[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Satisfied

Reason: I'm back home after spending Christmas in Wales. The snow there is simply treacherous- luckily where I am now, we rarely receive snow. I've been listening to Muse on the way back. It annoyed my parents- but it really got me in the New Year's mood. Now that I'm back home, I am expected to revise throughout the day because my exams are coming. That's not too bad- it's not quite torture when you get into it. Roll on 2010!
Mood: Cold

Reason: Keep getting shivers down my spine. Maybe I should put the heating on and turn the fire up. Oh, and Happy New Year to everyone!

Reason: I beat Final Fantasy XIII before 2010.

[Mod Edit: Can you please put a bit more effort into your post. Maybe elaborate a bit more just so that it doesn't look so spammy in a post count section. Thanks. =)]
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Mood: Happy

Had an awesome and relaxing day at my mates house. We pretty much just sat around and watched foxtel. Mostly watched Family Guy and Millionare Matchmaker whilst drinking and eating goodies and such. >.<

Now I'm back home and really in the mood to stay on the forums for a bit longer. =D
Mood: Okish.
Reason: Had a giggle last night, my ex is now talking to me again. But Im peeved Im working tommorow. Im not in the mood.
Mood: Hangover

Reason: New Years Eve. I was so rough this morning, I have a nasty cold, IM ILL AND iM HUNGOVER ON TOP OF THAT. Caps. Im totally detoxing fora few weeks now
Mood: Anxious

Reason: College on Monday. I'm really not looking forward to the exams coming ahead. I want to do some revision, but I am always distracted. Our neighbour's dog will be returned to her owners tomorrow! I loved keeping her company. It really makes me want a little puppy of our own now! I didn't really do anything that exciting for New Year- I don't even know whether or not I'll bother with resolutions.
Mood: Bored

My mudder and sistur are traveling this weekend... I didn't really want to go. Doesn't excite me much anymore. Plus, 4 hours in the car doesn't exactly sound fun.

I'll stay home and be a shut-in with my PS3, thank you very much.

Er... I hope everyone's out again tonight. I don't feel like dealing with them xD
Mood: Impatient

Reason: As a tradition, we open presents together as a family - its perhaps the only thing we do as a family anymore. However, my mother doesn't get up until 8am and won't finish breakfast for another half hour on top of that, so its going to be a little while before we all assemble in the front room and start unwrapping. I feel like I'm seven years old again. I wanna open presents!

As of Christmas Day morning, I was just another 20 year old that felt like a kid again. :P

My mood that morning, before starting the gift unwrapping, I wouldn't call it impatient, but excited to the point I could barely contain it.

I was awake long before everybody else, I just lay in bed, lost in thought, wondering what would be there to unwrap when everyone gets up and things get underway. XD

Anyways, it was a great Christmas, so my mood has been, and is; fantastic. Got 10 video games (well, one I already had. Gonna pick out a game to get in place of it some time...no hurry really, it has already been returned and a Wal-Mart gift card gotten, for $40), including Bolt for the Wii, New Super Mario Bros. Wii, and Tekken 6 (for Xbox 360)! :D

I of course got some other nice stuff too, including one thing that didn't arrive here until just yesterday, that thing being a Tekken 6 T-Shirt, which I am wearing right now I might add (beat the final stage of Scenario Campaign today). :awesome:

So I've just been enjoying my new video games, lovin' them. I beat Bowser at the end of World 8 in NSMB Wii, though I took a bit of a shortcut: blasted from a cannon late in World 6, that sent me right past World 7, to World 8, now imma work on World 7 and Star Coin hunting. >.>

And I think I am just about through that Bolt video game, it has been a lot more fun than I had anticipated it would be.

I automatically just had to get it because it had Bolt in it, but I thought the poor animation job of Bolt, especially during cutscenes, would take away from a lot of the enjoyment of it.

Though while Bolt does indeed look far more awesome in the movie (especially Blu-Ray! ^_^), I am able to get past it and have a lot of fun, I love Superbarking enemies to death, but it is only the most epic when you commit to building a few good combos so you can unleash a few Supercharged ones that are at full power, then has that echo to it. =P

And Tekken 6...well, it is one of my favourite games of all time. Seriously, a review I read prepared me to not have too high of expectations for the Scenario Campaign mode, and that it seemed tacked on and unnecessary.

But heck, I thought it was epic, and it is fun going through stages with my customized King, I'd always have Beast Arms/Body, and Beast Legs equipped when I don't have to have my best equipment equipped to be able to survive, or to efficiently damage enemies. :gasp:
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Could care less about anything right now. Feeling mixed feelings of good and bad, just hope it's not too bad this weekend since I've got dreaded work. Then I have one more week until I go back to my flat at uni. I don't know whether to laugh or cry tbh.
Mood: Hot

It's freakin' hot yet again today. We're off to the shops to get in the air con for a while and hopefully when we get home it'll be a lot cooler.

We'll definitely get a big storm tonight if it continues to be this hot.

Just better not cut out the electricity. <_<
Mood: Sigh

Sigh. It's the New Year. As celebrations fade away into the background, I am confronted with the impending disaster day. That means my results day. Although I started out with the 'fear-not-I've-done-my-best' ideology, this slowly died out, and has completely became a 'oh-shit-will-I-do-well' thinking.

It doesn't do well to make me anticipate the results more. I fear that I'll end up falling short of my expectations- and perhaps, others. Yet, I know full well there is little for me to do now that it's done. All's left to wait, pray, wait, pray.

Mood - Cold

It's too cold in the early hours of the morning, but I'm not tired enough to go to bed yet. I've totally fucked my sleep cycle up these past two weeks, I hope I manage to sort it out again over the weekend before I go back to college.

I wish we had another week. It's too early to go back D=
Mood: Quite upset.

Reason: I was supposed to go with my friend on New Year's Eve to watch a fireworks show. I called him around an hour before we left to remind him that we were going, I find out then that he ditched me to go to my ex's new year's party. He wasn't going to tell me.

Reason: I woke up thios morning, threw back the curtains and what do I find but SNOW. And fucking LOADS of it as well. I really have no choice vut to go shopping today as well, Ive been putting it off wso long now I justy have piss all in. I had to steal a loaf od bread of the mothership yesterday, thats how long Ive been putting it off, but between xmas, new year and SNOW Ive just not got round to it, PROMISED myself Id go today and felt like killing some fucker when I saw all the snow. Tjere wasnt even anyTHERE last night and we're absolutely snowed in. :rage:
AND I have man-flu as well, Im gunna be SO ill time I get home from this wanking shopping trip :jtc:
Oh, and I ve ust ran out of gas -grumble-
Mood: Slight peeved.

Reason: Mother spent the morning taking down the Christmas decorations...meaning I had to spend the majority of the morning in my bedroom, because she seemed to be absolutely everywhere at the same time as me. Can't even take a breath without being glared daggers at (or worse, conscripted) when she's doing full-scale operations like that...the house looks so much bleaker now, as well. It also feels colder, although that might be just me.
...on the plus side...Spirited Away is on in just under an hour. So going to watch - I haven't seen it in years.