[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Despite my final exam being first thing on Wednesday, I'm feeling more relaxed than I have been before. For once in a long time I went through college without any worrying or sadness. I would feel better if I am able to wake up in the morning without stress as well. I am still irritated that roadworks have been introduced to a main road near my college so that it takes me even longer to actually get to the college.
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Been in a whatever mood all day. Just been able to chill and do whatever the heck I wanted. Though had to do some shopping before and I really, really hope that's it for the rest of the month. I don't want to do anymore now. >_>
I feel like absolute shit right now, i'm can't stop crying. I don't know what to do no ones talking to me. I feel so horrible, i haven't been eating anything. I feel like dying i feel so horrible. I know its hard to believe but its true, i'll prove it if anyone wants proof. I'm crying right now, i feel like dying too.

I need help, i really need help..please someone help me.

Please, somebody talk to me. Please i'm begging, please someone help me.

I have to turn to, no ones talking to me. I don't want to be like this, i feel really horrible.

why won't anyone believe me? I'll do anything just please someone talk to me :sad:
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Mood: Aggravated

Reason: Trying to plan out my budget in relation to games for the next two months...its frustrating. I don't know for sure what I'm buying and how much its going to cost, mostly because I'm still waiting on new characters for Star Ocean 4 International. Also debating spending my GAME points on the Death Edition of Dante's Inferno to knock the price down a bit...I wanted to get White Knight Chronicles, as well. Hrmn. I can't get that as well as Star Ocean 4, considering I shall most definetely be getting BioShock 2...

Thoughts are chasing each other around in my head...and I've got the Bayonetta remix of Fly Me To The Moon in my head, as well. If I ever review that game, I'm castrating the sound score for having that song. It stays in my head for hours afterwards. ARGH.
I feel like absolute shit right now, i'm can't stop crying. I don't know what to do no ones talking to me. I feel so horrible, i haven't been eating anything. I feel like dying i feel so horrible. I know its hard to believe but its true, i'll prove it if anyone wants proof. I'm crying right now, i feel like dying too.

I need help, i really need help..please someone help me.

Please, somebody talk to me. Please i'm begging, please someone help me.

I have to turn to, no ones talking to me. I don't want to be like this, i feel really horrible.

why won't anyone believe me? I'll do anything just please someone talk to me :sad:

This is the third post from you where you have mentioned the thought of dying here. While I know we all have problems in real life, please do not make the mistake of mixing your problems here in the forums and applying death in order to gain attention from the members. This is very inappropriate and intolerable. Please keep your posts in an appropriate manner. Thank you.

Mood: Crappy

Reason: Was watching Glee before and tried to get comfy before, but I missed my pillows and my head collided with the wall. So now I've got a bit of a headache. Hoping it goes soon or else the tablets will have to get rid of it. Getting a bit tired as well, but that's nothing compared to the headache. >_>
Mood: Pissed Off

I registered for Spanish, Communications, and Gen. Psychology (online) a month ago. I found out last night that they dropped my Spanish and Comm. classes because I haven't paid yet. I was waiting for my financial aid to kick in, which was just recent. I was going to pay last night, but I only have Gen. Psy left, which I'm taking in a different college (sister college of the one I'm currently enrolled in). For the past couple hours I've been trying to log in to their stupid system but it won't let me, and I already have a quiz on the 23rd and Chapter 1 discussions needs to be done the same day. I haven't even gotten the book yet. Today is Martin Luther King's Day so all campuses are closed, and classes begin tomorrow.

So tomorrow I'll go to my college anyway and try to see if the instructors for Spanish and Comm. can both add me to their class. Both classes are already full but hopefully someone drops. And hopefully there won't be a lot of people trying to add the class. It's really irritating because I spent over an hour a month ago trying to make the schedule work perfectly in order to accomodate my husband's work schedule and daughter's school schedule. Now everything's ruined. As for Gen. Psy...I have no idea what to do with that. I e-mailed the other college's Help Desk but I might end up dropping that too...
Mood: Drained
I just feel like I have no energy at all today. I haven't done much at all today and it's been a pretty boring day. =/ I have work tomorrow too -__- It's not that I don't like work it's just that it takes up a lot of my day and I have to wake up early. x.x. I think i'll head to bed soon or at least lay in bed and settle down and slowly try falling asleep.
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Mood : Bleeeh, but good.

I hate Tuesdays. It's the worst day of the week, still once it's over, I have an easy week, so I can't really complain. It's my brothers birthday today, so he should be in a fairly decentish mood for once too.

And, Vikki's back tomorrow. Eee. Looking forward to that! :yay:
And, Vikki's back tomorrow. Eee. Looking forward to that! :yay:

Omg me too x3

Mood : stresssssed

Finals exams this week, so naturally the teachers are all starting new chapters in the textbooks :ffs: I hate school sometimes xDDD I skipped out on homework in favor of gaming and shopping earlier, because I'm stupid, and now it's 10pm and I've deciding which classes I can cut in the morning (Valid reason too, doctor's appointment, but I can drag it out xD) and which classes I can just not do the work for.

So yeah. Bad Jess is bad. Now, I'mma shut firefox (.. probably not) and close my MSN windows (... also probably not) and actually do homework. (hahahaha who am I kidding?) Can't wait to get a week off from school. xDDD
Mood: Proud

Reason: I passed my semester at school!!! Im home for a while now,Im proud that im not failing.I was the 2nd best student for math in my school.
Mood: Tired.

I went to bed around 1am, it's 7.20am now, and I just can't get to sleep. I work at 5PM, so I suppose I can catch some sleep. Hopefully.

I'm just kinda annoyed with it, I feel all shitey 'cause of the lack of sleep. It's been happening alot again lately. :gonk:

Mood: Ready but not willing

Reason: Eh, work tomorrow, these 3 day weekends really kick my shiznit out of gear. I am so ready for another weekend already, but I guess I'll just tough this boat ride out this week. Oh well.. in I go.
Jess, I favour everything else over homework and exams as well. I've also used the necessary doctor's appointment excuse and all, but they've always asked for proof. Luckily for me, I used to be a knack at that. :wacky:

Mood: Tired

Reason: I was up until half past one in the morning playing X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse with my flatmate. I got up a little under an hour ago and still feel a bit tired now. Should wake up a bit more later on, especially since I'm (hopefully) spending £50 of Christmas vouchers on new clothes and getting Tekken 6 from GAME.
Mood: Sleepy/Hungry

Reason: i was up late becuz i had to learn aloooooooooot!
i have 3 axams tomorrow didnt learn yet so, x]
and now i just woke up and i still didnt eat =/
so im gonna make some food now, ghehe.
Then im gonna continue learning else i stay here @ forums x]

Mood: Tired and a bit cranky/still stressed

Right... I had sleep. Didn't do most of my work... I should go and do a bit now before I go to school, and I'm taking it to the doctor's office with me as well. So yeah.. I ended up playing around on Perfect World last night, which I really shouldn't do until this weekend 8F Or at least 'til Wednesday night, because Thursday is my easy day for exams.

I had sleep, as I mentioned, but not really a lot... probably about 6 or 7 hours. I'm exhausted, I woke up and just laid in bed because I didn't want to move. I really should be going to get ready, but instead I'm posting on FFF :ffs: It's not any wonder I'm tired and I haven't done my homework, I bring it down on myself.

Sunday's 5aside completely took it out of me since due to Xmas/illness I hadn't done much fitness work at all, let alone an hour of constant back and forth. I have it tonight as well at half 8 and my legs can still feel it from the other day, hopefully I'll just be able to run it off otherwise I'll be like the living dead :ffs:
Mood: Exhausted

Way to go, Olivia, leaving your history revision to the very last minute despite knowing the exam is first thing tomorrow. D=

Oh well, I'll be fine. I usually do well in History. I'm just skimming my notes to make sure I pretty much know the content. It's basically Nazi Germany and Post war Germany anyway, so it isn't content new to me. I should remember some information from GCSE History. Tomorrow will be my last exam for a while, but I can't be complacent now.
Mood: Ill and tired

I would feel like shit two days before exams. That's just my luck 8F Hopefully I'll feel better after 8 or so hours of sleep and some food in the morning... although my stomach's so upset that food might not be a good thing xD I'm exhausted too and it's 8:28pm. I've only been awake since 6:15am <.< I shouldn't be as tired as I am.. but I cannot WAIT for the weekend. I'm going to sleep on Friday night right after the TV shows I watch are over, and sleep until noon at least 8F

Three more days and it'll be time for a lot of sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep x3