[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I'm playing FFXII for the first time. I am about to go fight the Marquis I think.

Ooh, maybe a hidden reference to Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, perhaps (as it is another SE game). Crosell, a large dragon, is also refered to as the Marquis.

Anyway, back to the topic. I have passed FF origins for the PSOne, and since my Memory Card broke for the PS2 there's not much to play. However, now that I have a job I can save up to buy a PSP, and you can count your lucky stars I WILL get Dissidia as my next FF game! Wait, Dissidia does count, right?
Final Fantasy XIII.

Simply put, i've played everything and absolutely everything from the FF franchise and FFXIII was the only thing i could chew on for a 19 hour JRPG. i've played both versions, Japanese and English because of the partial content differences. The story was pretty good, captivated me as usual, but the gameplay was a little too rigid, but regardless, great characters, great relationships and an absolutely wonderful tale.
Final Fantasy XIII. :dave:

Chapter 5 to be exact. Trying to gather up some CP before this last boss in the chapter.

I would have thought that I would get through this faster than I am, but alas I had to restart. I think I was just so excited to get it that first night, I started playing and didn't bother with any battles. So, I'm trying to do as much as possible for this second attempt.
I am currently playing Dissidia Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy VII at this time. I am playing as Jecht in Dissidia Final Fantasy and replaying Final Fantasy VII to enjoy the story once again.
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I am currently playing FFVIII. I am way behind in the games but I just have to see if they meet the standards people are giving them. :ryan:
I'm currently playing XIII of course :D

And so far I love it. The battle system is so much fun, I love the characters, and the story is so intriguing. I finally got Fang as a playable character which is good. I can't remember which chapter I'm on though. lol.
FFXIII. I'm constantly finding myself yearning to play this game day in and day out. D:
I think the story is just that magnetic.
Final Fantasy XIII.

I'm on the final boss but I decided to turn around and grind some more CP. I've establised it's going to take at least 50/60 more hours to grind to the full level [after the boss], for some roles it's starting to take 30,000-60,000CP per upgrade D:
Final Fantasy XIII

Surprise there! XD

But I'm only up to Chapter 4 at the moment because I haven't played it since Saturday and I can't just sit in front of a T.V. for too long or I get bored.

So that's why I'm not anywhere near where most of you are in the game. XD

But I'm loving it so far! It's got to be my favourite game since FFX. I'm so emotionally attached to all of the characters. <3
I am currently playing FFV and FFXIII in tandem.

FFV: About 23 hours in, just taken down a barrier tower. I'm using Samurai, Summoner, Ninja, Red Mage.

FFXIII: Just started chapter 6. Hope isn't as annoying as I thought he'd be. Lightning isn't as horrible and cold as I thought she'd be. I'm still not a massive fan of the Crystarium though.
Just finished FFVII, started FFXIII now ^.^

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Currently having another playthrough of VII seeing as it's been a while since I've done so.

I'm also hunting the marks in XIII in the buildup to supposedly the toughest enemies in the game.
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy XIII which of course, if no surprise whatsoever. Having stumbled slightly by the ugly boss at the end of Chapter 9, I am on the 10th chapter at last. I am loving the battle system so far. When the opponent you are fighting isn't almost impossibly strong, it is the most addictive combat system I have seen yet in any of the FF games. I love the tactical feel of switching between Paradigms to suit the needs of the battlefield.

The story is certainly not forgettable. SE have put a lot of effort in it and though dubious at first, I have grown to love the characters, especially Lightning, Sazh and Fang. Though some aspects of the story have disappointed me, it has had me gripped to anticipate the next cutscene over and over again. When I will get to the final boss's front door I'm not sure yet. I'll probably do some CP farming beforehand.
I'm currently playing FFXIII. I just recently started and I haven't had a lot of time to play so I'm only on Chapter 2. The game is starting to get interesting and I'm really liking the battle system so far. And Sazh is <3
I'm sorta still playing FFXIII. Completed the storyline, gotta do all the optional shizz now. I'm gonna play through it again on a new file too, so I can take it slower this time, and play it alongside Pokémon HG/SS. It's just a fantastic game xD

I might start up FFVI again. It's such a fantastic game, and I haven't played it for about a year, or so it feels. It's either FFVI or FFIX next for me!
I'm playing XIII, like most people haha.

I'm not very far at the moment, just finished the chapter with Lightning and Hope, can't remember which one it is though :/

Haven't really had much time to play it so I feel slightly behind everyone else :sad3:
At the moment i'm playing FF tactics, i decided to play it because i'm a FF fan and well it has Final Fantasy as title so xD why not. the battle system was a little bit slow but okay, it gets faster later when you actually have gotten somewhere in the game lol. what square was doing with the battle system was a cool experiment really but it don't last in the long run because it gets tiring.

In my opinion the fights in the beginning of the game were Uber hard couldn't almost go somewhere. But the job system was nice i like jobs and stuff it's a cool way learning abilites and at the same time switch to another class.
Final Fantasy XIII of course xD I finished the main story a few days ago and now im doing the hunt missions and I just got 999999 Cp right now xD. Time to spend it all up! I grinded like crazy xD