't much depth to them. I liked most of the locations, but the cities seemed a bit bland to me. The added Green magic was a nice change. I found most of the bosses a challenge, making me level grind...which is good in turn-based RPGs, but it annoyed me in this one because I hate the battle system of the modern Square RPGs.
Of course, maybe FF13's battle system will be different enough to make me enjoy it again :)

I'm currently playing My Life as a Darklord...it's alright, I guess.

Did you find the hell wyrm hard. and along with the monster with loads of arms armed with deadly swords and his dog pet.
Hell Wyrm, Hell Wyrm...
Was that an optional boss? If not, where do you fight it?
I really didn't remember the names of the enemies or bosses, because I was just forcing myself to finish the game.
I am currently playing Final Fantasy IV the After Years. Its a really good game and Im loving it so far. The new story is awesome and hooded man? Im guessing it is Golbez of course. Also This mysterious girl is pretty freaky.
Did you find the hell wyrm hard. and along with the monster with loads of arms armed with deadly swords and his dog pet.

Hell Wyrm, Hell Wyrm...
Was that an optional boss? If not, where do you fight it?
I really didn't remember the names of the enemies or bosses, because I was just forcing myself to finish the game.

Hey guys, let's try and not derail the original purpose of this thread and keep it on topic, please. =] If you have any questions about a certain game, you can always create a thread in the appropriate Help Booth section. Thank you.
I'm currently playing through FFX (and of course Mark and Jess are beating me! lol) Anyway, I'm just now in Luca and Yuna's been kidnapped, so I'm about to go and fight the Albhed and that massive Blitzball machine thing or whatever. I'm working on getting all of Lulu's 'ara' spells. I really do love this game. It's my absolute favourite, and it's that one game I could just keep playing over and over again.