[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (FINALLY! :gasp:)

I'm on the (Rodeoheim?) mission, and I'm a bit stuck getting past the Genesis guards. -__- Other than that, I'm quite enjoying the game. Played 6 and a half hours and I haven't died yet. 8F
I am currently playing Crisis Core...again haha. I love the game to death. I'm at the part before you fight Genesis' boss form.
Right now i'm replaying FFX. I can play this game over and over and never get tired of it; it's my favorite FF title to date. I love the FF series as a whole, which makes it hard for me to say one is my favorite! xD

Going back on topic, I am currently at the Seymour Natus boss fight. It's proving to be difficult, but after reading up on it and asking people at this forum, I'm going to try again and hope I come out victorious! Thanks to everyone that helped me! :D!
Replaying through FFVII i've not gotten very far only to up to the part where you fight the Ape boss in the Sewers, the just after beating him my game froze -_-

i'm also still playing DFF such a fun yet odd little fighter
I'm currently replaying final fantasy 8, second disc as of right now, just finished the part when we plan to trap Edea, and go forward with the plan, currently on my way out of the underground jail. ;D
Completed VII recently... waiting until I've got enough money to buy a PSP and Crisis Core (I need to play that game. I'm tired of waiting!)
Until then, I'll amuse myself replaying Dirge of Cerberus and Kingdom Hearts.
i've just dusted off my PS2 to play some FFX not sure if i want to restart or not but the i'm using my old file which is fighting the dark aeons and the monster arena might try and redo the sphere grid aswell. But the main reason for me to play my PS2 again is play final fantasy XII which i can't find.
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I am currently playing FFX and FFIX right now. In FFX I just got to the Operation Mi'hean battle site. I am loving blitzball more this time around because I have a guide thus have access to all the best blitzball players. :jess: So my team is pretty epic. :D

And in FFIX I just started really I am leveling up a little bit before going into the Ice Cavern. I love this game so much I dont know if I will honestly ever get tired of playing it. :D
I recently downloaded FF7 from the PSN so I'm playing that again. It was my first FF and it's feeling very nostalgic at the moment. :monster:

I just escaped the prison at the Gold Saucer. :)
I am currently playing Final Fantasy VII and I got to say that I still enjoy playing it after so many years. I haven't got back to the game because I was leveling the materias to get the Master ones. I have already defeated most of the bosses and now I am trying to get the materias and master them. I will go back and play Final Fantasy VII one day and finish the game completly. It's the best Final Fantasy game of the series, no doubts about it. It's a awesome game!
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Here again!

I'm playing Dirge of Cerberus and Crisis Core both for the 2nd time. I'm doing all the missions as they come in crisis core and I'm just trying to get all the levels in DoC open so I can, not use a guide, and later on go back and get stuff I haven't when I do use a guide. later all
I finished Final Fantasy XIII at 11.56pm December 31st 2009. I beat it in 2009, something most of you will not be able to say.

This thread is about which game you are currently playing not which one you've just beaten. Please try and add something to the topic when you post. Thanks. xD
I recently acquired FFVII, so I'm playing that game at the moment. I played it before on the PC, but a few bugs kept me from finishing it. Now I have the PSX version, so I can finish it! I'm not very far in the game though, I'm about to enter Shinra HQ to save Aeris.
To answer that first question near the start of the first post, it is Modeoheim. And I just got Final Fantasy for the PSP the day before yesterday, just checked that out for a couple hours yesterday, enjoyed it very much, so I imagine this means I am going to get into playing that a lot for the next little while. :D

That Chaos Battle Theme (dunno what else to call it) sounds so epic, I love the start of it, the first 7/8 seconds, I'm actually listening to this song in Windows Media Player right now, while I type about the game it is from in this thread. How appropriate! xD

The Wolf type monsters in that game look cool (I know, random, but I love Wolves, so...yeah), encountered a group of them then cast Sleep on them so they wouldn't all run away before I could take all their HP off.

Since when were monsters so quick to run away...? Must be a level difference thing. :P
I'm currently working on the FF XII, I probably could have been ended it but I love doing all the hunts and gathering different kinds of loot for the best weapons I plan to finish it before FF XIII. I'm also working on the original nes FF III, but I'm still at the very beginning though
Just started a game of FFIX a few hours ago, just left Lindblum (I really want to know how to pronounce that) I'm on my way to Burmecia. I never realized how quick the first disk is before, all I have to do now is go through that grotto do that little thing at South Gate with Dagger (or Eva which is what I called her haha) and then to Burmecia to fight Beatrix.

I love Final Fantasy 9, it's my favourite FF game ^_^ !
I've started a new file on Dissidia, for lack of anything else to do on my PSP until FFVIII gets released via PSN over here...I really, REALLY should not have started with Warrior of Light...with the exception of Kuja and Tidus, who I never use, he's probably my worst character...I'm doing very poorly indeed...