[V3] What's Your Mood?

Pissed off, ill, exhausted.

I'm angered because my Dad's girlfriend always decides to take a shower when I wake up. It takes her half an hour and I not only have to wait for her to get out, but I also have to wait for the hot water to come back. Fucking bitch does this all the time. I understand that she has to leave earlier than the rest of us because she lives in the city (we're in a sad ass town), but she shouldn't have fucking came over. That, or she just should have showered the day before. I could have done that, but my bangs get all gross looking after every time I sleep. No thanks. I'm not going to go to school like that.
And I'm tired because I'm sick and I'm probably sick because I'm always tired.

I have a sickly feeling in my stomach though I'm not entirely sure why. I'm probably going to head off to bed in a minute as well since there's nothing really keeping me up and I feel quite tired as well =/
Mood: Tired D:
Staying up too late watching south park episodes and talking to friends! i never have the heart to just stop a conversation. also the fact i get up so early in the morning to go to school is a big bummer! Pretty excited to hang out with my friends from school for the first time at my house though on friday =D
Mood: Awesome. I woke up in the morning and viewed the final final fantasy xiii trailer today and it was just so fucking fucking even more fucking awesome then any trailer I have ever seen! Oh and also I have Media first period tommorow :awesome: Photoshop is really fun etc etc. 2 days till the weekend! Maybe ill be able to play some more Magnacarta II iF i GGET MY WORLD ED ASSIGNMENT DONE.
Mood: Satisfied

The Prom Night was satisfactory. The food was great, the people were a sight to behold. I myself felt more confident that day, being more well dressed than usual. It really seems to support what someone said previously about good clothing providing confidence to it's wearer.

I have to agree with it strongly this time.

On the other hand, today, I went to look over the score for 'To Zanarkand'. This piece would be the next tune I'll attempt to master. No doubt, considering the fact it's 4 pages long, I won't expect it all to come in a day like Ode To Joy...

But nevertheless, looking over the score, and seeing it's relatively slow rhythm makes me feel more excited about attempting to learn it...! Can't wait for the next time I get to touch the piano keys!

There isn't much to do. At least when my room was dirty, I could look for stuff like in those books, but now its clean.... and boring...

Damn you, you jackass-what-are-you-currently-listening-friggin-thread.

I hate you. With a passion. :jtc:

It won't let me post and it's bugging me. How sad if you don't have anything to do at night, and you waste time posting, and it




OH FFS! This won't post either. -__-
Mood: Good

Reason: Just bought a new pair of shoes and a bag for tomorrow nights Christmas party.

Hopefully they look okay with my dress. >_<

I'm rather hungry at the moment too. I really want a stirfry or something but we have no chicken. =(

I keep eating lollies too which isn't good.
Mood: Relaxed

Reason: I just got back from my driving lesson. Asides from that, I'm more annoyed than ever that the site decides to kick me off for two days and "kindly" let me back on. I can't go on much longer if it keeps doing it ...
Mood: Amused

Reason: I love my college classes sometimes. I really do. I can't believe how my English Literature teacher managed to drift away from the curriculum enough to make the whole lesson a huge conversation on the Beatles because of one poem. She then started to go on about this old 1960s singer/drummer she had a kiss with. Considering how much I hate poems, that was certainly a rather entertaining lesson.
Mood:sick. I woke up in the morning and ummm I dont know what happened. All of a sudden My head was oin crazy and then I had to rush to bed again. Also my stomach is hurtin like hell riht now. :sad2:
Mood : Great!

I had a fantastic sleep, well over 12 hours, so I'm totally rejuvenated and refreshed. I also love Fridays, I'm only in college for an hour, and even then I barely do anything. It might be pointless but at least it gets me out of the house. Too bad daytime TV sucks though, but at least I can comfortably catch up on I'm A Celebrity! Kim to win!
Mood: Alright

Reason: It's been a funny week (not in a ha ha way) Things have happened and well, Ive been abit down ):

Went to my IT course today, doing my exam next week :rage: Also off to the mothers tonight, got the food in before and Im ellie free all weekend too, all is good, got the girls coming round tomorrow, Im sure there will be laughs AND tears (takeaway and alcohol too)
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: It's since I'm having a nice day to myself in the house. Everyone else is downstairs or wherever doing their own thing and I can finally have a day where I don't have to rush about for anyone or anything. However, it's days like these where not everything goes according to plan and I'm sensing fireworks will explode later. Whatever the case, we'll just have to see. xD
Mood: Fine

Yesterday was alright, I went over to my grandmother's for Thanksgiving and we had a good time. Played Old Maid with my niece, she always makes me so happy, she's so adorable. All in all it was a pretty great time although I was expecting to be asked a million questions, because whenever I go over there I get bombarded for not visiting, and all that.

Yet, how I woke up today was not that great. I've got a massive headache and I'm out of Advil, wondrous. :rage:
Mood: Half amused, half sick

Reason: Back to my very interesting English Literature class again. This time Carol Ann Duffy's Oppenheim's Cup and Saucer poem has been the source of controversy in the class because of its very erotic, sexual, lesbian connotations. I felt a little sick because of how erotic it is. The boys were amused- many of the girls were completely disgusted by it. It was half amusing for me because of many of their reactions as well as the boys' opinions of it.
Feeling okay

I've had a pretty shit last two days in r/l nothing like family/girlfriend arguments or anything like that, my relationship with them is still 110% spot on. But I got the day off college since the college let me. Everything's fine now though. Gonna play bomberman 2 on my DS innabit (y)
Mood: Good

Reason: Had an awesome night last night at the work Christmas party.

Though I really hope I didn't make a fool of myself. I remember saying something stupid to my manager as to why I wasn't wearing my shoes anymore. XD

I get to work as Duty Manager for the first time tomorrow too! I simply can't wait!

For the first time in absolute ages... I just have the feeling that everything will turn out alright in the next few weeks or so, like my Macbeth coursework (which I still have not started yet). (y)
Mood: Stressed

Reason: I don't want to go work and yet I don't want stay home either. Just ended up nearly having a fight with my sister since she made me lose my temper. Meh, might pick work over home. Gives me time to think and I can be on my own half the time, anyway.