[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Good.

I'm quite well tonight, actually. We went out for dinner, and I've decided that I love rice again xD China Buffet place thingie ftw >.> My gran's getting a new puppy tomorrow for her birthday, so she's considerably happier than before, and my family's not fighting. Tonight is good. I do have homework, but... meh. I'll get it done later xD /slacker

I also have money and new music :ryan: Music is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :jess:

Hope you're all well too :3
Mood: ....=/

I went to bed nearly 4 hours ago... And I'm still not asleep. :gonk: I'm freezing but my skin feels like it's burning off. :gonk:

I also just feel like hell. Shit days, shit work, shit money. >.> -sigh-


I'm also fed up with backstabbers. There's no need for you fuckers out there, so get fucked and choke on a doorknob. Fuck's sake, do us all a goddamn favour. >.>
Mood: Happy

Reason: I've got no lecture tomorrow, so I'm done for the week at uni and I only came back yesterday! My dad and his partner are visiting today. That means I can FINALLY get some Christmas shopping done. And if I'm in the mood, I'll do some more tomorrow (even trying to finish it) since I've got the whole day free to myself. Got netball training tonight, so everything's good for me.
Mood: Hungry

I've not yet had my dinner and I'm not sure if I want pizza or something healthier.

Gah, it's pizza night though and I can't pass that up. :gonk:

I really feel like a chicken ceaser wrap though to be honest, but we have no chicken. :gonk:
Pretty Sound

I've done all the gfx tournament round judging this morning so I don't have to worry about getting that done in time. I'm gonna have a bit of a gander at my Psychology homework even though we only have to do highlighting really. Going to 5aside in about 10 minutes or so then coming back and my gf is coming over (y)
Mood: not amused. I have a Math exam in the afternoon today and ya I studied alot but I hope its not gonna be super fuckin long. About 8 or 7 pages I guess. Well I know all the stuff in my head pretty much. I got to leave in 20 mins anyway. :ness:
Mood: Dead

Should be in bed but I've just got too much happening to even think about sleep!

I'm excited about Christmas and all the things leading up to it and I really hope that nothing bad happens to ruin it all. >_<

I've got to start at 8:30 tomorrow morning which isn't that bad but still...I wish I didn't have to go to work at all.

Two more months...and then I'm free for two weeks. I've gotta keep telling myself that. :gonk:
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: Just got off the phone with my mum and I've got extra hours in work on Saturday! I'm really chuffed with that, especially since I really need the money at the moment. Have spent the afternoon catching up on I'm A Celebrity and laughed my socks off at Ant and Dec because they're hilarious! Going off to netball training soon, but I'm going to have to walk this time. My friend usually drives us there, but she's feeling unwell right now ...
Mood: Upset
Reason: Im scared were going to get robbed by these romanians that keep coming to our home begging and my grandparents wont ring the police and inform them about whats happened.

Thanksgiving didn't go so well, amongst other things but i don't feel like talking about either of them so...

At the moment i'm just studying for the ASVAB test, i'm going through with joining the navy so i'm gonna study hard and pass it the first time.

Hopefully i get recruited
Mood: Tired

Reason: No, I'm beyond tired. I'm SHATTERED. Fitness in netball training was more than what I expected. We threw balls at walls, running backwards and forwards, ten laps, shooting the ball in the net, sit ups, etc. The list never seems to end! My feet are all sore and I may take a bath later to make them feel better. I might be put off from going now next week.
Mood: Exhausted

Reason: I've been at college from 7.30am to 5.15pm. It's not the long hours that tired me out- it's more hockey practice. 2 hours worth of hockey practice. In the freezing cold. And rain. It's times like this that I wish I am in Australia. On the upside though- I have an easy day tomorrow if I don't count my English Language mock.
Not good, but that's my own damn fault.

Again with my lack of motivation. I haven't gone to school in two weeks. I have tons of homework I could do here, but I don't. I feel like there's just no point to any of this and it saddens me. Which also angers me because again, it's my own fault.
oh the sigh of things
Mood: Excited

All right, I'm not exactly sure if this would happen at all, but many interesting things would be happening later.

First and foremost, I may get a chance to head down to my music school to practise on the piano there. Considering the fact I do not have a piano or working keyboard at home, this would be my only chance to practise, and I don't intend to let up the chance!

Secondly, there may be a slight chance I would be collecting my new phone today. I highly doubt this possibility though, but the thought of it is nice, nonetheless.

However, it is rather amusing to notice that all these has got a chance of not even happening at all. Still, the thought constantly makes my heart skip a beat, and puts a smile on my face. :D

Damn. Can't wait for it to happen already.
Mood: Tired but good

Reason; Found something else to suck up all my time in the shape of PS, it's pretty addictive 8F Also, day to myself today and tomorrow (woo) Got an application form to fill in, but I kinda got distracted by PS last night when I was meant to do it, so I'l get onto it today, I need a PAID job, though Im enjoying the voluntary work Im doing, if I get a part time job and still have time, I may be able to still do a couple of hours a week or so

Im impressed my hot water bottle is still warm, its the best thing I ever bought :mokken: Must get dressed though, gotta take Ellie to school in 20 mins
Sad and hurt but quite excited

I'm moving back to my hometown (city*) and it's pretty tough for me. I've been living in this small town for 6 years now, and I'm in the middle of high school. I don't know what I'm going to do when it comes to school when I move, and I'm going to miss my friends and my room and the things in it and where everything is placed and just everything here, but it's a good way to start over. I've lost a lot of who I thought were my friends here, so it's a good time to make new ones (if I don't chicken out).
Mood: Amused

All right.. Don't mock me there, heh. As some may recall. I wanted to learn the piano, and I ambitiously decided that 'To Zanarkand' would be the first real piece that I attempt to learn- seeing as does not have an extremely torturous tempo.

And so, I was rather excited today, since I got the chance to head over to the music school to play on it's piano...

With that, went 2 hours... I did learn a part of the score... ....

.. But only the first bar line of the very first page...


2 hours for just one bar line. Of course, for both hands... And now, my left hands hurts as well, and me, thoroughly amused.

[self-consolation]I can only say it's rather impressive for someone who had taken up piano like, just a month ago? I'm still in the process of learning how to read scores, and to be able to handle even the first line at all is good in itself... [/self-consolation]
Mood: Fine

Reason: Apart from my aching muscles, I'm all right. Had a decent night's sleep, but had two really weird dreams last night that I can't quite understand. Off to meet my dad at the train station, where we're off to the town centre to do some shopping and walking round the shops.
Mood - Amused

I just found all my Christmas presents for the fourth year in a row. This year she tried to hide them behind the sofa, bad place, who DOESN'T look there? xD Pretty happy with what they bought too xD Gonna be a gewd Christmas!
Mood: So-so

Reason: I've just returned from college after having my mock exam. In terms of how well I did, well I have two miserable weeks to wait until I find out. I have another mock tomorrow of the same subject, so that dampens my spirit. On the bright side, I'm home now I suppose. I'm actually looking forward to this weekend's hockey match.