[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Good

Went to the transport department to get my licence renewal today.

It didn't take too long surprisingly. I've got to go start work at 1:15 today.

It's 11:45 now so another hour and a half. Yuck.

I really should start getting ready.

I started tidying out the kitchen and one of the spare rooms today too. Very happy with myself. >.< Soon all the old paperwork and such will be gone!
Mood: Meh. First day of college for the new year was ok. Class was boring especially world education :ffs: Anyway im gonna have to get used to the shit weather out there. Getting up early for college always pisses me off. Everybody just bombarding me with how was your christmas and all that shit >_>
No, really, I'm doing great. I was waiting from around 5 PM yesterday to 7:20 AM this morning to get on the computer, I'm getting kind of tired of not having mine yet. Hopefully, Dell won't be a bitch and my computer will actually get here tomorrow! I'm probably going to fail at hooking it up, though. I'll just have to have someone come over and do it for me, heh.

Judging how long it might take you to set up your own computer, it might take a week or two before you can freely jump online when you wish. Just hang in there. I wonder if you're waking up around 5 AM again tomorrow. :whistle2:

As for me:

Mood: Mentally tired

Dealing with the NVC and fixing the affidavit of support and applicant document papers for my mom is seriously no fun and leaves me in a sour mood, but I have to get this deal done before I go back to school. I got a call from my godmother this morning and she was going on and on about what I need for preparation and this and that and...

It's exhausting. I've got a lot in my mind but everything is so confusing, so I'm a little lost as to what to do with the documents and how to acquire them. On top of that, I'm acting as a guide for my mom via text as our only communication since she have things to fix on her end of the deal too, but it requires a lot of my help. We'll also have to run some errands this week for other little things and acquire my husband's birth certificate since he can't find his. Why oh why do they make this process so complicated it's insane..? But I know that after everything's through, it'll all be worth it.
Mood: Content

Reason: University is actually closed today...I can't say I'm surprised, but I find it amusing that a little ice and snow is all it takes for the entire country to collapse and come to a grinding halt. So, I've got another day to rest and relax...and try and get these coursework questions done. The deadline has been extended to the 15th as well, due to the weather, so the pressure isn't on quite as much as what it was previously.

I am a little worried, though...I NEED to go in to University tomorrow, I want everything handed in tomorrow, so I can focus on revision. Plus these questions are a nightmare...I'm going to need the software to answer a couple of them, and so long as University is closed I don't have access to the software...urgh.
Mood: Tired

Don't know why I feel so tired. I thought I had a decent sleep last night.

I got a headache at around 5pm this arvo too and it won't go away. It's not an overly bad one, but still annoying.

Got so much done at work tonight, seeing as I worked the night shift.

Night shift is definitely better. It was so much quieter and everyone left me alone!

It was awesome. >.<
Mood: Disappointed

Reason: The certificates for the completed IT courseworks arrived today at college. That was certainly quick, yet to my horror, everyone else bar me managed to get a certificate in that room. Apparently, I made one small, tiny, teensie little mistake in a database by somehow omitting one little column. Surely the teacher should have checked that for me before she approved of it! And therefore I don't get a certificate, which probably means I have failed :gonk:

How strict must they be? Not to mention my knuckle is bruised bad now since I slipped on the ice yesterday.
Dissapointed =/
Well if you don't already know im in Texas so naturally im a texas fan sadly McCoy got injured :/ And the playcalling was just horrible:ffs: I had to turn the game off after the first half it sucks :( But im still rooting for them XD.
Mood: Pretty good

Got heaps done at work again today. I feel rather accomplished.

Still have a lot to do in order to be fully caught up, but I feel like I got more than half of my catching up last night and today!

Things are starting to go really well.

Also it's Friday and all I intend to do is sit here, have a few drinks, (once Steve gets some coke) and play a game possibly. =)
Mood - In between good and bleh.

I think I've finally sorted out my sleep cycle. Huzzah. No more waking up at 3am for me. And I feel all refreshed and energized and ready to go... too bad I don't want to. College today is a pisstake. One lesson from 3 to 4. I'd skive off, but I got a huge lecture from my English teacher for missing a double on Wednesday, so I sorta have to go. Lame. College is swiftly becoming irrelevant anyway =/
Mood: Delighted

Reason: I managed to make my way into town today to buy a copy of Darksiders for the PS3 - its shaping up pretty well so far. Kinda like a fusion between God of War and Zelda, almost...exploration mixed with chaotic combat. Plus Liam O'Brien as War and Mark Hamill as The Watcher...and an EPIC title theme. Can't wait for the soundtrack to come out~<3

Bayonetta came today, as well - mother's husband brought it home. I'm rather pleased, considering I managed to get the Climax edition for the 360 for £39.99, and its now moved up to £59.99. So now I have 2 new games, as well as everything else I'm currently playing, to keep my occupied over the weekend.

I AM rather anxious, though...University closed again today, so I'm going to have to go in next week to get everything done and handed in. I was trying to avoid that ._.
Mood - Relieved

Reason: Another weekend, thank god for fridays right? This week has been slow at work, leaving me with lots of time on my hands, but honestly I've been thinking of my property tax coming up and my fiance's bday in February. I'm thinking of taking her to a nice restaurant when we go to her home town in birmingham on the 5th, but I still have no clue what to get her for a present. So tonight I'm going to force myself to get on amazon and see what it has to offer and then hopefully go buy her something nice.
Just a reminder to everyone that this is a post count section.

Please do not post anything like:

Mood: Good

Reason: I watched an anime today, so I'm good.

This can be elaborated on in many ways. You could tell us about it, why you like/don't like it etc.

Any posts like this will be deemed as spam and may be deleted without warning.

Mostly everyone has been doing an excellent job. I'm just referring to the ones I've come across tonight, and some that were a few pages back as well, to just keep this in mind for future posting.



Mood: Tired

Just finished watching Push with my brother and his girlfriend and my Steve.

I loved it! It was so full of action and Dakota Fanning was awesome in it. <3

We had gems and gravy for dinner too.

I received a letter from the post office that one of my ebay items has arrived too. >.<

I can't wait to find out which one it is tomorrow. XD
Mood:Well all i can say is i don't want to feel this way

I'm slowly becoming cold, no not as in freezing. But i am, i'm just starting not to care anymore. That and i get these vibes off of people i talk to and they aren't good ones. Starting to think it has something to do with me, but i don't ask because i don't get a response anyway. Even if i did it would probably be a stupid answer like "you did nothing wrong" when it's clear i did.

I try to understand but you know what? Forget it, its funny now that i think about it. Some tell me to grow up yet they have matured themselves.

But i haven't reached the point of not caring at all so i still care about things somewhat. With the way things are going now though, not caring sounds good right now. Maybe things will change for the better, i don't know i'm somewhat hopeful that they will but knowing my luck they won't.

I just can't be positive when there's nothing to be positive about, so to all those that say its easy to stop being negative just shut up. It is for some, it isn't for others and i'm one of them.
Mood: Slightly anxious

Reason: It's Friday thankfully, however my AS exams begin on Monday so I know I can't be complacent this weekend. English Language (basically Linguistics) is first thing and that subject really irritates me because sometimes you can do it, other times you really struggle in a text. So I don't know how far revision will take me. It's also freezing lately that I don't want to go out at all, especially with ice and snow out there. So I'm confining myself indoors until Monday.

Day was shit. I made so many mistakes in work today, a few big ones aswell. I blame not being there for near 2 weeks, which was fantastic by the way. IM just glad its the weekend and i can relax and do nothing. I fell asleep earlier and am feeling rather awake now though il head to bed anyway as i need to get up early-ish 2moro.
Weekend :ryan:
Also, some people are weird :hmmm:
Mood: Tired

Went out to a mates 21st tonight and got pretty smashed the first few drinks in. Made them pretty strong and hadn't had anything to drink alcohol wise in over a month.

So it hit me pretty hard.

Other than that, just came home and watched Alex Mack on my new multi region DVD player that finally arrived at the post office today. >.<
Mood: Unsettled

Today, it's my first encounter with a drunkard, in a sense. Not that the person drank a lot habitually or anything. It was a female friend, and I think she happened to have drank a lot more than she could handle. Note also, the fact that it was VODKA. What the hell. I suddenly feel so lucky I didn't drink it.

Nevertheless, how she behaved when drunk left a huge impression on me. I feel so determined to never become like that as well. However, the thought that people tend to reveal their innermost feelings when drunk remains constantly on my mind.

Her outbursts earlier suggested pretty much a large amount of distrust that she had harbored. Am I thinking too much? I want to be a Psychiatrist, but am I thinking more than I should?

Sigh. Just can't help feeling really unsettled right now. I feel I terribly need to get this out of me somewhere. Yet, at this time of the night, no friend would be awake- and it'll be rude to wake them, and anyway, I don't have a friend close enough to speak about this so casually.

So, this ended up being the best platform on which I could present my thoughts about the matter.
Mood: Mixed

Reason: I have mixed thoughts towards the exams next week. Apparently I heard by Monday more snow will hit and exams may be cancelled if it is really bad. Then again the weather is never set in stone so that may not even happen at all. I don't actually know if I want it to snow. On one hand, if exams are postponed, that might be a good thing as I'm not particularly ready. Though on the other hand, having it postponed until June will only build up the number of exams then.
Mood: Tired

Stayed up until about 2am this morning. I felt so dead when I woke up. The heat didn't help. :gonk:

I thought it must of been 3pm or something when I woke up but luckily it was only 11:30.

Gah it's far too hot! I think we need another air con. >.<
Mood: Get lost.

Reason: The day was shite, people were shite.

Most people are shit.

Some just need to shut up.

Get fucked.

Find the nearest cliff.

Step back.

Jump off.

And die. :)

I'm just so fed up with people making a big scene.

The damn world isn't all about you.

Grow. Up. You friggin' idiot.
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