[V3] What's Your Mood?

mood: tired

reason: hangover. had a massivenap before, getingtoo old for thislark]: awesome night though. dont think me cancelling new years eve is gunna go down well though.... i spentall my money on a ps3 today 8F
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: At my dad's now and so glad I'm away from my mum's at last. The vast majority of my stress has all, but faded. I'm watching a film at the moment and relaxing as much as possible. I hope the same can be said for the rest of the week.
I'm okay. [:
Today was overall a good day. slept lots, went shopping and then went to see a movie :-) fun day. Played a lot of DA and now im relaxing. But i'm so dreading tomorrow. Gotta wake up earlier to go to the damn dentist. Ugh, everytime I go there i get a headache afterwards.:gonk:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Well, I've been up for about 45 minutes. Still not fully awake yet. Also quite irritated - it feels like the holiday is over, since mother goes back to work today. Although I have the remainder of this week off, which I intend to spend relaxing as much as possible.
Mood: Good

Another day of work is over and I get the day off tomorrow!!!

Can't wait. All I'm going to be doing is watching the overnight movies I hired out tonight.

I planned to call in sick today, considering I was sick, but I went in and then decided that if I still felt like crap that I would go home early.

I ended up staying the whole day though. There was too much to do. :gonk:
Mood: Aching
Ugh, woke up super early like at 7:00am and went to the dentist. -__- it didn't hurt until after I ate lunch at Panda express =( then it hurt baaaaaaaaad. Got home tried to catch bunners( a wild bunny but it failed) and then worked out. Nothing special but yeah i'm hurting =/

Been shopping today, although I have to agree with Kandy that boxing day sales are pretty much just normal sales. I seemed to buy everything that wasn't on sale and still normal price which cost an arm and a leg, but meh, I suppose it's Xmas and there's no huge reason right now why I need to save any money. I do like the polo shirt I bought though :ryan:
Mood: Inspired

Reason: In one of those brilliant moods when I'm very creative and am literally inspired by most of the things I see or hear. Feeling slightly better as well and had a good day out doing some shopping with my dad, even popped into the pub for a few before we stopped off at Tesco and came home. So yeah, I'm in a pretty good mood.
Mood: Good

My throat is feeling better and I've got a fun day of movie wathing ahead of me. >.<

I ended up only watching 'My Sisters Keeper' last night because it got too late to watch another movie.

But it wasn't as sad as I thought it would be thankfully. I didn't want to cry before bed. >.<
Mood: Content

Reason: Been playing Dragon Age all morning...have a slight headache as a result - poor lighting my bedroom - but it was so worth it. Contemplating watching Kiki's Delivery Service again, since its on in about 10 minutes, although I watched it on Christmas Eve, so might not. Also finished Deadhouse Gates after about three weeks of alternating hard slogging and avid reading, going to start Memories of Ice later.
So, for once, I have nothing immediate to complain about. XD
Mood: Hungover

Reason: Wine, horrible horrible wine. I cant wait for normality to resume so i can sto behaving like some form of alcoholic. Tomorrow night will be the last bloody night i get trollied for a while, i need to detox well bad :gonk: Last time I went out new years eve as well, i broke my brand new phone, so hopefully this one wont be a disaster... still need to decide what to wear as well, and im skint as fucking fuck :rage:
Mood: Tired

Just finished watching 'Year One' and it's 11:30pm.

I need to head off for bed. I have work in the morning again.

Gah! I should so take the day off so that I get Thursday through to Sunday off. They'll know I did it on purpose though. <_<
Mood : Great.

I just spent about 100 quid buying stuff on eBay. :wacky: I'm very happy with that, but I'll be even happier when they get here xD My favourite purchase has to be the complete series of DBZ on DVD for £36. Someone else was selling them for £180, and this dude threw in a free copy of DBGT too :wacky:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: So a late night at 3 in the morning apparently equals a late rise in the afternoon at 1. Regardless of that, I'm pretty much still in the same mood as yesterday. I'm inspired, happy and ready to crack down at some writing!
Mood: Okay

I may have to go to work today but at least it's New Years Eve and I have a party to go to tonight and then I have the next three days off.

It's pretty hot today again.

Won't have much to do at work today thankfully. It's been a weird week only working two days. >.<
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: Finally I've completed Crisis Core on Hard difficulty after months of neglect while squeezing in English and Politics revision.Politics is really doing my head in. I've never seen such a harsh and demanding subject before. I'm glad though that we're heading back home tomorrow. I'm getting rather sick of Wales anyway-and if I see anymore snow (which I probably will), I'll just scream. Sadly, my days with little Vanilla are about to be up. Her owners are back very soon.
Mood: Amazed. I just finished Lost Odyssey after a sorta hard/easy battle with Gongora and believe it or not I was singing the music in the last battle during the fight xD. Also since Lost Odyssey was such a beautiful game I changed my sekirei images in my sig because I was quite tired of em tbh. Anyway LO has a beautiful ending! Im still gonna play to get remaining acheives though.
Mood: Happy

Finally done with work for the week and I've got a party to head off to soon.

Would be better if I could drink, but it will still be awesome. >.<

Get a nice long three day weekend and I'm going to my mates tomorrow for a few drinks and such.

Should be a great way to start off the New Year. XD
Mood: Man-Flu'd up to fuck

Reason: Whoever the fuck I caught it off :mokken: Im off to a party tonight as well, we decided to ditch the pub in favour of Clares BF's party. It'l be cheaper than thepub, but I know Im not gunna like the music 8F And we might have to stay over.....if this turns into an all night party, I might have to sleep in the bath, Im too old for all nighters these days. Woe is me. Sod wearing the dress as well, if we're housing it, Il just stick jeans and a vest top on
Mood: Inspired

Reason: Been feeling like this for the past three days now. And since there's nothing much else to do today, I guess I'll be using my inspiration to writing. Not doing anything for the New Year since I've been put off going out due to the disaster that was last Sunday night/Monday morning. No matter though, I'll just enjoy myself here on my lonesome.