[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Good

Not annoyed or anything today. The computer actually started up with virtually no problems. The blue screen errors, if any, hasn't showed up yet. The latest chapters of Naruto and Bleach were released today, so I did get something to read...

Played a couple of games with friends on Garena as well, but am dreading having to stop using the computer for a while to let it rest. Addiction at it's worst, I suppose. Then again, the fact I'll get to use it a lot later on helps to balance up this sense of dread.

Which allows me to feel really excited about stopping to rest. I will definitely go to my piano school to practice on the full version of "Fur Elise" anyway. So... Whew~ Can't help feeling good just thinking of the piano alone.
Mood: Good

It is finally the weekend and we're going to watch the car races tonight.

Should be fun. Haven't really been to the races before.

I haven't had a chance to really get on here this week either which I'm not very happy about. Been sick plus very busy with work and I hope I can just sit on here ALL day tomorrow and catch up with what I've missed.
Mood: Impatient.

I'm on my mom's laptop at my sis' house, and my sis' internet connection is slow beyond belief. It's rather aggrivating. :hmmm:

I also go back in to work tomorrow. Had to call in sick for a week, I was sick, but I was home at least.

Not looking forward to going in again. -facepalm-.
Mood: Excited

Reason: The girls are round tonight for beer and birthday shenanigans and off out tomorrow, just need to iron my stupid dress that has FAR too much skirt, i cant iron for shit, so it'l take me like an HOUR :rage: All my housework is now done and theres a bin liner stashed by the side of the settee for all the takeaway shite and beer that will be being consumed tonight!

T-minus 4 hours 15 minutes til Wine O'clock :mokken:
Mood: Hungry

I had dinner at around 5pm and now I feel like bacon and eggs and gems, but it's 1am. v_v

We went to see the car races tonight and it was really good aside from the burning rubber every time they came around the track. >.<

I should head off to bed I think.
Mood: Combative

Reason: Eh Work is fine, people at work are fine. I'm just a bit miffed at people in general today. The smugness, the selfishness, the constantly pathological lying in order to be safe in their surroundings. The arrogance, backed with spite. The bitterness.. I mean seriously folks. Get a clue, stop talking behind people's backs.. bad character and karma is involved. Bite down and deal with your problems face to face. Man up! I have someone complaining to me about their roomate not paying utilities for the past 2 months, and then went out and bought a new xbox 360 to replace his broken one, as well as a hundred dollars worth of boos and cigars. I mean.. Deal with it! I mean I don't mind hearing you talk about it, but if you keep talking about it after 2 weeks, I'm going to start ignoring you.

I think i might go on a short hiatus again, no one seems to want to talk to me for whatever reason. For fuck's sake if you don't like me just tell me, don't leave me here thinking like a moron. I'm starting to get tired to trying to make friends, getting to know people,etc.
Mood: Restless

It's freaking late here right now. Or should I say, freaking early? 2:18am. This is a disaster to all of man!!!

An exaggeration, but hey. I'm still up. It totally defies my usual sleeping patterns of turning in at 10, but I guess temptation is one powerful lure. So here I am. Unfortunately, I'm startlingly bored as well. There's almost nothing big to play online, nor offline.

Friends are mostly sleeping, the television channels are either off, or showing some sort of crap...

Which serves to make sleeping look like the next best thing to do, but I can't seem to even want to go to the bed. Damn, though, looking at it now makes me tempted now to head to bed.

Still, I doubt I'll black out so soon either. Almost like I drank coffee or something. Except, I don't drink that.
Mood: Satisfied :ryan:

Reason: That's all the Christmas shopping I need to do wrapped up today. I had the unexpected surprise of being with a few of my friends- well it was a surprise a week ago. Presents for my family, friends and of course my close relatives are all accounted for. My poor wallet is dead though after the excessive spending- two Professor Layton games being amongst them.
Pissed off

My dad is an idiot. His girlfriend is an idiot. Her kids are idiots. Moving is the stupidest idea he's ever had and I'm tired of 'doing what's best'. What about what's best for me? I want a career in photography or modeling and you don't give two shits about that. Thanks dad. Asshole.
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: I knew my karma was right round the corner! Had one of the best days this year. We got our adorable labrador puppy, Charlie, and then I got a letter through saying that I'm entitled to a £750 scholarship because I qualify! I'm even happier because my dad's told me to put it away for myself because he's going to buy a car for me when I pass my test early next year.
Mood: *hissing in rage*

Reason: I just had a raging argument with a "friend" of mine over the phone. It relates back to the Christmas shopping I had earlier. She claims I made fun of a sensitive issue (I won't bother going into it and recalling it) while we were there- which I may or may not have done- sometimes we may say things wrong without intending it. I was trying to calm her down and tell her that I meant nothing verbally malevolent- but she seems to be having none of it. I just don't know why- I can't even remember that clearly what I said. I'm currently in a state where I just don't want to listen to anymore crap.
Mood: Annoyed

On one hand, I'm furious. On the other, I'm absolutely giddy. I've got a tickle in my stomach and my head is pounding, and I can't take anything for it, because it'll probably make me "bleed more than normal". Bastard doctors

On a lighter note, it's almost Christmas! Ohohoooooo I can't wait. My dad decided it would be funny to call me in the garage (where he keeps Christmas presents, don't ask) and show me my PS3 for .2 seconds. At least I know I got it :ryan:
Mood: Cynical.

I dunno. Sometimes I just randomly wonder if people I know are two-faced, or being real with me. It kinda bothers me knowing there's some people out there, who're having a face on to pretend to be all this while they're not.

I'm also annoyed.

Some people just get their fucking heads straight. I mean seriously, porn sites to 13 year olds?

Darling dear, get a grip. :mokken:


In a -__- kinda mood

Why can't there be REAL songs in FFX? That's the thing missing in this almost perfect game. X-2 has that but I rather dislike Paine (Don't kill me). Also I got 3 hwks to do over the hols which is -__- as well, but on the upside it's nearly Xmas and New Year! :yay: *begs and crosses my fingers for fun*
hungover -____-

Im tired and hungover i wanna go to bed. Im actually lying here in my bed with the covers over me typing this out as my eyes slowly shut x_x
Had a good night last night though so i guess its worth the pain. Definately staying in tonight though. I dont think i could make it past 9pm anyway :lew:
Also im thirsty but i cba moving to get a drink.
Mood: Happier

Reason: I'm putting the case of last night's argument behind me- I received a text that may have been supposed to be an apology- apparently she was a bit tipsy or whatever. Anyway, I have Christmas to look forward to- and I'm supposed to head down with my family to Wales. Too bad the snow there will probably stop us :hmmm:
Mood - Happy.

I like it being all snowy, it's pretty. And, I went out with my friend and girlfriend yesterday, it was hilarious watching them both fall on their arses :wacky: Super boots ftw! Did the shopping today and it's just nice to be able to sit in the house all nice and warm and not have any work to worry about.

Inside and the 12 inches of snow is still on the ground outside. I love the snow, makes me fell all nice and stuff. I wish there were more but christmas is coming up and there is still shopping to do! Ah well i guess thats how the cookie crumbles.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I've had to watch the puppy since he kept wanting to play all the time, had work this afternoon and got back from the cinema over an hour ago. Been one of the longest days of my life, so I'll be off to bed soon.