[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Pissed plum off
WHY?: For starters, my friend didn't show up at school for us to work on English homework, which I really needed because I don't have the book due to my mom's procrastination, as she's the one who is buying my books. I get home and am relied on, as always, to do everything for everyone. My dad needs me to send stupid pictures of his stupid puppies and his stupid dogs, but I can't send them when hotmail is being stupid and won't let me add attachments! So, I attempt to save them to my phone and send them that way, to which it fails. So, I have to go to the ads themselves and manually email the people that way. Then I have to always be bombarded with questions about financial aid and shit by my brother who doesn't have any sense in his head on how to do the stuff. How the heck do I know!? I'm not a genius! I don't work there. I don't have ALL the answers.

In short. I'm sick of people relying on me 24/7. I'm twenty years old and am babysitting people who are my elders by 10+ years at least. :rage:
Mood: :hmph:

Rock Climbing for Phy Ed today. Horrible.

Scared of heights? No.
Embarrassing? No.
Then what Marlena, could possibly be the problem?

Halfway up the wall, I look at my fingers. In shock I let go. My spotter yells at me. I just stare in disbelief.

The horrible girly girl joke of "Omg I chipped a nail" is so underrated. You men have no IDEA the stress and strain of nice nails.

My nails were PERFECT. I am not the girly girl type. But having nice nails is a huge accomplishment, and when not one, but TWO end of your fingernails are jaggedly torn off, you are pissed. Your fingers feel odd, and you must modify your other perfect fingers! It's simply not fair!

You see, I don't wear nailpolish. So having clean cut nails is even more important. This has really put a damper on my day.

I am ending my rant in text, but ohhhhhhhhh I am still ranting :hmph:
Mood: Meh

Towards the end of the day, today was supposed to be a good day, wasn't really. Work was bombed, key broke, some girl got fired over the most dumb shit, they just seem to be digging a deeper hole for themselves anyway with getting rid of the experienced people.

(Shrugs) Overall shit day shit time. Bed soon, perhaps. =/
Mood - Awesome

Been having a chill out day, first one in a little while :D been watching tv all day and been on the xbox alot of the night playing tales of vesperia, done the gears dungeon tonight, OMG awesome music XD
Mood: Good

It's Australia Day today and I don't have to start work till 10:30am.

Usually I don't have to work but I was asked if I wanted too and the extra money for public holidays is good. :ryan:

Steve's driving us in today because he starts work at the same time. :)

Can't wait to come home though! Only a short day. >.<
Mood: Achey. :ohshit:

Getting out more, being more active & feeling the effects...

My back, arms and legs are aching & it feels good. That's how it should be. :argor:
Not great.

I've woken up feeling really ill, with a headache and stomach upset, which means I can't eat and can't really go to work later. It's hard to watch tv too. :(

Got smashed last night, although it was a fantastic night. Woke up with a mouth like a nun's fanny but really cannot be arsed to get out of bed even though I need to go to the gym AND buy food -.- On the upside, another night, another hangover avoided :grin:
Mood: Alright

It's midnight and I'm about to head to bed. Last day of work in a few hours and then the weekend. :ryan:

Can't wait to have a few drinks tomorrow night and on Saturday at our mates BBQ. Should be sweet. :ryan:

Steve gets tomorrow off! He's so lucky. :sad3:
Mood: Awesome like yesterday! :D

Reason: Went to a park near the Bell Tower to watch the fireworks for Australia Day. Had an awesome time there (despite the light rain and thunderstorm...) and recorded 25 minutes of fireworks on my phone with a crappy camera (damn I need to get a digital camera!).
Mood: so-so
Reason: i have a spainsh quiz tommorrow, along with a essay about mining that is due tommorrow as well. Also reading my environmental science book is also making me feel pessimistic:hmph:
I'm reasonably chipper. I still have a nasty headache, but I have a couple of days off work in which to (hopefully) recover. Furthermore, I finished the first series of the Fushigi Yugi manga last night (books 1 to 13). After 13, the story isn't quite as good, so I'm going to start reading Genbu Kaiden! :D Sadly, that's ongoing, so I won't get to finish the story, but it'll still be interesting.

I may end up re-reading all of my manga over the next couple of months. I do need a clearout, but won't get rid of something I might want to re-read in the future, so reading them again now would be a way to check that. (I will certainly re-read FY again! <3)
Mood: Alright

Had a shitty end to work this afternoon. So angry when I left and I still feel tense and annoyed.

I need a drink to make the pain go away. XD

It's pouring down rain yet again which is annoying. It never stops long enough to mow the lawn, which is growing like crazy yet again!
Mood: Okay
Reason: I've gotten over a rough few days and am for the first day in ages - actually feeling decent. Not many plans today - probs just lots of chilling and maybe a trip to some shops. :awesome:
Mood: Bored
Reason: I didn't do as much as I thought I would today... there are no plans for this evening either besides me drinking a lot while sitting around the house. xD Oh shit.
Mood: Very hungry

I've not yet had breakfast and I have no idea what I feel like eating.

We have bacon and eggs but I am too lazy too cook it.

There is cereal but I simply don't feel like it. Oh what a dilemma. v_v

I wish Macca's did home delivery. I would so order a Macca's breaky right now if they did. :gonk:
Mood: Good

Just finished going over cue cards for my report tomorrow. For the first time in a while, I can actually relax this coming week. No tests, no papers, just this one report! :ohoho: I think I'll make strawberry jello now, and then watch Friends for the rest of the night.
Mood: Musical
Reason: I keep singing A Day To Remember over and over... I am home alone so therefore it is okay! I do wish I could sing like I used to...