[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood : Urgh.

I don't want to go to college tomorrow. Double Law and Double History. Bah. History and Law have quickly become the most piss-taking, irrelevant lessons. I'd get more work done, and learn more, at home. Plus, our Law teacher's expecting a 15 minute presentation from everyone in the class, as well as 8 essays being done. So not happening.
Mood: Bored

Well,i'm bored of all my ps3 games,getting beaten too much on call of duty, and i don't feel like playing FF stuff, i'm just gazing at the T.V. I can't go out because the weather is cold and misserable (as always).
Mood: Pissed off.
Reason: Seen Rocky Horror last night at my local theatre with my ex. And he was nothing but rude and negative towards me just cause hes losing his job in Jan. Then I see on his FB this little btich of a xmas temp hes working with going on about it with him and hes being nice!!! Im sick of his shitty attitude towards me, he isnt acting like a mate at all, but a complete and utter dickhead. He ruined a good night. TOSSER!!!

Oh and work have me in tommorow and Tuesday, usually my days off, so had to redo doctors appointment!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood: Urgh

Reason: I remembered that I'm staying a little late tomorrow for more hockey practice before the term ends. It will probably be viciously cold in the evening so I'm going to return home with frostbite. Probably. Also, I will get to see what my Critical Thinking mark will be. I know I've done crap. Ah well, it was only a mock I guess....

I've just finished my English homework which bored the living hell out of me, what I could have been completed in about an hour took three simply because I kept being distracted by whatever was on TV at the time. Also, knowing there's only one week of college left until we break up kills me a little inside, especially since you know you'll be doing jack shit for that week :ffs:

Kinda annoyed, i'm not really good at multitasking. I'm working on it though, other than that i'm trying to get better at photoshop. Well that and remembering everything i forgotten on using it in its entirety.

I guess that number to my head took more than i thought it did. I can't find where i put my glasses either and i really need them. =/
Mood: Amused and Angry

Somehow, it would seem that I have a particularly strong penchant for getting the wrong scores for the music pieces that I attempt to learn. First, it was 'To Zanarkand'. I printed out a strange version of the otherwise wonderful song.

Now, it's 'Fur Elise'. This time, while I did obtain one that sounds somewhat like the original piece. I realize that it must have been a simpler version of the piece! Damn. To think I had painstakingly copied down the entire score! Not only that... I've played it so many times till I can now play it without even needing to look at the score..

What. The. Hell.

Nevertheless, I've found the right score... Triple-checked with a video on YouTube to ascertain it's validity (Since I found the score up there as well).

Well, after all this, I suppose it's really safe to say this.

Attempting to get scores from Google is more likely to yield inaccurate results, as compared to getting scores from videos.

Still, while I'm raving mad about this, it is rather amusing.
Mood: Stressed

Reason: I haven't slept well the past three nights, which is getting pathetic. I even went to bed early last night, but thank God I don't have a morning lecture. Had a tutorial instead at ten past nine this morning to go over my submitted assignments and I should get on with redrafting them. Got another four hours to kill until I'm off to my only lecture of the day.
Mood: Tired

Reason: I woke up to the sound of someone scraping off their car this morning at about 5am, and I've just spent the last two hours writing out notes for one my subjects. Out of 10 weeks of work, I've done 3. I aim to get 5 or 6 sessions done today, and I'll finish it off tomorrow afternoon or something. Of course, if I pushed myself I could get it all done today, but I'm supposed to be on holiday, and I feel like playing Divinity II some more...

Oh my God, it's Christmas ^_^ And it's nearly the end of term :yay:

I can't wait to go out with my friends when the term ends at midday Wednesday, but I can't believe one day later is when the Avatar movie comes out :gonk:

Thanks peeps, for the lovely prezzies and cards <3 :awesome:
Mood: Good

It's not too hot tonight and I had a nap after watching my new DVD 'Sleeping Beauty'. XD

I've never seen that movie before and it was so lovely. <3

I also got my Princess Bride book from Ebay today too!

Can't wait to get a chance to finally read it. <3
Mood: Drunk

Mood: Well, not entirely lol. I'm tipsy now and am failing to say some things properly, hehe. I've had to go back and type things properly before. Looks like it's gonna be an interesting night.
Mood: Tired.
Reason: I stayed an extra 2 hours at work, so did a 6 hour shift. And I agreed to do another 6 hours tommorow from 6am to 12pm!!! MADNESS!
Mood: Tired/Overworked

My filmmaking class has so much work :/
I missed the cut-out animation filming due to being ill, and now have been told to do it this evening, edit it in my 50 minute lesson tomorrow, as well as a 3000 word evaluation and artist reference all in for tomorrow -__-
Plus I have English coursework ~__~
And I thought I'd get more than 2 hours sleep tonight :(
Mood: Not bad

Reason: I received a B grade in Critical Thinking- which isn't bad considering I knew I did terribly on it. God, the mark scheme is absolutely ridiculous. It's the last week before the holidays. Thursday is the last day for me, so I'm looking forward to then! Unfortunately I have a Great Gatsby coursework to finish until then.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I'm sober now thankfully, but I had some fun when I was slightly drunk lol. Was typing all wrong and was speaking weird to everyone that came across me. If it's that fun, then I'm gonna have the rest of the bottle tomorrow night!
Mood : Great.

Mandi, Jess and Amanda are keeping me amused on MSN, our group convo is epic tonight xD Monday wasn't horrendous for me either, Double Law was actually...fun (and there's something I never thought I would say) Double History...well, it was no joy, but it didn't drag and it was over and done with quickly.

A great day, overall :yay:
Mood: Hungry

Didn't really have all that much to eat today. Still not feeling the best. Can't believe I'm still sick.

I've got so many people to buy presents for yet and I really need time to shop. It's either work long hours and have the money but no time to shop, or work shorter hours and have no money to shop. =(

Why is the world unfair. v_v
Mood: Tired/worried

I am tired, mostly because it is almost 4am when im writing this. but worried because school semester is almost up and its getting down to the nitty gritty. Moreover, im worried about my grades and if they will be adequate enough to transfer to a 4-year school. But like i always say.....we will cross that bridge when we come to it.
Mood: Damn!

All right. So, somehow, my computer decides to allow me to get on. What's up with it, mood swings? Nevertheless, for most of yesterday and earlier today, I was totally unable to get up to the computer... And now, so easily...

Nevertheless, it's good to know. I'll probably rush some things out for my presently ongoing role plays, and whatever else I could do on the computer.

.. Though, I'm almost positive that the infamous blue-screen error's just waiting to come out.