[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Happy. College is out for 2 weeks so I have time to play my games and new games coming up at christmas. So yeah Its gonna be loads of fun. Im even getting a 1 year goid card for xbl again so yay! :awesome:
Mood: In pain

The back of my throat is yet again in pain.

I had to get more antibiotics to try and get rid of it yet again.

Hopefully my throat will be fine by Christmas though. I really want to be able to eat Christmas lunch and dinner in peace.

I should get to writing up my Christmas Cards now I suppose. It's 11pm though. :gonk:
Awesome :ryan:

I've just finished helping my dad wrap up all my brother's and sister's Xmas presents, albeit, I'm not good at wrapping. I just sort of tuck the excess wrapping paper under the folded bits >_> Now I'm set up to have a relaxing day :ryan:
Mood: Sick

Reason: My sore throat's turned into a cold and now I feel like every part of my body is dying slowly, but surely. I've been coughing, sneezing and blowing my nose for most of the past two days. Glad I don't have work now until Sunday, so at least it gives me a chance to recover. But it looks like it'll be tissues by my side all the time for now. xD
Mood: Not too bad

Reason: My dad's been fighting to get our internet back up last night after it cut us off strangely. My mum blamed the snow and wind. As always. She really doesn't like nature. So I was forced offline in the worst of times. Thankfully it's alright now. I was walking with little Vanilla earlier- she was barked at by a bigger dog- the poor thing. I am freezing though. The fire is working, so is the central heating- yet I'm still shivering.
Mood: Yay! Well im in a good mood cause I put the wii in my room and now I can play xbox wii and ps3. So ill never be bored again (maybe) Im also into Brawl again because its just so fun. Also if anyone wants to play Mario kart hit me up

Xmas: 2 days away~ But I had to revise :sad2: I'm dreading English -__- But I got FFX at my side so :yay:

I'm using too much smileys, am I?

/goes a bit crazy
Right now i'm proud of myself and I feel accomplished. After spending hours and hours of cleaning... I can finally RELAX. It's great actually :) Play some IX and have the rest of the day to myself. won't be on for a while since Christmas is getting closer but i'm happy that Christmas is almost here ^_^
Mood: Restless

Reason: Oh, I always get like this on Christmas Eve...I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm still a little kid when it comes to Christmas. I'm not really in the mood to play Tales of Vesperia anymore, there isn't anything on TV until 1pm this afternoon (going to watch Kiki's Delivery Service on Film 4, since I haven't seen it yet and Studio Ghibli films, mostly, are pretty good...I loved Nausicaa and The Cat Returns, anyway) and I've had Gloucestershire Wassail going through my head since about 5am this morning...
Mood: Happy

I guess. Christmas Eve... :tehe:

Gawd I can't wait for tomorrow, I'll finally be able to play those PS3 games sitting in my room. I also might be getting a new computer, which I would absolutely die for right now. I ended up going out yesterday for the gifts, it seems I forgot how chaotic malls at Christmas time are. I was so surprised when I finally got out of there, it was just so crowded.

I don't have a migraine this morning, which is already a huge improvement. I really hope it doesn't come on later in the day.

I think I'll finish FFXII today (which I really don't want to do, I'm going to miss it :ness:), just so I can move onto other games without trying to remember what's going on in FFXII's story.
Mood: great (despite the hangover)

reason: Its Christmas eve and im so excited about going to mothers and eating all her food, plus i can finally shift all these presents that are taking over my house, they have been driving me insane. Im barrell rollingin my head at the thought of xmas dinner tomorrow, fuck presents the foods the best bit xD
Mood: Pissed off.
Reason: My mum has gone on crimbo hols, so got my presents early ... complete and utter shit. She does this EVERY SINGLE FUCKING YEAR! She gives me younger brother cash, but refuses to give me cash and buys me shit. Clothes that are too big, perfume that stinks, fake watches and bags. Just shite. The only 2 things that are good are the Mock the Week 2 and Harry Potter DVDs I actually asked for!!!
Mood : Sleepy.

So my "stay up all night so I'll sleep on Christmas Eve" plan (Cause I'm a huge kid) didn't exactly work out. xD Although, I on;y had two hours sleep so I'm totally exhausted.

It's still all snowy out there, so we're gonna have a white (grey?) Christmas for once, which is rather nice :yay: There's loads of good shizz on TV too. Christmas Eve is pretty fun, just sit around and watch TV all day while staying all nice and warm. Yeeeeah.
Mood: Awesome. Well its christmas eve! We have a party every year on the 24th too so we get double food double presents etc etc. Anyway Im so happy but I think ill only et 1 gift tonight and tommorow like 5 or so. :awesome:
Mood: Average

Reason: It took us all morning and all afternoon- but my family and I are finally here in Wales where we're staying over Christmas. The snow is awfully deep here so it looks like we won't be going anywhere far. If Boxing Day's snow isn't too bad, we'll probably try and make it to Cardiff. My cousins are alright- they're not annoying or anything (yet). Too bad neither of them seem to have any interest in what I like. We've brought Vanilla over too, which is alright because her owners aren't back until much later. :jess:
Pretty sensational!

Much like everyone else has said, it's Christmas Eve! :awesome: Nothing like some good ol' pre-celebration drinking to kick off a few good days. Just being able to chill without having to anything is unreal. Can't wait for tomorrow :grin:
Mood: Good

Just had an awesome lunch at my parents and we're about ready to go to my mates for dinner.

I should have a shower, but I can't be bothered.

They have air-con anyway. XD

But yeah, I got my Red vs Blue boxset and my 21 necklace pendant that I asked for . =D

And my brother and his girlfriend gave me a Cloud and Tidus figurine. =0

Reason: It's getting close to Christmas and I just love opening gifts and finding out whats underneath all that neat wrapping especially if the gift is in a big box or in a box that isn't shaped like a "just clothes" box
Eh a bit lonely seeing as I'm away from home for the first time on Christmas. Family and friends sent me gifts and cards and all, so that's cool, but still kinda weird imagining everyone else back home doing their thing on Christmas ya know.
Mood: Impatient

Reason: As a tradition, we open presents together as a family - its perhaps the only thing we do as a family anymore. However, my mother doesn't get up until 8am and won't finish breakfast for another half hour on top of that, so its going to be a little while before we all assemble in the front room and start unwrapping. I feel like I'm seven years old again. I wanna open presents!