[V2] Which FF Game are you currently playing?

I am currently playing Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy: Dissidia hehe. FF13 during the day and then Dissidia when im laying down trying to fall asleep. Something bout that game really makes me just passout hah
At the memento, I is playing XIII and IX.

I actually started playing IX before I got XIII but, since I got XIII I haven't played as much. Right now in IX i'm atthe start of Disc 3 and in XIII i'm on Chapter X just got Bahamut :D

Of course I think both games are great but, i've already beaten IX so, i'm mainly focusing on XIII for now ^^
Here's the deal:
I'm currently playing FF2 for ps1. The classic 'look' of the FF franchise made me go back to such titles, although the encounter rate is seriously making me reconsider. It's absolutely ridiculous. For my own personal health, does anyone know if the gba version or the psp version monster encounter rates differ at all? anyways, that's not all im tackling now. Im also goin through 8 but am now stuck.... because of reasons beyond my control. I'm literally at the part where i switch from disc 3 to 4, but disc 4 is unreadable on my ps1 and ps2 gaming consoles? why? i have no idea. every other disc works fine..if anyone knows why this is happening of has the slightest clue as to what i should do to fix that problem, please either email me or post me. thx.
ON another note...i'm enjoying FFVI right now. Picked it back up b/c...let's face it, its one of the best. I'm at the part where Celes and Sabin team up and attempt to reassemble the party in the world of ruin. intense.
Currently still on my re-play of Final Fantasy VII.

Haven't played in a while, but I'm planning on doing so a bit tomorrow. :ryan:

I'm about to leave Midgar. :awesome:
im playing vii at the moment, i have never played it and i heard that it was really good

No surprise there really as I guess the latter pages of thios thread are mostly people playing that :8F:

I'l not give out away other than say I'm at the start of chapter X ....still. Not played it in a couple of weeks, been otherwise engaged. Loving it so far, though Chapter 9 was pretty annoying, the boss made up for it though, that was an aaaace battle
At the memento, I is playing XIII and IX.

I actually started playing IX before I got XIII but, since I got XIII I haven't played as much. Right now in IX i'm atthe start of Disc 3 and in XIII i'm on Chapter X just got Bahamut :D

Of course I think both games are great but, i've already beaten IX so, i'm mainly focusing on XIII for now ^^

That's like me. >.<

I started on FFIX for a while and then when I got FFXIII I stopped all together. Now I've not picked up FFXIII since last week but I intend to use my four day weekend and get past chapter 4 already.

The boss at the end is a shithead and I'm getting frustrated with him, so I've not gone back to it for a while.
I started new games of FF7 and FF8 before 13 came out, but they're on the back-burner now that I have 13.

Unfortunately, my PS3 started acting like it couldn't read my first disc of FF7 again, so I only made it to the part where you leave Midgar for the first time. I'll have to dust off my PS2 in order to play it again.

On 8, I'm at the military base where you have to fight that annoying mechanical robot thing that just loves giving me a game over.

As for 13, I'm on chapter 11, and I just beat Vanille's eidolon.

And I still have yet to beat Dissidia, but I doubt I'll play it anytime soon. I've beaten Zidane's chapter, and I was working on beating Cloud's.
Currenty attempting to get all of the trophies. I have 50% of them and I want them all and I refuse to play any other game until i do so D:
I'm currently playing my favorite of the series Final Fantasy VI on the SNES. I'm currently in the Magitek Factory trying to make my way through.
I am currently playing FFXIII (only 8 hours through....) and Final Fantasy tactics for the DS...
I am currently playing FF13 mainly but whenever I get annoyed with it (aka I can't beat something) I take a break and go play FF6.
I also have been trying FF1 for NES but that game is very very weird..I find it hard, very hard.
What I think so far:
FF13-Very amazing! I love the voice acting, the graphics, the battling and the crystarium! And Hope! I love that kid
FF6- I had no idea this game was so epic. The gameplay is brilliant and I like all of the characters. Terra is interesting,
Cyan makes me sad because of what happened to his family, I wanted to cry in that scene. With better graphics (meaning more expression and possibly voice acting) I probably would have cried
and Kefka already beats Sephiroth imo.
FF1 NES- I am very glad they remade this because I find it to be extremely hard to play but I am willing to try because it is the FIRST Final Fantasy.
Currently playing FFIX again, and I love it. Despite the fact disk 1 takes about a year to load, once it loads, it plays perfectly.

I've just got out of the Ice Caverns, I can't wait to get on with it tomorrow. Dali is when the game stops dragging and really starts to kick off, in my opinion, and it's when it starts being a lot of fun ^^ I can't wait!
Just finished FF6 a few days ago. :D

Anyway...I was playing FF9. I'm at the Village of Dali, but I'm making little progress due to another game, FF5.

I currently found out that
Galuf is a king!
I'm on my way to some werewolf village at this point.
Still playing XIII. I probably will not finish it until after I am finished with school because I'll be swamped over the next few weeks. And the Xbox is at my boyfriends place so I don't have easy access to it. (Which is actually a good thing)

I'm still on the second disk. XD
I've just started a new game on XII, and now I remember how much I love it :neomon:
I'm also still playing Crisis Core alongside it. Nearly done with that though!
I had played Final Fantasy XI last year. But now, I played it no more because of busy work. Now, I watched the films. It's wonderful!
Well latley i been getting the feeling i want to play FFVIII again but apart from that I played FFXIII recently but after an event that demoted it from my rotation I went into the trade-in pile
FF Crisis core...some days I swear i'll never get to the end of it...I did buy it when it came out but I work 3 jobs and mostly I sleep in my free time....

Dissidia...I got bored and wandered from it repetedly doing those levels....ugh

Revenent Wings...I just started playing it and I rather find it enjoyable thus far

FFXIII im randomly playing it when I get bored I wander away to one of the others