[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

Currently I'm working on FFVIII and FFX. Kind of playing them slowly since I have work and college. Was working on dissidia but I lost my PSP when I went to orlando so I'm basically in a pickle right now =P. When FFXIII comes out, I'll more than likely be playing that game however, I'm going to try and finish FFVIII before then. I have beaten the game several times. I just was playing it for fun and while waiting for the new game to come out :)
Get out, I'm doing THAT! I finished FF1 (Origins version) some time ago and just last night in FFII I defeated the Emperor inside the Cyclone! Spammed Ultima on him, but since he just kept using Elixirs, I buffed everyone and just flat out beat him. Gus finished him off, and I had him using Unarmed combat ever since the beginning, while Maria fought with axes and spears. What did you use against him? :)

So, um, that pretty much covers what I'm currently doing too.

Well, I beat FFII last night and I'm currently moving on to Final Fantasy VI. Might start on it tomorrow, need a little break in between so I don't get bored.

Well, Leon, I didn't even really bother with spells in this game. Ultima is still in my inventory unused. Only spell I really leveled up was cure. Think it was about level 14 or 15 when I got done. As for what my characters used: Firion-sword/shield, Maria-bow, Gus-Axe/shield.
I'm currently playing FFVIII on the PSP, gonna try and get as many ultimate weapons on Disk 1 as possible :jess: I already have 32 Elnoyle cards, so I can get the Pulse Ammo needed for Lionheart, so that's the hard part over.

I'm really enjoying it so far though. For someone who LOATHED the game with a passion a year or so ago, it's a huge turnaround. I think it's a brilliant game now xD
5th post here!!

Well I don't know if this counts but I'm done with FF4. First time in a final fantasy I didn't level to 99. I may get back to it sooner or later and do so. Anyways I'm playing Parasite eve, which is still a square soft game. I just got jipped cause I was running from the ultimate being and went back a screen and died. WTF. I got Parasite Eve 2 and am playing it next.

Sorry if this don't belong here. If it don't feel free to delete post.
FFVIII on PSP :gasp:

I waited so long for this game and hadn't played it for something liike 5 or 6 years so I have played it non stop since I got it.
Characters are getting towards the higher levels now which is a shame since it will make the last part of the game a little harder, but then again I'm tempted to get all the way to level 99 with all 3 in order to get those stats really high.

Either way I'm loving the game and I'm beginning to hope they announce a release date for FFIX on the PSN store too :D
Yesterday I unsuccessfully tried to pick up where I left off many months ago with FFXII. I've never really fully gotten into the game but decided to play it again to try and take my mind away from XIII, however, I found that I had no idea what the hell I was mean to be doing. I found myself visiting various towns wandering around for some clue of where to go but I'd left it simply that long that I had no idea what I was actually doing.
Got FF I for my PSP :3 The game was remade very well, and I can not play it with the new awesome graphics. I just started, so I am currently training outside of Cornelia, just in case. Playing Dissidia made me feel like returning to the roots of the series after seeing WoL in action. Hope it can be exciting this time, unlike the other three times I tried to play it :doze:
FFIV for the DS. I'm really, REALLY in love with this game, but those archfiends are so dang annoying to me. Rubicante especially. But that doesn't take away from me loving this game.

Now if only Square would make a remake of FFVI...
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I beat ff12 a couple months ago and am still trying to get through all the extra stuff. I'm going to try to complete that game 100% before ff13 comes out...
Final Fantasy VIII, I'm in Ultimecia's Castle so I just have to level up and then go to finsh the game.

Final Fantasy Dissidia, just wish to beat the game.
I'm currently playing Final Fantasy X which was recommended to me by a friend who is also playing it at the moment but is a lot further than I am. Since I have never played any of the Final Fantasy games and I wasn't sure which one to start with, my friend said this one would be a good one to go with. I'm enjoying it so far and the graphics are amazing! Like when you see the character's hair close up flying in the wind, it looks so real! The music is also starting to grow on me! The part of the game I am currently at is when they get off the boat and I forget the name of the place they are at at the moment, but it's where the Blitzball tournament is being held and they introduce all the teams one after the other and describe how good they are etc. and say who they think is gonna win. Tidus gets up suddenly and speaks through this loud speaker! That's all I can remember at the moment of where I am in the game.
Something I'm finding kinda complicated and confusing to understand is how the Ability Sphere grid thing works. I'm slowly picking it up now though bit by bit, but it's still a bit weird to me, what you have to do!
Maybe if someone could explain to me as much as you can how it works and what the whole idea is of it etc. I'd really appreciate it!
I am currently playing through Final Fantasy IX, and trying to decide what I am going to play through next. I have just gotten done beating most of VII but still have to go beat sephiroth and do side quests if i decide to do them. I also have VIII ready to play and after reading the Squal's Dead website and reading their theory I am sudenly interested in VIII again. There are also the older games, though i beat I a year or so ago and dont want to play II, I have III for my DS as well as chocobo tales and Kingdom Hearts 358/2
Final Fantasy II. My sister again delayed coming over here so I won't get to play FFXII till tomorrow. (hopefully) So I figured I'd start playing FF2 again.

I just got the Black Mask.
Just started XIII although I still have a couple pesky Mark hunts to complete in XII (I did finish XII's main storyline, though) that I want to go back and do sometime. Between XIII and all the other games I want to get to, though, I dunno when that will be lol
I'm currently playing FF13 xD It's a good game so far but i've defo got a long way to go D:
Let's watch any one-liners in here, guys :) They can be considered spam.

I'm playing FFIX for the.. oh god, 5th time probably.. but the difference is, this time, I can beat it! My last copy had a badly scratched 4th disc, so I couldn't get past the very start of disc 4... >.< I'm on disc 3 now, just went out to Quan's Dwelling to pick up Vivi... back to Treno now for the stupid stupid card tournament D= I just want to go to the Chocobo Lagoon, is that too much to ask?! ... it clearly is. I also can't WAIT to get auto-haste >.>

I love this game so much though, it's amazing x3 I can't believe I'm actually going to get to finish it this time! :jess:
Final Fantasy VII

Uhm... My somanytimeth playthrough of this game. Once again, aiming to get all the items, beat all bosses, get all materias mastered, etc. :ryan: It will take a while, but it will give me something to do. I don't play it as much as I want to, less than an hour a day. But oh well, I'll get there. Still in the beginning of the game.

About to go kick some SOLDIER's ass on bikes.

I'm playing FFXII for the first time. I am about to go fight the Marquis I think.

My party consists of level 14 Vaan, Balthier and Fran.
Something is werid though. i have the appropriate License and the weapon but it won't let me equip the Capella gun or whatever it's called. I don't really care as it's pitifully weak (I have Vaan using an Oaken Pole, Balthier a Javelin and Fran a Aevis Killer ) but I was curious to see what it looked like.
Maybe it's because you need bullets for it just like you need arrows for the bow? That's probably it.

I'm really enjoing mysef so far.
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I'm... sort of, doing XI, but I'll probably quit by the end of the month. It's beyond frustrating to start from the beginning now.

So, I'm pretty much playing VII. It's been FAR and away too long since I've play it, and I'm forgetting so many thing that I feel I'm just spamming the VII board whenever I post in it. Hopefully I can change that soon.