[V3] What's Your Mood?

Pumped and Stressed out.

It's Friday and we got a 3 day weekend this week. No work on Monday because of Martin Luther King Day. Got beer pong party tonight, club tomorrow in the city, possibly get my new room this weekend if not next weekend.

Stressed out because we have a ton of work to do this afternoon at the shop! Ugh!
Mood: Don't understand at all

About a number of things, but i won't delve into them here. Today isn't go so well either, still have a bit of stomach pain from yesterday and its not getting better. I didn't go take the test because i wussed out. I just can't take not doing well on it again, I know i wasn't going to do well from the beginning even with all the studying so i just didn't go.

Though i guess my signature says it all, I just don't get it. I can't be myself, i can't playful, emotional, i can't be anything without people judging an shit. What the fuck do you people want then? Me six feet under? Would that be good for you all?
Mood: ...Discontent.

I'm not sure how to describe the mood... It's just there... It's on my mind, it's bugging me, and I'm not happy with it. =/

They say lose some to gain some, but I rather stick with what I originally had, and the rest can fuck off, kinda thing... I mean it's fine if things go the way they were planned, although, I guess they never do...

I just wish things weren't so painfull when they don't go the way you want. =/ It's hard enough not having it the way you hoped for, so this gutted feeling really doesn't make it any better...

You can make your own decisions, you can make your own mistakes...

Heh... Besides that, I'm kinda excited... New guitar was ordered the 13th, ^^ So it's gonna be taking about a week and a half to two weeks, for it to arrive at the shop. Kinda sad about it, they had all these neat guitars I wanted at the store, even the one I wanted, of course, they had to all be right handed. -_- And the only lefty they had was wood coloured, and I want a black one. :sad2: Oh well... It's on it's way now. ^^

Hoping it gets there soon...

'Tis my B-day tomorrow... I'm not in a celebrating mood at all... x_x Ugh, what a shitty timing.
Awesome :ryan:

Thank God it's Friday, finally means the week is over and the weekend is here. No more exams now until Monday, and even then it's General Studies so it takes no revising since there's nothing too revise. I've had 3 of my 6 exams this past week alone, that's enough to last me until summer :ffs:
Mood: Hurray

Reason: It's Friday, meaning I can actually have a lie in tomorrow morning. The one thing I hate is having to get up so early in the morning before driving a long way to college, even if I'm half asleep. Not much this weekend. One of my friends' sweet 16 party is next week, I have a Dystopian piece of text to write for English and History to revise for. It's not too bad compared to last week I guess.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Had an all right day, back home at last. Seems like I'm not as tired as I have been this week and that makes me very happy. I've got work this weekend, so at least I'm doing something. But I want it to pass quickly, so that I can get back to the flat and hopefully talk to the other flatmates about our living arrangements for our second year.
Mood: Pretty good

Woke up at a decent hour this morning and I'm kinda excited to get this house all cleaned up for the inspection which is weird.

I suppose I'm looking forward to just having a nice tidy house again, even if it does only last for a week. >.<

Got to go out and buy a steam mop today too. Regular mopping sucks. >.<
Mood: Excited

Reason: I'm about to go on a mini holiday to New South Walesy/Gold Coasty/Queenslandy area for a week. Should be pretty awesome, we are gonna be busking every night to pay our expenses and on the last day we are going to Dream world which will be quite epic.
^^ Dreamworld is awesome! ^_^ We usually get passes for all the theme parks every year. It's good if you have nothing to do and then realise that you have your pass and that the theme parks are only a small drive away. XD

Mood: Good

Meh nothing much to say except that I'm good. We were going to go out to dinner tonight, but then decided to stay in and have KFC for dinner instead and put on a movie.

Didn't buy a steam mop today. They were far too expensive. Especially considering I don't even mop that often. No need to seeing as we aren't very messy people.

So I just got a new mop instead and we got some flash scales at a really cheap price because it was the last display model. >.<
Mood: Excited

Going to find a top quality stream and watch the mighty Rangers destroy Hamilton today Novo is back so hopefully he can bang a hat trick in then at 5 do the same with Everton and watch them slaughter man city 4-0
Bored. The snows stopped and now its absolutely pouring down with rain. I had plans to go out in a few hours but with the weather outside i really dont feel like venturing out and getting soaked :sad: On the plus side im off on monday so if the werathers better 2moro i can postpone the plans til then and not have to worry about work the following day. Aside from that im not in the best of moods, i wont disclose why but im sure il get over it soon enough =)
Mood: Tired

Reason: Didn't really get much sleep last night because I struggled to even get to sleep in the first place. Couldn't wake up until half past ten this morning, even though I really wanted to get up and I just fell back to sleep again. Got work in about an hour and setting off quite soon, so looks like the weekend's begun for me then. >_>
Mood: Happy. Well I am happy that I finished those god damn freakin LONG Exams! They were kinda ok the first one was cake but long and the 2nd meh. I also beat Bayonetta last night and I love it. Im gonna play on hard and then ???? :gasp:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Just had a hot bath...that always drains me completely and leaves me blissfully warm and content for about an hour afterwards...since I'm in the front room and the fire is on, that feeling should continue as well =3
Mood: Undecided.
Reason: Just gone through all my games and Ive played my 360 alot lately. So thinks Im going to go back to basics and hook up either my PS1 or 2 and do some old skool RPGing XD
Mood: Creative

Reason: After a lot of thought, I finally have an idea of what to put in a 100 word long piece of dystopian text for English literature. Of course, I normally like my work to actually stand out and not fall into cliches, and hopefully this should be apt. Now I have to actually write it. My last exam is next Wednesday and it's History. I haven't started much work on it yet, but it can wait.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Wasn't too bad of a day at work, but it could've gone a little faster. I somehow suspect tomorrow will make up for today. There'll be less people in. But God, there were so many people in there today that I couldn't hardly move at times! Some customers can be very annoying and impatient! I can only do so much at a time. Even my own patience is running out with this job, I just hope I can keep it until the end of tomorrow.
Relaxed. Only got one exam left this month and it's not a difficult one, so I don't have to do a lot of revision for it. This is the first weekend with a small amount of work I've had in ages, and it's nice to be able to do what I want for a change.
Mood: Cold

It's absolutely FREEZING in here, I keep messing up what I'm trying to type because I'm so cold. I just put on two sweaters and turned up the heat, so hopefully I'll be able to warm up quickly. :3

I slept for most of the day today, ahh weekends. I kind of have a headache because of it though =/

I think Imma just finish FFXII tonight, I've been neglecting my PS2 games severely.
Mood: Seriously?

How can a person be so ignorant.

They completely throw the meaning of a word out of proportion, set up a scene over something that's not even the damn point, or wasn't even the case, and act like the vicitim while NOTHING was to be taken, or could've possibly even be taken personally.

You retard.

-__- Some people seriously need to get their heads out of their asses, and drop their damn acts. Get over youself, ffs...