[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Right now I'm actually planning on picking up on where I left off in XII. I just beat the mandragoras and I seem to have lost interest in the game. I'm hoping for some awesome twists or something, I need a change in pace on that game. It seems I'm always just aimlessly running around letting my party fight monsters. =/ Where's the fun in that?

I'm playing II for the PSP and XII.

I have about 6 hours on II, just at the Dreadnought, but a captain keeps killing me... I'll have to be more sneaky.

I'm about 33 hours into XII, my main party are all Lv33 (Ashe, Vaan and Fran). I'm at some coast place, I'm thinking of farming some cash to upgrade armor, I'm taking 200-300 damage with Protect on (Gold Helm, Bone Plate, Dragon Shield).
I'm almost half way through FFI. Hopefully I can finish that one and then do the rest of them up to VI. I'm still debating trying IX.
Just re-played VII, VIII, X, and IX (in that order) and was going to redo XII next but had a change of heart and decided to go with VI instead. I am only about 4 hours in, at the part where your party is divided and you have to play the different scenarios by choosing them with Mog.
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Still playing VII on the PS1, but I've just gotten my PSP and it came with Dissidia so naturally I'm playing that now as well.
I should be picking up a copy of Crisis Core (finally) in a few days so I'll soon be playing that as well :3
FFVIII. Not long since arrived on disk 3, just running around and doing all the sidequesty shit now, got all the ultimate weapons and all but Eden on GF's, so I might have a treck down the deep sea research facility, see how I get on

I might quickly run through the Lunatic Pandora first, steal some laser cannons so I can get Quistis that Limit Break Ive forgotten the name of, then I just need to get siren to level 100 so I can get Shockwave Pulsar :rage:

Soo, pretty much just tying up lose ends

Ah crap. I have to do the chocobo sidequest, Ive never liked that on VIII but I want the fucking card :rage:

Once Ive done that, Im gunna go back to my X & XII saves and tie up my lose ends there, all I really have to do on both of them is training really
Ive been playing FFIX im on the last disc its really good def in my top five FFs
Im also playing VIII and at the last boss but for sum reason i dont hav the drive to continue yet.
Also FF12 fack its a long game. so long to lvl up
Just finished IX for the 2nd time, now playing IV--DS version (just got one for Xmas! :yay:) The intro vid is such a tease, but I'm still loving the updated graphics, especially the dungeon environments. Also love the new dialogue translation--it's really been enriched, especially with the NPCs. The thought bubbles when you switch to the menu are cool too.

Also playing XII--I actually started it in '07, but have been reluctant to finish it--just hanging out in the different areas and doing sidequests is so much fun, I keep looking for more. I think I have maybe 5 more hunts left and 2 or so extra Espers, plus the basement level of Pharos--even though I'm at level 83 with my party members (Balthier, Fran, Basch) and 81 with the backups, the Abaddons & friends keep kicking my ass, even with Bubble Belts, Protect, and Shell. :banghead:
At the moment I'm trying to get through FFIII on the DS. :p

Mod Edit: Could you please add a bit more effort to your post? How the game is going, where you're at, how you like it so far, etc. This is a post count section. Thanks! =]
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Currently FF:XII was in the middle of VII but misplaced ps1 mem card so decided restart on a ps2 version and thought XII more than X cuz I played X more recently, I'm just about go to bahamut so I'm on the whole last minute training before the end :P.
i just started VI, ive never played it before and i've had it for ages so i thought i would give it a go, plus people have said its a good game :)
I started replaying FFI on my PS1. Did you know you can upgrade your characters before fighting Marilith? That's just what I did and the whole fight was easier. I usually don't upgrade my characters until before the Sunken Shrine.

My warriors are: Kael (Red Mage/Wizard), Blank (Thief/Ninja), Mirage (White Mage/Wizard) and Jack (Black Mage/Wizard)
I'm currently playing FF7, FFCC, FFD and I'll be playing FF8 when it is released in the EU on PS Store.

I can't seem to get into any of the FF games before FF7. Not sure why.
I'm currently playing XII. I've been on and off with it since I got it around three years ago. With XIII on its release date in March, I really want to get it completed. I think I'm nearly at the end since the last person I fought was Dr. Cid and am at the point where I've got to complete all sidequests I need to finish it off, or else I can't go back once I head to the Bahamut.
I'm currently playing XII. I've been on and off with it since I got it around three years ago. With XIII on its release date in March, I really want to get it completed. I think I'm nearly at the end since the last person I fought was Dr. Cid and am at the point where I've got to complete all sidequests I need to finish it off, or else I can't go back once I head to the Bahamut.

All of the sidequests? It's stupid when it comes to fighting the last hunt, Yiazamat. Or whatever he is called. I took 40 million off him and gave up because it got boring. Just complete it and watch the ending, it's easy.
All of the sidequests? It's stupid when it comes to fighting the last hunt, Yiazamat. Or whatever he is called. I took 40 million off him and gave up because it got boring. Just complete it and watch the ending, it's easy.
True, but I'm one for going on the sidequests as well as completing the story. I don't like to leave anything missing whatsoever. So that's why I intend to get everything done before I get around to the ending.
True, but I'm one for going on the sidequests as well as completing the story. I don't like to leave anything missing whatsoever. So that's why I intend to get everything done before I get around to the ending.
Yeah that's what I do. I got to the last boss on FFX, saved it and ran back to do everything, when I got back to the boss, I one hit KO'd his first form.
Have you been using a guide? Probably quicker.
Have you been using a guide? Probably quicker.
I did have one, but unfortunately, I've lost it. So I've been looking on the internet for tips and hints if I've gotten stuck at some point, even posting here for help with marks sometimes. But I should be fine without the guide for now.
I did have one, but unfortunately, I've lost it. So I've been looking on the internet for tips and hints if I've gotten stuck at some point, even posting here for help with marks sometimes. But I should be fine without the guide for now.

I see. If you need information on marks, be sure to send me a message if you like. I have the big brown limited edition guide for it. I'd be more then happy to help.
I am playing FFIV for like the 100th time :gonk:

I keep losing my save state on the computer and thus I have to start over. I am at the very beginning where Cecil is still a dark knight. This should be fun...again :brooding: