[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tired

It's 2am and I should be in bed really. Even if I don't start work until 2pm tomorrow. >.<

I watched the Neverending Story and Casper tonight.

Couple of the movies that I finally got off layby today from Kmart.

Anyway I should head off.
Mood: Content

Reason: My Operational Management Accounting session finished 45 minutes ahead of schedule, meaning I could get home early. All I have tomorrow is a lecture first thing in the morning, and my lecture on Thursday is cancelled, meaning the next two days should be a lot more relaxing. Gives me time to finish my essay, as well.
Should also be getting my PS3 tomorrow from GAME - praying they'll let me get Dragon Age Origins with it as a substitute for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which I wouldn't play. If they don't, I'll just trade it at HMV next door. XD

I'm in way over my head, this ASVAB test is going to do me in. I have no problems with the english and paragraph comprehension sections but the math is ridiculous. I'm given problems i've never encountered before and i have no clue have to solve them. I'm intimated now, i was confident that i was going to pass this test but not anymore.
Mood: Tiiiired

Reason: Long (but hilarious) weekend, went to see New Moon with Clare on Saturday, I went in her car for the first time and aside from me having a mild panic attack on Asda Roundabout (I hate that roundabout) she drove really really well, she went round several roundabouts, though almost stalled on top of one. Literally on top of it as well xD Her OH NO, just set me off in a fit of giggles 8F
New Moon was just...phwoaaaaaaaaar, I phwoared SO loudly at one point, it set us off on the giggles again. I also won on the dance mat in the arcade, the 3rd was the decider seeing as she won the first, I won the 2nd, and the crazy security man kept stalking us, he was a weird one that one
We got pic n mix too, me being a skin flint was complaining in the quese saying its gunna be about 15 quid :rage: (it was a fiver) I hate spending money in that place, its a fucking rip off
Thennn on the way home, drive went grand again, right up until she had to park on the kerb, she parked up FACING my house AND she crashed into my fence, she could NOT get her car lined up right to park up, I was killing myself, in the end, I said just park on my drive, seeing as we've established you can park in that direction. So, she managed to get on the drive, then JUST as she turns the engine off, a riot van pulls up outside my house 'hello' I think 'i wonder whats going on?' Then a police dog van effort pulls up as well and these 2 policemen, get out and COME OVER TO US :gasp: (It must have taken Clare about 15/20 mins to park up the numpty) and he was like, there's been reports of an incident involviong a fence...Im like ''...'' Its MY fence and she only bumped it
They sure didnt waste anytime getting out, bet if one of us was being murdered they'd turn up the morn ¬_¬ Anyway, all was good, I was still tittering away to myself, THEY were laughing at Clare and they just went on their way happy that she was just a bint ands no harm was done
We were on the wine the second we got through teh door.....
Sunday consisted of wallpapering, I was fine when I woke up, then I started going under about half 3 =[ Couldnt get to sleep Sunday night OR last night, and I had some weird arsed dreams, so Im fucking knackered today. Bought a new lampshade though, and pollyfillad some awkward area on my wall and have some paint because its the most awkward part of wall the paper EVER :rage:

So yeah, that's why I'm tired ;monster:
Pretty good.

Had the day off work today which was pretty good. Went out for a few games of pool with a pal and totally smoked him naturally :wacky:
Had a subway aswell which wass awesome :ryan:
Now im hungry again though and theres no food about the house :sad:
I can either go shopping or order takeaway :sad:
Mood: Good

Didn't get to bed until 2am this morning but I've woke up at 8am. 0_o

I really should go back to bed and have more rest.

I have to start at 2pm and finish at 10pm, so I don't wanna be tired.

Gotta go pick up my brother before I head off too, seeing as he works with me now and dad is at work and mum is out for the day so she can't drive him.
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Mood: Happy. Apparently their is a snow day tommorow and College will be closes. Also that will ive me time to come on FFF more or watch Higurashi and Sekirei :awesome: If it does not happen ill be really pissed :ness:

It's nearly 1am and I'm shattered, we lost 3-0 at home to Blackpool after a good 5-1 win over a decent QPR time away on Saturday so that miffed me a bit >.> And I have an English essay that needs to be handed in on Thursday which is annoying as hell especially since we've just had to hand in our English coursework :ffs: Thank God it's Xmas soon >.>
You got that right Ryan :jtc:



Thank GOD I've nearly done my English Coursework. And the Leeds weekend. And the house to my own tomoro night. :gasp: Done all my hwk, and of course, that takes a LOAD off my shoulders. Christmas presents! *alarms ring* Need to get some at Leeds! :awesome:
Mood: Tired

Reason: REALLY need to start going to bed earlier, I just sit here thinking Im tired, I should go to bed, but I never do -__-

Dentist today. Hate the dentist so much, they are useless, the woman with the hoover devise was useless, I was practically drowning on water and the stupid polish device thing kept catching my gums and it hurt -__- Fucking nobs
On the plus side for the first time ever I was actually in on TIME instead of siting around in the waiting room for years. Was in and out of the doctors quite quick as well...
2 boring necessities out of the way in one go at least
Also got a job interview on Monday, got a letter today :monster:
Mood: Bleh and hungry

Reason:I am kinda bleh today because it is really crappy weather wise over here. It snowed last night, then decided it was going to rain also so it made the roads horrible. Plus today it is soo windy you would think we were in the middle of a hurricane. :jtc:

And I am hungry because.... I am hungry. :wacky: I wonder what is for dinner.
I hope Ryan isn't terribly mad towards Blackpool. I live in Blackpool! :whistle2:

Mood: Annoyed

Reason: One of my best friends gets double the length of the Christmas holiday than I do and I have to do my English Literature coursework. I haven't started it yet and I have until next Thursday to hand it in, plus I have to stay late at college on Friday to do a History mock exam. I therefore two weeks of Christmas to revise for four exams. Joy.
Mood - Annoyed.

I don't know how Damon does this, using a PS3 for internet is bloody horrendous. It's totally getting on my tits now. If it works perfectly on my PS3, it should stop kicking me off for hours on end on my PC -_-
Mood: Sigh

Trying to beat a game, but have been failing for quite some time now. Not that I'm going to give up any time soon, nonetheless. Going to take the day to return to my previous obligations. I've been rather lazy lately, and even my resolve to stay true to those obligations falters.

And, as much as I tried to regain the determination to return to it, it's insufficient. Tsk.
Mood: Good

Had a shit start to the day and was rude to one of my Reps.

I dunno what put me in my mood but it was ugly. <_<

By the end of the day I was much better but I felt like I had no energy to do much like I usually do and I have a headache. It's too hot I tell ya!

Oh and mum called to say that one of my Ebay items arrived at hers today. Not sure what one it is though.

I haven't spoken to a friend of mine for awhile and i'm worried something has happened. So i can't sleep, i hope everything is ok on their side.

Other than that, this studying is doing me in. I have to keep revising every part to make sure i have it all ingrained in my head. I still don't know how in the hell i forgot all the math i learned back in 5ht grade. Well most of it anyway, i feel so obsolete.

Christmas is near and i still haven't gotten everything on my list to put under the tree. I have some things but i think this christmas i might have to just cut down on spending. I need the rest for more important things.
Mood: Sweeeet :)

Reason: Today I bought a Christmas present for my friend. I got him these spring loaded stilts that he has been talking about since almost when I first met him several years ago. And the best part is that I'm going to play with them until Christmas time :monster:
Mood: Content

Reason: Just finished my seminar prep work for tomorrow, so now all I have left to do is tidy my notes - no small amount of work there, but it'll be relatively straightforward - and that damned earnings management essay, which I WILL get done by the end of this week. After several painful hours of searching, I've also decided what to do about my PS3 dilemma - the deals are all crap for me, which is the dilemma. So I'm going to buy one from HMV with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Assassin's Creed 2, then sell said games to CEX, netting me a profit I can use to buy Dragon Age and a couple of other games I will actually play. It works out at about +£31 profit if I trade, +£15 if I just take the money. Yay!
Mood: Don't know tbh

I didn't sleep at all last night and the only thing i ate was a salad. I don't know why but i'm not tired or hungry. I don't feel like eating anything either, not even my favorite foods. Just a phase i guess, it'll pass i'm not worried about it.
Mood: Awesome. Well the official flame of Olympia was in laval today! It was beautiful and spectacular! The only bad part was there were over 10000 people just to see the damn thing. Oh and the wait was so long and I was FROZEN -__-