[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Tired/Excited

I've had a terribly busy and exhausting week. We performed for an event yesterday, but we were only told at the beginning of the week so we learned the routines and stunts in the span of 4 nights. I've been coming home at 11pm and waking up at 5am for my 7am class. It's been horrible.

BUT, I'm very happy to say that I'm getting a DSLR on Christmas. Nikon D60. That really just got me so excited, even after the tough shit that was this week. :rage:

I can hardly wait. :griin:
Mood: Fed up.
Reason: The company who made me redundant are going under. And quite frankly I dont care. Im upset fo my close friends who are going to lose their jobs. I dont give 2 shits about my ex or the work bike. But their facebook statues are all about it, when I was made redundant I never went on like those stupid twats are ...
Mood: Pretty Damn Shitty.

=/ Today failed. I've had the most shit times getting to sleep this passed week. I even get in to bed earlier 'cause of it. So, count that, and I only sleep for a few hours, than am up all day long, until I work at 5 or 7PM, till midnight. :gonk:

I'm tired, if not mentally. Physically. >.<

I've also had it with work. There's a new location restaurant opening on westside, =/ and my favourite manager is going there. I'm not happy with it at all. The managers that stay with us, are shite. :gonk: That's just even more great. =/

Phonebill shouldn't have been this damn high this month, so I could've had more money to put aside for saving up. >.> Yeah, just fucking great, Kira.

Also the roof of my mouth has been killing me for 3 days straight. I keep taking painkillers for it, 'cause I'm too much of an idiot, to go to the dentist and have it checked out. >.> I'm 90% sure it's not something with my teeth, but the actual roof of my mouth part in the middle. Even having my tongue against it aches.

What a moan-whiney-bitch am I today. :)
Mood: Good

Reason: Had a good day at work today.

Was very cruisy. All I did was make sure that everyone went to lunch on time and that everyone was doing their work.

I just wandered around for the six and a half hours I was there. =P
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Mood: Tired

Reason: I had a little difficulty sleeping last night, and the hail outside at around 5am woke me up. Shortly after that my little brother went into a full blown rage mode, keeping me awake and waking up my mother and probably next door, as well. I still haven't woken up fully just yet...
Mood: Tired

Reason: I did get up rather early this morning.

I could have had a sleep in but I was too excited to start work today. XD

Just finished watching The Hangover, which was hiliarious bu the way.

I intend to get up early tomorrow too and head to the shops to maybe get a Christmas tree and put some more DVD's on layby.

I need to find Sabrina the Teenage Witch seasons 1-4, as I bought #5 today.
Mood: Hungover

Reason: wine. The girls came round last night, we were supposed to be going out, but nobbo here spent all her money last month and is skint as fook, though I just keep telling myself all my xmas shopping is done and it makes me feel a tad better :mokken:

I woke up fuly clothed this morning (as is usual for me after beers) minus one sock and my jeans round my knees, I couldnt get them off so I ave up and conked out 8F Also, I was cuddling a pumba teddy haha

Good night was had anyway, I just need to claw back my funds :rage:
Mood: Tired

Reason: I woke up early again this morning even though I have a day off today. v_v

I just feel like there is too much to do around the house and such for me to just sleep in bed all day. <_<

Might go to the shops and buy me some more sunglasses seeing as mine broke again.

I am not getting those things fixed again for them to break once more two days later. <_<

Then I'm off to KMart to get me some Barbie DVD's. XD
Mood - Meh.

It was a good night, I've had the most hilarious group convo with Vikki, Jess, Sonny, Justin, Amanda and Ami, and it's been a great evening, but now my buzz is gone cause I had a fight with my girlfriend =/ we made up at the end, but I do so hate arguing, it depresses me, and it's ended the day on such a bad note D=
Mood: Hot

Reason: The weather is just so hot at the moment. :gonk:

I really can't wait to get an air conditioner. This Summer is going to be so hot that all I intend on doing is going to Wet N' Wild and staying at home with air con on full blast. :gonk:

Oh I bought my Barbie DVD's today too. XD
Mood: Bleh ._.

I dunno, I'm just in a really depressed mood over nothing in particular. It's like everything bad is happening at once although nothing's really happening at all, it only feels like it did. I was fine about two hours ago, so this random depression makes absolutely no sense. I feel like I could cry, but I don't know why =/ Random shitteh mood ftl >.>
Mood: Mild

Just found out the score I downloaded for 'To Zanarkand' wasn't the one I was searching for. Nevertheless, a visit to YouTube got me the link to the right score I was searching for. Goodness knows what version of 'To Zanarkand' that previous score provided but who cares...?

However, it displeases me to some extent to know that today, my piano school's close, so no practice today. Called them up to ascertain the fact, and found it to be correct.

Still, this means more time with my computer, so it balances up the displeasure to some extent...
Mood: Crappy

Reason: I am not looking forward to today. I've fallen behind in my Accounting Packages portfolio work, so I'm attending a workshop that is on during my three-hour gap...meaning I'll have four straight hours, an hour gap, and then a lecture, making my Monday timetable even worse. I was woken up ridiculously early again, and I've got the whole "end of year" rush descending upon me - I have to get that portfolio done by next Friday, I have an essay in Financial Crime worth 65% of my assessment to get done, and two lots of group work that I have absolutely no idea what is going on with.
In short, its Monday.
Mood: Tired

Reason: Have been for the past few nights. I blame the addictive RPG, late nights and work myself. I even woke up late today to go back to uni, the train was late and I've missed my morning lecture. And with no lecture on Wednesday, I've only got this afternoon's lecture this week. Wow, I'm lucky. xD
Mood: Apathetic.

I couldn't go to the BloodRedRomance, and SuffocateMeDry concert. It sucks because they play some of my favourite songs. Like; Stab My Heart Because I Love You, Rip Apart My Soul, and of course, Stabby Rip Stab Stab.


Right. All Emo-Songs, and jokes aside.

Mood: Meh...

I feel really... Depressed, for some reason.

A lot of people are leaving at our current work location, 'cause there's a new location opening. :gonk: My favourite manager is leaving, so I'm not happy with that at all. :gonk: The people, "managers", that are staying with us, are completely ridiculous fucktards. =/ Why is it always that the fun people leave...

That's got me really down. Which is kinda ridiculous, seeing everything and everyone moves on in life. I guess I just have trouble letting go of people I care about and get attached to. :gonk:

I just don't wanna be one of those 'Oh, let me keep my distance from literally everyone, so I don't get hurt. o_o'

No way. I'm alive, so I wanna feel alive.

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Mood: Tired

Reason: I slept through the heat of the day and woke up with a massive headache.

I really need to get a freaking air con. We're going to look for one to buy this weekend actually.

I need to be awake at around 5:30 to 6am tomorrow morning. I have to open up the shop for one of the girls to do the end of month reports.

I want to make sure I get in early enough just in case I stuff up the locks or something and hold her up. >_<
Mood: Meh.
Reason: I just seem fed up. Played alot of L4D which has kinda cheered me up. Killing zombies is fun. Everyone I know is in a relationship, even my ex, so not happy.
Mood: Asleep

Reason: I swear, I really am. Lack of sleep is catching up to me! My foot's also playing up again and may have to go hospital to get it checked out. I also missed a very good lecture on TV scripts and annoyed I couldn't walk properly to get to it. >_>
Mood: Overwhelmed and not in a good way

Reason: I have an essay for tomorrow, two English Language mock exams on Wednesday and Thursday, a Politics mock exam sometime this week or Monday at the latest, and two Critical Thinking exams in God knows when. I also have to edit some video footage for my News Reel session at college. Dear Deity Above, why are you punishing me like this? :gonk:

MOOD: :ohshit: *@%#!!!

I AM FLIPPING OUT, jumping around like I have a small bear in my pants, trying to post as much as I can so I can join the RPG as well as the Seven Sin's clan before they run out of spots.