[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Inspired

Reason: Have been practically all day. I'm working on another one of endless ideas and actually genuinely love this one that I'm giving it my all to get it down into writing. I'm in a very happy mood altogether, haven't felt like this for a while. Hope it stays around for a good while!
Mood: A bit tired

I didn't end up going to bed until around 3am this morning and I've just got up at about 9am. 0_o

I suppose that's still six hours sleep but I should have had a sleep in.

Though it is extremely hot so it was hard to just lay in bed.

Doesn't help that I go to bed at around midnight every night either. I'm not keeping up with my much needed sleep. :gonk:
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Mood: Satisfied

Just another day where I feel rather normal. Moderately pleased, and satisfied enough to sit about. My parents have finally got me my iPhone, and right now, I'm filling it up with applications to entertain myself when off the computer- or doing my least favourite activity, waiting.
Mood: Happy

I've been on a roll today with getting all my T.V Boxsets bought and I've even found some figurines of my favourite characters from movies on the internet. XD

I can't wait until I finally have them.

It's times like this that I REALLY REALLY wish that I owned my own house.

Then I could set up a room just for me to make all my collections pretty and such.
Mood: Still satisfied, but tired

So, I went on to the music school to play on the piano there. While my initial intent had been to practice on the 'To Zanarkand' score, it ended up becoming a lesson on playing 'Fur Elise' with the right hand. Thanks to the iPhone's application, this is possible.

.. And now, I've completely memorised how to play it using only the right hand. All's left is the left hand- however, I believe the piece it taught me is only part of it though.. Not too sure, but this would satisfy for now.

However, spending several hours in there is rather draining, I suppose. That, and a game I focused intensely in. Fair enough.
Mood: Agitated

Reason: Dunno. Ive already shouted at the kid, cat and smoke alarm today and its still morning :rage: Hopefully my mood will improve later, am off out with clare to the pics. Ive been in a funny old mood for afew days now, fucking hormones, I blame them, even though ive just come OFF my period... still, it feels like PMT :hmmm:

:) I love my friends. (don't wanna mention their names here) I really do. They give me reassurance when I needed it. (yesterday) I felt so much better about myself ever since :awesome:


Swimming was fun, yes, fun. We practiced diving loads of times, even if I struggled with the 3 x 400 IM & Free Alt., I know I was getting better, I hope. My coach says I'm only coming once a month, but I did not. I come every Friday (although I miss most morning and night session xD)

Am doing my English coursework and Physics. After that, I'm totally free :yay:
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: Its the weekend, in short. I'm up-to-date with my work, and I can afford to relax today. My mother and little brother are going to be at my brother's school all day at a Christmas fair, so I might take advantage of that and watch a film in the comfort of the front room, something I don't get to do often. Tomorrow I'll get back to work on my essay - after all, if I finish it by the end of next week, its one less thing I have to do over Christmas - but, for today...games, my book, maybe a film and my laptop are all that is on my mind~
Mood: Tired

Just sat in the lounge since 7pm watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch up until a few minutes ago. So that took around four and a half hours. I only got halfway through Season 1 too. XD

I just did a whole heap of buying on Ebay tonight too and I've got more to do tomorrow once I hear back from a few of the sellers about a few things.

I really wish I was more awake. I want to stay on here a while longer.
Mood: Triumphant

Reason: I was able to sneak into a music festival for free today by making a replica wristband. I basically was able to just walk right in undetected. I'm pretty glad I didn't pay though, the festival wasn't that great at all and I could hardly breathe because of all the dust and smoke.
Mood: Tired

I only got to bed at about 1am and we got up at about 5am because Steve had a really bad toothache that's been bothering him for a while and he wanted to go to the hospital.

I ended up getting my throat and ear checked out while I was there too.

They gave me a fair bit of medication to clear it all up and Steve had a pain relief tablet and a needle to get rid of the inflammation in his mouth.

What a great start to a Sunday. XD
Mood: Tired

Reason: I had to go Christmas shopping with my friends. I didn't want to, because I was 99.9% sure it would rain. So I spent about 3 hours in town with them and came back soaking wet. Then I had to get started on my Politics mock exam revision. I was told to revise about 3 topics out of the four. That is a tremendous amount, covering about 115 pages in the text book. I have hardly done one! :sad:
Mood: Tired

Reason: Had a long day at work and an even longer night at home when I got back. Was a good day altogether, although I should've been less aggressive and stopped attacking my co-worker, who was teasing me lol. Hoping to have a good night's sleep tonight, so I should be heading off to bed now.
Mood: Still tired and now hot

After we got back from the hospital it was around 6:30amish and I stayed on here for a bit and Steve went to bed and then I followed him at about 10am.

We've both just got up and it's 3:30pm and I would have slept longer if it wasn't for the heat.

It's 30°C but it feels so much more. :gonk:

Apparently it's getting up to 32°C this week. >.<
Mood: Irritable

I can't stand it when anyone asks for my opinion, when they automatically have something to rebut it with:

"What do you think I should do for my birthday?"
"Maybe invite your friends over for a dinner party?"
"No. I hate them. They're plastic."
"Okay, then eat at your favorite restaurant."
"I don't have a favorite restaurant."
"Then go travel to someplace nice."
"No. That's too expensive."
"OKAY, then just stay at home."
"But it's boring at home..."

I wanted to go, "THEN CRAWL INTO A HOLE AND DIE!":rage: Seriously, where do people like these come from? Do they only exist to annoy other people?!
^^ OMG I know exactly what you mean Micci. v_v

That was the very reason I broke off my friendship with my ex best friend of 9 years. <_<


Mood: All right

We just went for a drive to see some Christmas lights out near Steve's work, which is a fair way away.

However, when we got there, the main house that we were going to see hadn't turned them on.

Instead they had a notice saying when they would be turning them on. <.<

It sucked.

We did see a few other nice houses though, so it wasn't a total waste of a drive.
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Mood - Urgh.

This is going to be a crap day, I can feel it. I feel tired despite getting 11 hours of sleep, and I'm going to have a major headache. I hate my afternoon lessons too, History and Law have become a total joke. I can't take another 70 minutes of silence and reading about Russia in History, and she needs to give us something constructive to do in Law D=<
Mood: Good

Just got all my DVD's off layby and got a few emails from Ebay telling me that my payments for certain items went through and that I'll get them soon. =D

I had an alright day at work.

I have two hours owing to me that I need to take off yet as well. Might go home early on Friday I think.

Also I get to start at 2pm tomorrow!

Sleep in for me! =D
Mood: Bored

Reason: Got another few more minutes left until I go and meet my dad at the train station. He's late because the freaking lift wasn't working at his train station! What a joke! Hope he complains or else I will. Probably gonna get some shopping done and when I get back, I'll need to start on those dreaded assignments. >_>
Mood: Lazy, Excited, Satisfied

Lazy, because I don't intend to head out of my house to get to a Tai Chi class. Honestly, I have to admit that I feel no sense of belonging or interest in learning that would bolster my already weak attendance. The number of people in my generation is almost zero in the whole class...!

Well, then again, this art is rather popular with the older generations... Or bluntly said, the 'old people'.

Then, I'm excited because tomorrow, I'm going to perform in front of quite a group. Well, that is, my simple 'Ode to Joy' that I've learned. It's meant to help make me a more confident person, but I suppose I don't really care less. I've performed in front of crowds before, but that was in a big group when I was still in the orchestra a long time back.

Nevertheless, I suppose I'm belittling it now. Maybe I'll get butterflies in my stomach tomorrow? I highly doubt so, but still, the possibility remains... Though the fact I'm touching those wooden keys on this thing called the piano!! WHOOOOHOOO.

And now, satisfied. I'm just slacking about right now. Praying real hard that it rains too, but that's not happening. Anyway, worse comes to worst, I'll just go.... It's a great exercise after all... Good for the joints, research have shown....

Except, joint pains isn't an ailment I've experienced in my life... Yet.

Oh well.