[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Happy but drained.

I'm feeling quite good today despite going to bed at 1:30am last night and waking up at 6:30am this morning. I had a lovely long weekend though it didn't really feel long at all. :damon: I'm back at work and I dreaded going in this morning to the point of feeling ill on the car ride over but now that I am here it's not so bad and the day is going real fast. Hopefully this whole week flies by fast!! I'm super tired though from stupidly staying up late playing borderlands, but to be fair I didn't think I'd be at work today :sad3: and it was worth it because I had a fun night :griin:
Mood: Pretty good

The bills are getting paid off much more quickly now that Steve has an awesome job and we've started looking at more houses at the Gold Coast!

Just need to make sure we pick somewhere that doesn't flood. :hmmm:

So excited though! We need to get a pre-approval so we know how much we should be looking at spending. Definitely don't want to be one of those idiots who spends right up until their limit.

But yes, my holidays are coming up soon and hopefully we'll also have ourselves our own house! =D
Mood: :gonk:

So my boyfriend signed a 3-year recording contract last Friday. I'm very, very happy for him. It's just that people want to meet me this Friday. Apparently, they're throwing him a big party and he wants me to be with him. I've been looking my dresses, I have so many but why CAN'T I FIND ANYTHING I WANT TO WEAR :rage: I might just buy a new dress. I don't know what to say when I do meet them, or what to do. I'm worried they won't like me. It's just that this is...a lot to take in, in such a short time. :gonk:

Anyway, I feel like a hermit. I got home at around 7pm, then I went to sleep. I woke up, had noodles and watched Community. I'm really glad that this week is so stress-free. :ryan:
Mood: A bit rubbish

Reason: Well I should be happy because my last exam's over but :gonk: I'm really really not. Sure, now I have no exam stress... but I just had one of the worst weekends in a loooong time. There's something now I really need to sort out but I can't do anything about it until at least this weekend, possibly even the weekend after, and it's so so so frustrating. If I know there's something I need to clear up it stresses me out until I've been able to do it :gonk:

I've also got a uni interview in a couple of days. Nervous :sad3:
Mood: Really good

Reason?: I dunno really. Just on a high with the snow coming down outside. I'd still like some heat though. I normally love winter, but right now I want some suuuuun :D
Mood: happy/nervous
Reason: i got a large majority of my projects done. Im fairly confident I did well on most if them. I am however nervous about my spainsh project, given its a class I struggle in. Im also in a tough spot in regards to getting to and from school since I am loaning a family member my car, and since I refused to pay for bussing at the beginning of the year. However my buudy that I was riding with screwed up and cant take me for awhile, and the person Im riding with now wasnt able to pick me up one day, so Im anxious in regard to what I will do about that.
Mood: Pretty Hot

The weather here is a bit yuck. Had a shower and as soon as I got out I was all sticky again.

Stupid tropical weather. <_<

Why can't it just be hot and dry? Like it used to be. :sad3:

Anyway I got an awesome pay this week after working Australia Day last Thursday. :ryan: I love hoarding my money and watching it grow. :britt:
Mood: Excited, yet dreadful...

Why: Valentine's Day is in two weeks, and I was informed by my boyfriend today that instead of having a Valentine's 'day', I'll instead be given a Valentine's 'week', chock full of various activities and what not from him to me. I feel so lucky and I'm so happy! The most important thing is that we will be spending all that together. He's hoping he can get that entire week off, though I told him to seriously not worry about it, but he insists (he's stubborn!).

The dread is caused by the fact that Tuesdays and Thursdays are the most horrible days for classes. I have classes from 2:30 PM-8:10 PM. The sad thing is that it's only two classes. I have an Agriculture class from 2:30-3:45, wait for 1 hour and 45 minutes, then have Ethics from 5:30-8:10. I love Ethics and all, but the class seriously gets boring after the first half. Ugh...
Mood: Knackered

Three hour lecture/seminar sessions are INTENSE. Even with a ten minute break in the middle of it, it's really hard to maintain concentration for that length of time, never mind actually THINK...I had to do both. I managed it, and it was enjoyable, but it's like coming down off a sugar high: you can cope at the time, but it hits you like a ton of bricks afterwards.

Then I had to run to get the train. Running and I, we have something of a long-distance relationship. I can't run long distances, so as a result running and I rarely ever see each other, and we're both much happier with this arrangement than we otherwise would be. But today, I had to cover that distance, on an empty stomach, so I wouldn't have to spend half an hour freezing to death on the platform. Not much fun at all.

Now I'm home, full and warm and moderately content, but I can feel my brain shutting down already. I still have things to do tonight. They're not going to get done :sad3:
Mood: Happy :grin:

I had my first meeting for my final clinical where I get to pick what department/hospital I want to be preceptored in yesterday...and as much as I hate/loathe/despise math...I had my final math test (competency) yesterday which I was dreading. I had 20 handwritten questions I had to answer and show my work for. I stopped at one question for 10 minutes and starting really stressing out about it... and at that point I decided to just try and turn it in. I told my clinical instructor and she offered to grade what I had done already and if I didn't need the points I didn't have to do it since it was stressing me out so. I didn't even want to WATCH her grade it so I kinda looked away when I heard her say that I got all of them right! So at that point I just left it as is and went with one wrong :lew: ...I felt really bad, I later found out a few people ended up failing that test :( ...but I was so relieved. I also bought my expensive school Nursing pin for my upcoming pinning (graduation, really) ceremony which was $60. I was irritated with buying it in the first place since that's like 2 1/2 tanks of gas for my car...but it's so gorgeous. I guess part of it is genuine gold and there's some blue on it. It's actually really pretty. <3
Mood: Good.

Went to the beach on monday and had a nice time.

Today, I ventured into the abyss in my backyard with machete & hacksaw & culled dead trees, dead branches and vines whilst being dinner for a local horde of mosquitos. \

Fun, fun, fun. :grin:
Mood: Pretty Good

Why: I got to see my boyfriend today, and will be seeing him tomorrow, the next day, and the next day! Pretty cool, huh? I also got my refund check today, which means pre-ordering, buying more WoW time, buying another PS Move controller, and my boyfriend's gifts for Valentine's! :D Oh! The SHHF is back up, which I was missing dearly.
Mood: Happy
Reason: I didnt have a lot to do tonight so for once I could just sit back and chill and dince tommorrow is friday I will have my first weekend in awhile where Im not busy:yay: Im also taking the first step toward breaking a bad habit that has plagued me for years: procrastination:grin:
Mood: Content

House work is done apart from the mowing.

Really need to get out there and do it before it rains again. :hmmm:

Had the day off today which was good. So over work at the moment. Think I may go crazy very soon.

Other than that today has been good. :)
Mood: Pissy

Why: Absolutely no idea. I really don't. My boyfriend brought up hanging out with friends and I just have been in a sour mood for no reason. His friends just really annoy me is the issue, which stinks, and he wants me to go with him tomorrow to look at rings that I like. Honestly, I want him to just pick it out on his own, anyway, so I'll probably just stay home.
Mood :(

My only two days off this week are already over. I spent them running errands and getting housework done :hmph: Then I work this weekend (Unless by a stroke of luck I'm lucky enough to get called off...but I really doubt it) and I'm back to clinical on Monday and Tuesday again. That's 4 days solid of 5:20 a.m. alarms :hmph: Plus it's a quiet night for me tonight. I'd typically be up late talking on msn...but I see tonight isn't the night for that...so I'm just going to try and unwind and watch a movie before I go to bed early.
Mood: Tired and sore

Reason: Had a long 9 or so hour drive last night for wrestling. Got back sometime this morning, then had practice this afternoon. My neck hurts, I'm really sore from trying to sleep in the van, and let me tell you, it is not that fucking easy to do, especially going 65-70 on the shitty winding road I was on. :sad3:
Mood: Aggravated

Reason: The pipes have frozen, so we have no cold water, and I really, REALLY need to go. Well, I haven't yet reached critical levels, but in an hour or so I'm going to be in some modest discomfort...stupid fucking weather. It's cold, but it doesn't snow. I swear, the weather is mocking me. It's more than cold enough to snow.
...or maybe it's just saving it for Tuesday. That'd be wonderful.
Mood: Relieved

Finally finished mowing the yard.

The edges still need trimming but Steve can do that. I hate the whipper snipper.

All freshened up now to go over to the neighbours and have a drink. :ryan:

Still have to go out and get another bottle of Jacks. Steve drank half of the bottle I bought last week already. >.<
I'm doing okay.

I had a good day at work today and am enjoying XIII-2 so far, though it's not as good as previous titles. :ness: I had a lovely lentil and cauliflower curry, too. I usually feel good after a comforting and nutritious meal. :ryan: