[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Meh

Didn't really have dinner tonight. All I had was a banana, some milk and some Pringles.

I'd just like to say that I won Division 5 in the Lotto tonight. =D

Don't know how much I'm getting yet because they still haven't put up the winnings on the site. >.<
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Thankfully, the atmosphere at home has been pretty much ok tonight. I hate to see everyone bickering over nothing. Work went really slow and I blame the weather because we had half the customers we usually get on a Saturday. So if it continues, I don't think tomorrow will be good and be just like last Sunday. But I'm relaxed now and watching Blood Ties with some peace and quiet in the house, makes me a very happy bunny.
Mood: So-so

Reason: My neighbours have come back, and took back their dog. I'm really going to miss having Vanilla around- she did cause some slightly destruction however. I'm actually rather bored tonight. My friends haven't been chatting to me all day, and suddenly my games and music have stopped being interesting. I need some TV comedy to watch. Badly.
Mood: Dead XD

Woke up at 1:30 today. So tired from staying up till 4am again.

We're going to buy an air con today. Well technically I am, seeing as Steve bought our T.V for us, so I sorta owe him. XD

But yeah, even though it's nice and cool today, it might not be tomorrow, so best get it while we can make use of it. >.<
Mood: Pleased

Does anyone play DotA (Defense of the Ancients)? Well, I do. Nevertheless, I just completed quite an exciting match. Both teams had good players that proved their mettle many times during the match. I for one, could safely say I'm one of those, having led in the earlier segments of the game.

Ultimately, we lost, but still, we were really close to victory. That, alone, in itself is really pleasing. Hope to keep up this performance.
Mood: Very good

We went out and bought an air con today!

And it is reverse cycle, so that'll come in handy for Winter.

It ended up being around $1000 in total with the warranty and what not.

But yeah, totally worth it. You can always get more money. We really needed the comfort of air con. >.<

Oh and I bought my Pandora boxes and a new multi region DVD player off ebay!

So excited. >.<

Ive been sick twice today and its only 11.10 am :sad:
I really want food but im scared to eat, i might just try and sneak in some scrambled eggs or somethign light. Even if i spew it up itl be worth it as they taste gooooooooood:ryan: Might do some online shopping aswel today i think :hmmm:

I've got loads of exams over the next two weeks, and, well... I took the option of enjoying my Christmas rather than revising. This should be fun...
Mood: Meh

Reason: I'm thinking about a great deal at the moment - most of it involving University, which I return to for a week tomorrow - but I just can't be bothered right now. But I can think of little else. So I'm trying to distract myself, but without much success...I'll feel much better when I'm in and getting the work that is nagging at my nerves done and handed in. But that isn't going to make me feel any better about it tonight...=/
Mood: *gulp*

Reason: I'm really not ready for the term ahead (which begins tomorrow). I'm to be thrown head first into exams again- and whether or not I'll do well as I am expected to I am unsure at this point. I also remember that I have some hockey games ahead. I'm really having second doubts as to whether or not staying on the team is a good idea. The college hasn't necessarily had winning streaks when it comes to sport results. No doubt some pressure is already put on us.
Mood: Tired

I got no sleep last night. Kept having bad dreams and waking up.

I really don't want to go to work today. Though it's only another three weeks until my holidays. XD

I'm so excited!

I just need to keep that thought in my head. >.<
Mood: Tired

Reason: The weekend's took it out of me. Work's been crappier than usual and now my mum thinks I've been acting weird the past couple of days, I wish I'd know why she'd think that in the first place. Trying to relax now and not fall asleep while watching Being Human. I can't wait to be able to do nothing this week and mong out. I'm hoping to get a PS3, so maybe that'll cheer me up a bit.
Mood: Pissed off

Reason: The new year hasn't started off great. I almost broke my ankle and I cut my hand doing chores. My ex has been bothering me and my best friend's taking his side saying I'm being insensitive to him when I haven't done anything wrong. Being positive's too hard when the negativity has gotten to you for so long.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I woke up early, so I decided to "rest my eyes" for a little while...which turned into an hour, meaning I overslept. I'm still half-asleep, as I always am when I force myself awake, and I've got about an hour to wake up before I need to get ready to go to University for the day...
Mood: Sleepy

Reason: Didn't sleep too much last night and had a bad stomach throughout. Still got it now and it's preventing some food from digesting properly, which makes me very annoyed. But I'm not hungry, so maybe I shouldn't be like that either. Trying to beat FFXII right now and I'm getting frustrated with dying at a certain point of the game, so I'm doing a little bit of hunting for now.
Mood: Anxious

Reason: First day back at school and I am not sure I want to go. I hate school but I know I have to get an education, so I have to go :gonk:
Mood: Relieved

Reason: Seeing as though I don't need to do my IT exam this week, I thought I'd skip my first lesson, which is essentially just revision. At least that's what I planned last week. I had a bad night and I could hardly sleep until about 3 in the morning so unsurprisingly I overslept- thinking I missed the first lesson. My teacher is ferocious, so I was utterly worried sick. I had such a horrible morning, rushing around the house, finding where I put all my stuff, rushing on breakfast so much that I hardly ate a thing. My brain must have fallen asleep during that because it was only on the bus that I remembered what my actual first lesson on a Monday is and that I didn't need to go to that lesson.
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Freezing :mokken:

We ran out of oil the other day and it was meant to arrive today, it didn't so the radiators won't work. What's worse is that the computer is in the hall, it'd be fine if it were in the living room where the fire is. But it's not. Now I'm freezing my bollocks off. :mokken:
Mood: Okay

Reason: Its just another regular normal day for me, I woke up applied for a few jobs, checked my e-mail, ate some food, and now I am browsing the forums. And it snowed a lot last night so now I dont think I will be going anywhere today, I dont much care for driving in the snow. -__-