[V3] What's Your Mood?

Mood: Pretty good

Reason: Got my Muse ticket, picked my wallpaper though the decorator quoted me £150!!! So it looks like Im enlisting the help of my pals with beer as bribery. I think Kelly is coming round tonight though not too sure on that yet, would be nice to catch up, though if she doesnt well, Iwas planning on a quiet one this weekend anyway so its not TOO big a deal if she can't make it
The volunteer work is going really well, it's good to get out and DO something insdtead of sat infront of my monitor all the time
IT course was cancelled today though, and after I dragged my tired arse all the way there as well, karma for skipping out last week I suppose
Also, just filled in my passport form, need to get the stupid pics done and my step dad to countersign it and thats another massive fund withdrawal from my account, daylight fucking robbery I tell you
Mood : Relaxed.

I love Fridays. I only have to go into college for one lesson, and even then English Language is easy, just working on coursework which is going pretty smoothly at the moment. I just hope my mum manages to pick me up a new PS2 controller, since mine keeps fucking up, so I can spend the weekend playing FFXII xD
Mood: meh

3 more days and i'm gone, got alot of things to do. I guess its a good thing, seeing as how i haven't been doing much at all other than what i usually do. Which is clean, workout, go for a walk, buying some food, and do odd jobs here and there.

Boy this month has sucked majorly for me, i can only hope december turns out somewhat decent if not normal.
Mood: Yay. I finnally ot that fucking 200 trials acheivement in Blazblue Calamity Trigger. I played the whole night and did not get it and played like a maniac in the morning and got it. 200 ranked battles is touh cause sometimes the battles are slow. Also Im supposed to get Magnacarta II tommorow.

It's the weekend. Which means extra lies in and college over for another week. Christmas is 5 weeks today too! :ryan: I only have a little bit of homework to do which may take an hour at most. So a pretty sound weekend!

And I'm having fun watching Adri lurk at the bottom :grin:

Got 2 courseworks over the weekend plus 2 tests coming up. I just had dinner 15 mins ago and I nearly lost all my French stuff. We actually don't learn french in french lessons anymore; the teacher just goves ex. out. I hate tests and coursework and everything is so not going my way today. Children In Need ): Swimming now URGH! /rants
Mood: Ecstatic

Reason: I had an easy time at college today- and it's the weekend now! A chance to sit back, relax, lie in bed a little more, probably take my dog out for a walk etc. Surprisingly, I've experienced a little homework drought recently- I've hardly been given any. Christmas must have come early.
Mood: indifferent

Due to unforseen circumstances, my hiatus starts tonight. I was hoping this wouldn't happen but nothing i could've done to change the outcome. But anyway i remain hopeful. Anyway, i'm just gonna have to bear with it and keep on trucking on.

See you guys in december, i hope you guys have a wonderful thanksgiving.
Mood: Cheerful

Reason: It's probably because I went to see New Moon last night and wasn't urged much to get up this morning. I know I'm not going to be able to shut up about the film if anyone asks me today in work or wherever else!
Mood: Good

Reason: Ive woke up hangover free after an epic sleep, I must of needed it because I ALWAYS wake up early when Ive been drinking but Ive not long since rolled out of bed, fully clothed, though I appear to of got my socks off with epic panda eyes because I just crashed out without having a wash :gonk:

Never did get the jigsaw done, the cat ruined it ¬¬
Mood: Tired

Reason: Was meant to go out to the RSL and get drunk or whatever but we didn't end up going. It's so much harder getting drunk on my own. :gonk:

I need someone to talk to when I get drunk dammit!

Now I'll probably fall asleep within the next half hour.

Not fair. ='(
Oooohhh, do tell about New Moon, Ami! /not a big fan, but I know it's all my mates will chatter on next week...



Comfort from my parents, said workload wasn't that bad, of course they'll help (cos I'm crap at Eng. and Geo.) Hey Jude, the song was stuck in my head all day yesterday, but meh~ C = epicness, I want to see James Morrisoonnnnn~ LOL
Mood: Meh.
Reason: Crimbo isnt far off and I havent got everyones presents. Im skint cause xmas temps get fuck all pay and I end up getting my OWN xmas presents as I know my family wont get what I ask for. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mood: Blah!

Reason: Had a glass of wine tonight that my sister left behind since she had to go off to a party. Someone I used to go to school with since primary is going on a tour of Afghanistan! I hope he comes back ok. I'm basically chilling out in the extension, my mum came back from her meal after drinking a whole bottle of wine lol. Worst time to argue, haha.
Mood: Irritated

Reason: "2012 is an awesome movie, it ain't anythin' I eva seen before!!" screamed a friend of mine who clearly must have fallen asleep during the movie. I went to see 2012, thinking that all the money thrown into special effects rather than feeding a billion poor children might be rather decent at least. I came out with a rather empty feeling- the characters' behaviours can be occasionally odd- the storyline rather cliched and underwhelming, and all these occasions where the character/plane/car just makes it out of danger (like a collapsing runway) JUST IN TIME!
Mood: HOT

Reason: It's just too hot at the moment dammit!

We are so buying an air con. I don't care how much it costs! It'd be worth it! I could die from this heat. :gonk:

Thankfully I'm going to my friends today who has air con and if Steve doesn't go to Wet N' Wild, he's coming too. XD

Whew. Finally visited the library, and borrowed some books. Not only that, I stopped by a nearby bookshop to purchase some books as well- amusingly. Nevertheless, this would mean that now, I finally have something to do other than staring at the computer...!!

That, and piano lesson is approaching. MUAHAHAHAHA. Whew...!

Had to get up at half 8 because we had to meet up for my brothers football at 9:25 so my dad and I went to watch as per. They didn't even kick off until 10:45 then it started pissing down with rain, it was freezing and we had gale force winds lashing at us. Was not nice weather :jtc: