[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Mild

There isn't anything much that's pleasing me so much, nor anything that's causing me much grief and annoyance. While there had been a slight frustration a while back, I have to note that there had been a pleasing event recently too. These two balances each other out, and right now, I'm just feeling rather mild.

Recently, my GCE 'O' Level examination results had been released. I scored 9 points for my L1R5, which by my standards is rather impressive. It also has the added effect of meeting my personal expectations, which would also allow me entry into my preferred choice of school.

However, these happiness fades away really quickly. Just a few days later, AKA today, I'm already back to normal. The joy is relatively gone, and life seems to have returned to the same state as it had been before the results release. Nevertheless, it definitely isn't a bad thing though.

It's starting to get boring just staying at home all day without going to school. Although I could have found work, I'm probably too lazy, and the work I sought never responded to me. *Shrugs* I'll admit I do not care that much either.
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: I slept through the entire night and don't feel tired for once, which makes me very happy. Going to see Avatar later on with my flatmates, so I'm definitely looking forward to that! Everything's going great now that those assignments have been cast off to the tutors to mark.
Mood: Dazed

REason: Went back to bed after taking Ellie to school and like, woke up about 15 minutes ago, so my heads up my arse AND I was dreaming about Muse..this is the 2nd time Matt Bellamy has been less than nioce to me in MY dream -__- I think he's getting sick of being dreamed about D: Anyway, I think I must have really needed that sleep, seeing as I slept well last night as well, come home, sit on the internet for an hour then bugger off back to bed.....

Pissed off that it's snowing AGAIN as well
Mood: Worried

Reason: My politics revision is taking so bloody long and there is just so much to go through. My exam is first thing tomorrow and I haven't (or maybe I have I don't know) another chance if I mess up. Also, a tiny bit of sleet or snow or whatever it was just fell and turned the roads icy again. If anymore is to fall, how on earth am I supposed to get to college on time tomorrow without getting up at 6am or something?
Mood: Sleepy

Went to bed at 12 and I'm up for work at 6:30. Was meant to be at work at 6:30 but I'll make up my hours by staying back later instead I think.

My eyes feel so dry and tired. I hope the redness goes away soon

I don't want to look hungover or anything at work. >.<
Mood: Argh

I've been sitting cross-legged on my chair for a while and now one foot is asleep, and the opposite leg is asleep. How annoying.

Other than that, I'm really happy to see that everything worked out well with my computer, I was worried it was going to be a big waste of money.

I'm kinda tired, though... I think I'll have a nap later on.
Mood - Tired.

I need a good nights sleep. I haven't been able to grab one all week. It seems this week when one problem's over, another kicks off. It's very draining.

Still, get to go phone shopping tomorrow. I want a Blackberry :jess:
That's good to hear then, Ari. Usually I face nightmares when I try and set up new computers.

Mood: Shattered

Reason: Here I am, my laptop on, and my politics sprawled out covering the rest of my desk and now my room's lights have gone out. I've been trying to revise, although I'm getting nowhere fast. My teacher sent me an email though, advising me to eat yoghurt in the morning, which is an interesting instruction coming from him. I suppose I shouldn't go on anymore now. It's about 9pm now and I'll probably forget everything if I continue.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Its been a hectic couple of days. My coursework has been burning a hole in me, my little brother has been getting time of school, and last night I didn't sleep until gone midnight because the boiler was making a racket. Today I finished my coursework, but I had to catch the bus home because ALL the trains were delayed or cancelled. I've had a headache most of the day thanks to lack of sleep, and I'm just praying my little brother goes to school tomorrow so I can relax.
...I've barely touched my book this week...need to rectify that, I was planning on finishing it this week...
Mood: Meh.
Reason: Just not really motivated to do anything. Ive been working today, so thats probably something to do with it. Just bleh lol.
Mood: Inspired

Reason: It's probably down to me finally getting the chance to see Avatar. Loved it and now it's given me some kind of new inspiration. Other than that, I'm pretty much relaxed at my uni flat. We're considering getting a student house for next year since we've become so close, but we've still got to sit down altogether and discuss it properly. So yes, everything's fantastic at the moment.
Mood: Much better

Reason: The heavy burden of politics is finally off my chest now! I don't want to think about how well/awful I've done yet- I'll save it until March. My last exam is on Wednesday and my teachers have been rather generous to our classes these days, so I have more time off now. My next task is to think about university next even though I'm only nearly halfway through my AS year. I wish my parents would get more realistic. They're yelling at me every five minutes to make it to Oxford. Easier said than done! :gasp:
Mood: Bored

Reason: Have been all day tbh. Only watched stuff on catchup and now there's not a whole lot to do now that they're out of the way. I need to do something exciting or else I'll go mad any minute.
Mood: Anxious.

Reason: Alright, after years of this super slow Dial-Up Internet connection (37.2 kbps. <_<), I'm really wishing some high speed would be provided to our area real soon.

A couple of nights ago I guess it was, my mother heard Aliant was going to have High Speed Internet available through the phone line, as it is now (Dial-Up. =P May be called something different since it'd be high speed, though). She heard this would happen in Spring, but I don't know how early or late in Spring...

So right now I am anxiously waiting for this High Speed Internet I've heard about to become available, sounds like I'll have some amount of months to wait though, just hope it isn't too many. xP
Mood: Content

Reason: Today has been much more relaxed. I managed to get work done this morning, managed to find some time to sit down and read, and got a little further in Darksiders. Also kept going with my Livejournal RP, which I will hopefully have all set up by Sunday.
Mood: Irritated

Reason: It just seems liek everything is annoying me today, chocoalte helped abit (good old danny) but Im jsut feeling generally aggravated. Im gunna have to go into Ashton tomorrow and find out where the fuck my IT course has been relocated too as well -__-

Can't be arsed
Mood: solitary

Reason: Feeling even more unapproachable than usual. I can't tell whether or not this is because I give the impression that I want to be alone or simply that people just aren't really interested in approaching me. It's this odd feeling I have that when I come back on the tube or whatever, I'm still on my own. Coming back online provided some laughs, especially with the name incident here and a special interview I managed to score on CM, but...well....maybe this is the time to channel that solidarity into the FFIX film models and script. I dunno.

It's funny, because 16 must be the age where you become nothing but a bag of hormones- you want companionship, then realise it's a bad idea, then hope for many hours alone, and then kind of find yourself in a weird state wondering where all the time went. I don;t think I know what's eating at my mind anymore. Maybe it's like a brain fart or something.

On the plus side, the snows gone...
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Feel a bit better than before now I've done some writing, but I feel like I'm in some form of limbo. I'll be ok tomorrow since I'm going home and got work this weekend. I really can't be bothered about my driving lesson again this week, hope he calls it off again.
Mood: Overloaded!!
Today I was at work all damn day -__- that's what I hate about xmas break being over =/ but nonetheless, I gotta make a living somehow. I just feel like I have shitloads ta do.. and I don't feel like doing whatsoever >_< It's not that i'm stressed but too much too fast isn't good for meself :dead: I wanna go take a nice long bath and soak myself.
On the bright side: it's almost the weekend (weekends I get off usually unless i get called in *knocks on wood*)^_^
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Mood: Good

Had dinner tonight with my best friend. It was yummy but very spicy.

Got home and watched a bit of Alex Mack online and I'm not even tired, yet it's already 1:15am.

I've got to clean the house this weekend too. We have an inspection from the real estate next Thursday and the lawn really needs a mow. <_<