[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I'm now playing Final Fantasy IV for PS. Leveling up is such a burden but in the end I hope I enjoy the game. I'm at the point where Rydia needs to learn fire. This will be my 2nd time playing the game.
I'm playing Dissidia. After not touching it since September I've decided to go back to it. I'm also on-and-off switching between III and IV on the DS. Kind of annoyed as one of them glitched and I have to start over completely.
I just passed the first FF and now I'm replaying II. It's amazing how much changes from the first to second installments. I love II because that's the first game in the series with an actual main character.
Im currently playing final fantasy 8, It has always been my favorite, aswell as my first final fantasy game. I am near galbadia garden.
Im replaying FF8 for the first time. My copy got all crapped up and i hadn't gotten a new one for like years, since i was 11 and that was 5 years ago. Great to finally play it again.

And i'm playing FF6 for the 3rd time. About to hit the soul shrine with a maxed out party.

And lastly i bought FF2 for the psp, hoping it would be more fun than the Gba version. But i became incredibly bored and can only play the game in very short bursts.
It varies. Right now I'm into Final Fantasy IX. But tomorrow I'll probably be playing Final Fantasy VII and the next day VIII. NEVER buy 3 or more Final Fantasies and the same time! Ruins your mind.
FFX. :ryan:

You have gotta love that game, it has so much emotion to the story, fantastic battles and music/sountracks/songs! :elmo: I doubt I move on to another FF sson, the replay value is also great! :33333
Right now I am into Final Fantasy VII for sure. I like to switch every once in a while but my priority is in VII.
Yeah, IX's one of the best and definitely worth buying. I just wish I knew where to buy a copy and treasure it my whole life. :)

I'm still playing II at the moment. As of now, I'm at Castle Fynn.
Right now I'm playing FFX: International. =). Almost beat the main story.
I'm also on FFXII: Zodiac and FFVII.
I have just completed a 100% complete save of FF7 (All master materia for each character, 4 enemy skills all full etc.) That took quite a long time but happily the playthrough ended just as FFVIII was released on the EU PSN store.

I am now playing that and I have only clocked up a few hours so far. But I'm playing without USING GFs in battle, relying on Junctioning and magic abilities, which is fairly easy with Squall and Selphie constantly in limit states...
FFIV for the SNES. I guess it would be FFII, since its the American version. It's actually on the SNES too, so I get this warm funny feeling that can only be described as nostalgia.

I just got to Agart, and I have the feeling the story is about the get VERY interesting. It's actually been pretty good so far though, as I did a good job of not spoiling a few points of the story, except for the big one. Of course.
Replaying FF4 because it's my favorite. And because I've replayed everything already....so this run is my 3rd time replaying this =(
It took me long enough. I've been going through Final Fantasy IX at snail pace because I haven't been playing it lately. I have finally reached the place I never liked in my first playthrough - Ipsen's Castle. I remember this place and the fact I need weaker weapons. Too bad I got rid of some though. :hmmm:

After I'm through with FFIX, I'm off to FFXIII. It should be out by the time I finish! :monster:
I finally decided to sit down and beat some of the Final Fantasy games I haven't beat yet. I Beat Final Fantasy Tactics, then broke out Origins and beat FF1, now I'm currently on FF2. Just got done killing the Emperor in the cyclone. It's a pretty long game compared to FF1.

I'm trying to resist the urge to replay through them all. But after FF2, all I got left is FF6.
I finally decided to sit down and beat some of the Final Fantasy games I haven't beat yet. I Beat Final Fantasy Tactics, then broke out Origins and beat FF1, now I'm currently on FF2. Just got done killing the Emperor in the cyclone. It's a pretty long game compared to FF1.

Get out, I'm doing THAT! I finished FF1 (Origins version) some time ago and just last night in FFII I defeated the Emperor inside the Cyclone! Spammed Ultima on him, but since he just kept using Elixirs, I buffed everyone and just flat out beat him. Gus finished him off, and I had him using Unarmed combat ever since the beginning, while Maria fought with axes and spears. What did you use against him? :)

So, um, that pretty much covers what I'm currently doing too.